World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 282

His eyes show guilt, after all nothing said, with Fu Baoyun left.

Dong ruoqin left. Similarly, Dong Tianling's heart was gradually disappointed because of his departure.

Until the heart is cold

This is his good son. For the sake of a woman, he doesn't care about his unconscious mother!

This son, how nice!

Dong Tianling's self mockery smile, had known this, at that time He shouldn't have been born!

After half a sound, the faint old lady woke up and turned around. She was crying as soon as she woke up.

"Dong Tianling, look at your good son! He usually indulged this woman to get along with other men in private, and now it is even more What's more, I want to give Xiaoyun that girl to the bastard third prince as a concubine! And knocked Ruolan out! "

Dong Tianling sighed helplessly and patted the old lady on the shoulder: "madam, don't worry. I'm the owner of the Dong family. I don't agree with Xiaoyun as a concubine. No one can force her! What's more, as long as the blue family doesn't agree, we can't make the decision on Xiaoyun's marriage

"The world says to marry a daughter-in-law, but you agree to let Fu Baoyun enter the school. If not, how could LAN be so harmed?"

The old lady was very excited. Her heart ached at the thought of Dong Ruolan, who was in a coma, and LAN Shaoyan, who was under the custody of Dong Tianling.

Dong Tianling is silent. He also objected to it at that time. If Dong ruoqin insists on marrying, how can he beat the mandarin duck?

But because of his relaxation, it has long been the result.

"Old man," the old lady asked viciously, "when are you going to keep Shaoyan? His mother was beaten, and he won't get revenge? "

Dong Tianling was helpless: "I just don't want Shaoyan to be hurt. After all Fu Baoyun is a Royal Princess. Even if she is not intimate with the emperor, if something happens to her, the emperor will surely do something for the royal family's face. "

"Well Is that really the case? " The old lady was very unwilling.

Fu Baoyun how to her again, she can see in if the diligent duty does not care, but on the contrary, this woman moved her daughter.

"I think the blue family won't do it either," Dong Tianling shook his head. "It's said that the people of the blue family like Ruolan very much. When they hear that Ruolan is beaten, they will certainly come to set up a teacher and make an inquiry. If the blue family has the support of the royal family of Liuhuo Kingdom, it will not be a problem to punish Fu Baoyun..."


"Don't be too happy. I've heard for a long time that the relationship between the blue family and the royal family is not very good. Besides, don't forget that the most hated person in his life is the father-in-law of the crown prince."

Blue moon that child he also met, what a beautiful girl, why marry such scum? What a pity

Sure enough, the old lady was silent. She really forgot the news that the old man blue was not in line with the royal family.

As for the changes that have taken place in Liuhuo country, due to the long way, it has not yet come to the country of chehsia.


When Fu Baoyun left from the Dong family, he went back to the courtyard.

All the way to the courtyard, Dong muxue has already rushed over like a butterfly, shaking Fu Baoyun's arm.

"My mother, I heard that Dong Ruolan came back with a beautiful Phoenix?"

Fu Baoyun thought of Dong Ruolan's mother and son riding the fire phoenix, and her eyes showed a touch of jealousy: "yes, she did ride a fire phoenix, you were not in Dong's house that day, naturally did not see that fire phoenix." , the fastest update of the webnovel!