World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 286

At the beginning, when Fu Baoyun suddenly announced that he would marry Dong ruoqin, many people poured cold water on it.

In addition, when Fu Baoyun was in production, he suddenly fell down, leading to Dong Mulin's premature birth. Outsiders even talked about Fu Baoyun's premarital affair with Dong ruoqin.

These things make Dong ruoqin feel guilty, can only double her good.

"No matter what, it's Fu Baoyun's own choice, right?" LAN Xiaoyun said faintly, "moreover, I was curious. She was under so much pressure to marry you as a wife. She should love you very much. Why I don't think so? Since I don't love you, why should I marry you under such great pressure? "

LAN Xiaoyun no longer said more, she left this sentence enough to let people daydream and walked to the backyard.

Sure enough, Dong ruoqin was silent.

No one knows more about Fu Baoyun's treatment of him than she does. She does not love him and despises him at all.

If you look down on him, why do you marry him under pressure?

Dong ruoqin did not want to understand, next to Fu Baoyun angry voice.

"Dong ruoqin, are you a dead man? What do you say to that woman? Pull me out of here

Smell speech, Dong ruoqin this just reacts to come over, cast aside the ruins of one side in a hurry, pull Fu Baoyun of pale face out.

As soon as Fu Baoyun left the ruins, he slapped him in the face.

Bang, this clear sound in the quiet courtyard outside the clear, scared those people even dare not move.

"Dong ruoqin, you worthless thing, didn't you see that Princess Ben was bullied? Don't you know how to teach that girl a good lesson? " After that, Dong Baoqin's eyes were turned to those who were afraid of being bullied! What's the use of you? Come on, pull this group of servants out and kill them. "

"Niang," Dong muxue's eyelids jumped, and hurried to Fu Baoyun's side, "don't be impulsive. If you fight to kill so many people, how can the world talk about you? In my opinion, no one can reward a hundred sticks. "

Fu Baoyun came back to his senses and said in a cold voice, "for the sake of xue'er's intercession, each person will get a hundred sticks. If such things happen again in the future, we will never let them go!"

All the servants trembled, and their eyes showed fear. With their strength, a hundred sticks would be enough to kill them.

However, they can not only ask for mercy, but also need to be grateful to receive punishment.

"Dad, you are really," Dong muxue turned to Dong ruoqin with a curl of his mouth. "Didn't you see that your mother was bullied? You almost misunderstood your mother because of the provocation of an outsider? "

This Dong family is the world of her and Dong Mulin. What is Lan Xiaoyun? A relative is more important than an outsider?

Dong ruoqin's face was a little embarrassed: "Baoyun, listen to my explanation..."

"Explain, what do you want to explain?" Fu Baoyun sneered, "is it easy for me to marry you? You just let outsiders bully me? Do I give up my status for you, and in the end, I'm not as good as that outsider? If I knew you were such a person, I would never have married you under so much pressure. "

"I That's not what I meant

Dong ruoqin was born with a wooden pimple. Naturally, he would not say anything nice. When he saw Fu Baoyun's disappointed and indifferent eyes, he was as anxious as an ant on the fire and sweating. , the fastest update of the webnovel!