World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 285

"Dong ruoqin, look at your niece!"

Fu Baoyun turns his head angrily and stares at Dong ruoqin fiercely.

Dong ruoqin immediately stood out, with a straight face: "Xiaoyun, hurry to apologize. After you apologize, I will let you see your mother."


LAN Xiaoyun sneered: "uncle, you are really dazed by this woman, and let me apologize? Dream

Her mother once said that because she and uncle were of the same age and grew up together, her childhood feelings were excellent, which was why she was always ruthless to break off the relationship.

"Xiaoyun," Dong ruoqin's tone softened down, even with a trace of prayer, "you also know the identity of Baoyun. She is a Royal Princess. She has been married to Dong's family. It's not too troublesome for you to apologize. Why make your aunt unhappy?"

Marry down?

It is because of this two words, because it is not easy, the two elders of the Dong family tolerated her for many years, and even her mother would be bullied and humiliated every time she went back to her mother's home.

That's why my mother comes back every two years to see the elder.

Just because The existence of Fu Baoyun!

"Uncle, this is my last call to you, uncle. If you think that he is marrying you down, you should also pay the debt! It's not enough for you to drag down the two old men. My mother has been bullied and humiliated by this woman for the word "marry down?" LAN Xiaoyun points to Fu Baoyun, and her eyes are full of hate. "Now, my mother is the daughter-in-law of the blue family. How can I repay the debt for your Dong family?"


Fu Baoyun's face changed greatly. The more the woman grew up, the more daring she would be. If she didn't teach her, she really didn't know she was her elder!

Think of here, Fu Baoyun quickly forward, a slap will fan in the face of blue Xiaoyun.

But at this time

A leg stretched out from one side, and with a bang, he kicked on Fu Baoyun's chest.

Fu Baoyun's whole body flew out and hit the wall. The whole wall collapsed. The ruins covered her body.

This shows the power of this foot.

Bai Yan calmly took back her leg: "Xiaoyun, why talk nonsense with these people? Let's go to your mother now. If anyone dares to stop... "

She closed her eyes slightly and provoked a sneer from the corner of her lips.

"Emperor Xiaoyun, Chu clothes! You've abandoned them all to me

The two women can't wait to start, but because there is no white face's command, they dare not do something.

Now, Bai Yan's words, let the two girls who had already seen Fu Baoyun's mother and daughter unhappy laugh, and look at their eyes, more like the meat on the iron plate.

"Cousin, let's go to my mother's room before she leaves the cabinet."

LAN Xiaoyun was silent and said.

"Well, let's go and have a look."

Bai Yan takes Bai Xiaochen's small hand and follows LAN Xiaoyun to the back yard.


At this time, Dong ruoqin angry voice from the rear: "Xiaoyun, your friend hit Baoyun, you don't give a statement?"

LAN Xiaoyun steps: "do you think your wife should beat me?"

"She's your aunt!"

"And my mother?"

LAN Xiaoyun sarcastic smile: "she is not your younger generation, on the contrary, or elder sister."

"This..." Dong ruoqin a stagnation, nono's reply, "Baoyun married to the Dong family is not easy, she was subjected to a lot of humiliation."

Although the Dong family is not comparable to the imperial power, it is still a first-class family. It is reasonable to say that Fu Baoyun will not be humiliated if he marries the Dong family.

All this is because Dong ruoqin is not gifted, stupid and beautiful. He is different from Fu Baoyun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!