World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 283

"Mother, where do you think Dong Ruolan came from?" Xiao muxue's eyes dripped and rolled, and asked in a slightly curious tone.

"She said it was the old man of the blue family who gave it to her. If there was such a monster in the blue family, she would choose to give it to her son instead of giving it to her daughter-in-law because she wanted to go back to her mother's house."

Dong Ruolan is not Fu Baoyun.

She's a Royal Princess. She's a Royal Princess. No matter how good Dong's family treats her, she should be.

Dong Ruolan is not only a flat marriage, but also a distant marriage. If the old man of the blue family is not stupid, he will not treat her well, let alone send a monster.

It is estimated that Dong Ruolan's life in the blue family is like walking on thin ice. In order not to let the two old people worry, she deliberately reports good news instead of bad news.

"If it wasn't for the gift from the blue family, where did her monster come from?" Dong muxue quickly covered his mouth, but the meaning he wanted to express was obvious.

Fu Baoyun sneered: "you don't have to worry, what you think is true! Don't you see that Dong Ruolan is much younger and more beautiful this time? Must be relying on this beauty to hook up with other men, from the man's hands to cheat the beast! She still pretends to be pure and pure. She says that she will not be a concubine, but she is still a lewd and dangling goods

Dong ruoqin opened his mouth, and he wanted to say that elder sister was not such a person.

But when he got to the mouth, he didn't have the courage to say it

"Niang," Dong muxue's eyes flashed, "do you know where the flaming flame and Phoenix are? If you take him to the royal family, maybe The emperor's uncle will change his outlook on us. "

She wanted to have such a beautiful Phoenix, but compared with Huofeng, she wanted to let the emperor uncle treat her better.

This is the permanent benefit.

"OK, I'll tell the emperor that the Phoenix should belong to our Dong family. Dong Ruolan doesn't deserve it."

Fu Baoyun's eyes across a greedy light.

She heard that Huofeng traveled thousands of miles every day. Otherwise, Dong Ruolan would not have come to the chehsia kingdom from Liuhuo country so soon.

If you give the Phoenix to your brother, he will be very moved. Maybe he will give Xiao Lin the status of a princess when he is happy.

It is an unprecedented honor for the son of a married Princess to get the throne of princess.

"Baoyun," said Dong ruoqin, who saw Fu Baoyun getting more and more excessive, "this Not so good. After all, it belongs to my elder sister... "

Fu Baoyun's face sank: "what her? That's mine! Everything that enters Dong's house is mine! If you rush to help that outsider, I will leave with you now

And from this word, Dong ruoqin was scared to shut his mouth, no longer dare to persuade.

"Dad, you are also true," Dong muxue curled his lips. "Why speak for that woman three times and four times? Why do you call her elder sister? Did she do what a big sister should do? If she really treat you as a younger brother, she should be the imperial concubine of the emperor and uncle without hesitation, and should immediately let LAN Xiaoyun serve as the third prince's concubine? If she doesn't treat you as a brother, I can't recognize this aunt. "

Such a selfish woman is not worthy to be her aunt!

Her aunt should sacrifice for the Dong family. She can't even make a sacrifice. How can she call her aunt?

Dong ruoqin's face turns white. Although he knows that Fu Baoyun's mother and daughter are too much, he just He never dared to go against her.

"Let's go, Xueer," Fu Baoyun disdainfully glanced at the submissive Dong ruoqin, then turned his eyes to Dong muxue. "That monster's strength, at least, has a heaven level. For the sake of safety, we'll go to the Imperial Palace first, let's ask your emperor's uncle to find some experts to capture Huofeng, and then punish it, and don't be afraid that it won't submit?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!