World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 272

"Miss Bai, I did a lot of wrong things on that day. During my stay in poison Valley, I also reflected on it. Thanks to you and the king, I saved my life."

In her indifferent look, she had no pride and grace.

This cloud breeze light mood, also let white Yan real feel, Queen really changed.

"This time I came back to expose the true face of bairuo. It's time for me to leave."

"You can think of the best, as for white if My subordinates will make life worse than death. "

"That's good."

Why don't Ning Dai hate Bai Ruo?

She to her, is really out of the heart out of the lung good, the result is in exchange for the heart of a dog!

This time, Ning Dai wants to see her price in addition to exposing Bai Ruo!

Now Since she fell into Bai Yan's hands, the end can be described as miserable.

At least worse than your Majesty's execution!

Ning Dai left, and Nangong Yi didn't even say a word to stay, but she left

It seems that the palace is no longer her home.

"Bai Yan..." Nangong Yi looks at Bai Yan's gorgeous face. Her voice is dry and hoarse, and her eyes are filled with guilt and regret And deep pain.

Especially when he saw emperor Cang standing side by side with her, he was as beautiful as a pair of Bi people, which made his eyes red.

All this should have been his. Bai Yan is his wife. Since Bai Xiaochen was born by Bai Yan, it would also be his son But white if that bitch, forcefully destroyed his marriage with Bai Yan!

From the beginning to the end, Bai Yan never looked at Nangong Yi. She walked slowly to the Empress Dowager and helped her.

"Did you scare you just now?"

The Empress Dowager shook her head and affectionately patted Bai Yan's hand: "child, you have finally come to the bitter end, and I will not fail to live up to what Yueer entrusted."

Hearing the Empress Dowager mention the blue moon, Bai Yan is stunned. She purses her lips and does not speak.

"Child, can you come with me? I have something to give you."


She and the Empress Dowager have only a few ties, and even not as close as the blue family However, she can feel that the Empress Dowager is one of the few people who really care about her.

This time, Emperor Cang didn't follow Bai Yan forcibly. After Bai Yan left with the empress dowager, his gloomy eyes swept to the south palace wing, and his lips caught a cold smile.

"Take him away from me!"

"Yes, Lord."

The two bodyguards replied respectfully.

"Cang Wang," Nangong yuan is also surprised, "the mistake is white if, and wing son has nothing to do with you..."

Before he finished speaking, the emperor's bleak voice floated over.

"Peeping at my wife is the biggest mistake!"

The man's silver hair was like a demon, domineering, and his eyes were taken back from nangongyuan's body, and his cold lips were hooked: "if anyone says a word for nangongyi again, there will be no amnesty to kill him!"

When this sentence fell, Nangong yuan was startled and shut his mouth in a hurry. He did not dare to speak any more.

Under the powerful momentum of the man, everyone was frightened. Even those people of the demon beast clan also stepped back a few steps, far away from the emperor Cang.

Thunder wiped the blood and sweat on his forehead. In this world There is such a terrible man.

But this man is still the father of little white boy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!