World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 270

White if decadent dropped his head, she knew, this time No one can help her.

"Come on, tell me my will," nangongyuan was furious. "Bai Ruo deliberately murdered the queen and deceived the upper and lower levels! Drag her down and put her to death. "

Lingchi execution of these four words fell, and finally let Bai Ruo have some panic, she climbed to kneel in front of the Nangong yuan body, hard kowtow ring head.

"Father, I know I'm wrong. For the sake of lin'er's grandson, can you give me one A happy death. "

"You are not qualified to mention lin'er! You don't deserve to be his mother. What are you doing to drag this woman down! I don't want to see her again

Nangong yuan's face was disgusted, and his heart was filled with remorse.

I had known that Bai Yan would have made such an achievement that day He should insist on letting Bai Yan marry into the royal family.

"Prince!" Seeing the futility of intercession, Bai Ruo stood up from the ground. She looked at Nangong Yi and sneered, "how do you think you got the position of Prince? If it wasn't for the words I preached, the crown prince would never be yours! "

"Now, do you want to break the bridge? It's not that easy! Don't forget, you only have lin'er, if you don't save me, lin'er will hate you forever! "

White if Tong red beauty eyes burst out a hate, gnashing teeth said.

Nangong Yi sneered: "what kind of woman does this prince want? There are countless people willing to give birth to the prince. "

"Ha ha," said Bai Ruo sarcastically, "after I gave birth to lin'er, I will give you medicine. In this life, you will not have any other children except lin'er! If I die, you will lose lin'er. "

"What do you say?" Nangong Lin's face was stiff, and her eyes became red with blood. The bloodstain spread from her eyes, "do you have the kind to say it again?"

No wonder For so many years, there are so many concubines in the house, and none of them is pregnant. Is it because Bai Ruo makes a ghost?

"How can I allow my man to have children with other women? But I, have a Lin son enough, you this life, also can't have a child with other people again

If Nangong Lin lost his status as the master of beasts, he would have been completely abandoned. Originally, nangongyi didn't care.

One less son, another.

Who knows, white if but suddenly said this sentence, is also let the mood of the south palace wing completely burst out, crazy toward white if rushed in the past.

"You, bitch, kill me

His two big hands pinched Bai ruo's neck, as if to pinch her to death.

Looking in front of this face iron blue man, white if slightly raised the lip corner.

It was better to be strangled by him than to be executed by lingchi, otherwise, she would not be able to tell this matter out and deliberately enrage Nangong Yi.


When Bai Ruo closed his eyes and waited for death, a dagger flew from a distance and fell on the back of the hand of Nangong Yi in an instant.

Nangong Yi screamed and let go of her hand. Her breathless white fell on the ground, heavily panting for breath.

In an instant, all eyes were on the woman in red

Under the scorching sun, women smile like flowers, gorgeous city.

"Barrow, you have done so many things to me, do you think I will allow you to die easily? "

White Yan's lip corners light Yang shallow smile, black eyes look down on the ground of Bai Ruo, the smile in her eyebrows and eyes gradually turns cold. , the fastest update of the webnovel!