World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 273


Emperor Xiaoyun bit his lip, but he took the courage to step forward and say hello to Emperor Cang.

In a flash, the emperor Cang's cold eyes swept in the past. After seeing the tangled emperor Xiaoyun, he frowned a few invisible: "how are you here?"

Emperor Xiaoyun's expression cracked, and he was almost crying with injustice She has been standing for half a day just now, but her brother found out her existence?

Is this her brother?

"Since you are here, you stay to protect chen'er. If he has any problems, I'll settle with you."

Leave this word, Emperor Cang already left.

He comes fast and goes fast.

What he took away this time was nangongyi.

As for the fate of Nangong Yi I'm afraid he's the only one who knows.

Emperor Xiaoyun bit the skirt wrongly: "chen'er, my brother is really too much, I am also a big living person at any rate, at least my sister who grew up with him since childhood, he actually I have not been found. "

"Sister in law, don't be sad. Chen'er won't ignore you like a bad father."

Seeing emperor Xiaoyun's pitiful appearance, Bai Xiaochen's heart is also very uncomfortable. He has to raise his hand like a small adult and touch emperor Xiaoyun's head in an affectation.

"Really?" Emperor Xiaoyun eyes a bright, but quickly cover up, with the face of the grievance said, "that you kiss aunt."

"My mother said that men and women give and receive not..."

Bai Xiaochen frowns lovingly, and is rejecting emperor Xiaoyun's proposal. Suddenly, he sees tears hanging from the corner of his eyes and looks sad.

"Well Give me a kiss in the morning. "

He really can't bear to heart emperor Xiaoyun so sad, get together in front of her bar Ji a kiss in the face of emperor Xiaoyun.

Emperor Xiaoyun instantly smile, beautiful small face smile into a flower.

"Auntie, bad dad ignored you. Are you not sad?"

"Just he wants to make me sad?" Emperor small cloud Yang Yang chin, "if it is not to find you and sister-in-law, I am too lazy to come out to see him."

This time, Bai Xiaochen's turn cracked.

He was cheated? Or was she cheated by this silly white sweet aunt?

"Chen'er suddenly missed his mother..."

At least his mother never cheated him, and every time he was his secret mother


Lilong made a protest. He wagged his tail and put his head in front of Bai Xiaochen.

It wants to kiss, too.

Bai Xiaochen understood the meaning of Lilong at a glance, and immediately became angry: "Lilong, you are so ugly, or only male, this baby will not kiss you."

Hum, no kiss, no kiss.

Lilong was wronged and retreated. It's a big deal that when the time comes, he wants to kiss the demon.

"Lilong, if you dare to find your mother, your mother will kill you. Even if your mother doesn't kill you, my father will kill you."

Bai Xiaochen raised his chin and kindly reminded him.

Lilong's body suddenly trembled. The two men He didn't dare to mess with it.

If you are offended, it is estimated that the little master will be able to eat the roast dragon meat.


Because the training was over, most of the people had left, and the five-year-old children who came to participate in the training were arranged by the royal guards.

Can stay, there are still some people, their hearts are shocked, as if frightened not clear.

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