Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1050

In the backyard of the late night tea stall, the man was tied to the tree trunk. He thought he had received professional training of six doors, and any torture was nothing to say, but he met Li Luoyang. The torture means he knew was not so simple in this era.

The dagger scratched wounds on the man, and the black night clothes became deeper. The man felt the pain of multiple wounds and said with a wild smile: "hahaha. Is that all you can do? Do you want me to bleed to death? Or do you want to cut my meat? I tell you, these are a piece of cake for us. It\'s impossible to get clues from me!"

Li Luoyang ignored the man at all. He just squatted in front of the man and continued to cut the muscles on the man. It was just a shallow cut, which would not let the man bleed to death. He was very particular about each knife. He cut the skin, slightly hurt the muscles and shed a little blood. A moment later, the man\'s whole body was covered with small wounds except his face, It looks terrible.

Li Luoyang got up and patted the dust in his palm. Then he smiled and said, "don\'t worry, I\'ll let you enjoy it slowly. Remember to tell me when you can\'t stand it." Li Luoyang turned to look at Xiao Si: "bring the sugar in the kitchen."

Little four turned in doubt and went to the kitchen. After looking for a moment, he finally found a few sugars. The viscous sugar was brewed with honey. Little four didn\'t know what Li Luoyang did with these things, but since it was Li Luoyang\'s order, little four naturally wouldn\'t hesitate and handed the sugar to Li Luoyang.

The man looked blankly at Li Luoyang in front of him: "what do you want to do? What do you do with sugar? Hahaha, are you going to invite me to eat? This is your torture method? It\'s too childish!" the man never thought that Li Luoyang could think of a more severe torture method than six doors training, in order to keep the people of six doors absolutely loyal after being kidnapped, The six doors training not only gave them poison for suicide, but also specially let them accept all kinds of extreme cruel torture. At this time, they are not afraid of death. How can they be afraid of torture.

The man has absolute confidence. No matter what tricks Li Luoyang plays, he can greet each other with a smile.

However, Li Luoyang\'s next move was beyond the man\'s expectation. Li Luoyang picked up the rag at his feet, poured a can of sugar water on the rag, and then carefully smeared it on the man. The man was even more puzzled: "what do you want to do? Stimulate my wound with sugar?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and pointed to the man\'s feet: "look under this tree."

The man looked down, and the earth at his feet was covered with holes of different sizes. The largest one was only the size of his little thumb, and the smallest one was almost invisible to the naked eye: "what is this? Ant hole? These things can be seen everywhere. What\'s so strange?"

Li Luoyang dropped a drop of sugar water at the ant hole. After a while, a group of dense ants swarmed out and filled a drop of sugar water in an instant. Li Luoyang smiled and said to the man: "Sweets are the favorite of these little guys. I believe the sugar water in your wound can make them have a full meal, but they have to suffer a little. These little guys\' teeth are not simple. Feel it well."

Hearing Li Luoyang\'s explanation, the man immediately looked stunned. He never thought that there was such a way to torture people. At this time, his whole body was covered with wounds, and each wound was coated with sugar water. The ants would surely climb along these sugar water and defecate his whole body. Biting the deep part of the wound a little, the muscles and nerves would bring him endless pain, and this pain was continuous.

The little four on one side gave a thumbs up to Li Luoyang: "master, how did you think of such a torture method? I\'m afraid no one can bear such torture." although little four doesn\'t know the method of six doors training to deal with torture, he can be sure that there has never been such a wild idea in this generation, even using ants to torture.

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said slowly, "didn\'t I tell you? Observe everything carefully. Since these ants like sweets, let\'s give them and let them enjoy them. By the way, please do them a favor. Well, lift the stool and watch. This kind of scene is rare."

Xiao Si immediately brought the stool. The master and apprentice sat in front of the man with a smile and a look of watching the play. The man began to struggle. He looked down at the ant who had climbed up his ankle. A burst of pain came, and the man screamed: "ah! Li Luoyang, if you have the fucking ability, kill me."

"I\'m not so cruel. What I fear most in my life is killing people. Besides, didn\'t you just confidently say that you six doors people can bear all the torture means? My move is the basic means of torture. If you can carry it, I can let you see more methods. I\'m also looking forward to your limits."

"Bastard! You, you are a devil. Let me go or kill me!"

Li Luoyang and Xiao Si looked at the man indifferently. The ants had come to the man\'s thigh little by little. The biting began to make the man feel unprecedented pain. Although the torture accepted by the six doors was cruel, compared with Li Luoyang\'s means, even if it was a small Witch, they only suffered all kinds of torture and beatings, and felt only extreme physical pain Here, Li Luoyang will let him enjoy what is the continuous pain of the nerves of the whole body.

This kind of pain doesn\'t even have the chance to make the tortured person unconscious. Once the consciousness begins to blur, it will be awakened by a new round of biting pain. The tortured person can only bear these endlessly, and also bear the feeling of being surrounded by ants.

The scream became more and more intense. The man struggled desperately, and the shaking trunk fell fallen leaves, which did not affect the progress of the ant Corps. The man could not see the skin on his abdomen, and countless ants were climbing out of the hole and stepping on his companions.

Every bitten wound made the man sweat and almost fainted several times, but he was awakened by the stinging pain. The man wished he could pass out of coma, so that he could carry the torture of Li Luoyang when unconscious. However, those little things didn\'t give him any chance at all, and the tearing of the wound was getting deeper and deeper. The greedy ants didn\'t let go of any corner, The food that seeps into the deep of the wound has to drill into it and bite, which also creates a new round of pain for men.

Seeing that his chest was full of ants, little four got goose bumps: "master, do you think he can resist?"

Li Luoyang said with a smile: "it\'s just the beginning now. The nerves in the upper body are the most. I hope he can enjoy it. Before long, this guy will not be able to stand."