World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 269

See white if so black and white words, Liu Er also for a time stunned, connected down what she should say she forgot.

"If you let me know that you are lying to me, I will not let you go!"

South palace wing slightly purses thin lip, sharp eye light inside delimits a cold.

If you don't believe in the white of a woman for many years.

At this time, a familiar cold laughter suddenly came, the laughter like a sharp sword, instantly penetrated the soul of Nangong Yi.

Nangong yuan, sitting high on the ground, stood up with an unbelievable light in his eyes.

How could it be?

Isn't she dead? Why are you standing here?

"Mother Mother? "

Nangong Yi's lips trembled slightly.

He didn't hear it wrong, and he couldn't hear it wrong. The voice was indeed from the queen mother!

So the queen mother is not dead?

The woman who was standing next to him opened her hat and showed a pale face.

This face has not been a few days ago noble and dignified, between the eyebrows is also revealed a bit of vicissitudes.

But it is so, after seeing the familiar appearance, Nangong Yi's look changed from initial shock to excitement, and finally walked towards ningdai quickly.

"Empress mother, what's going on here? You're not already..."

When Ning Dai appeared, the civil and military officials were also shocked. At this time, all the people were staring at her, and maybe they were waiting for her to give them an answer.

Ning Dai's hate eyes stare at Bai Ruo.

In her eyes, white if the face gradually revealed despair, her hand tightly supported the side of the tree, just let the body stand firm.

"Huang'er, you should ask your good wife about this matter!" She cold smile, "at the beginning, I believe her words, misunderstood white Yan, this just under a Yizhi let emperor Cang marry Angelica dahurica, but did not expect your majesty will be so angry! Bairuo, this slut, is even more afraid that I will drag her into the water and not hesitate to kill me

"If it wasn't for the king of Cang who was lucky enough to pass by and save my life, maybe I've already died with the old Mammy. "

Ning Dai closed her eyes gently, and her face was full of remorse and deep pain.

She regretted that she was blinded by Bai ruo's hypocrisy, so that she almost killed her own life

Nangong Yi's head turned to Bai Ruo a little bit. His eyes had changed from shock and disappointment of lips to hatred and disgust.

"It turns out that liu'er and the prophet Lu did not lie. You did everything."

He can not believe in liu'er or the prophet Lu, but he can't even believe his mother!

At the thought of sleeping with such a poisonous woman for several years, Nangong Yi's stomach was full of trouble and almost vomited out.

"You can even kill my mother. In recent years, you always speak ill of Bai Yan in front of me. Isn't that all you make up?"

Ironically, he treated her It's true.

"Prince," white if flustered, knelt down on the ground, and her delicate body trembled. "Please forgive ruoer for the sake of giving birth to lin'er for you. If you know you are wrong."

"Enough!" Nangong angrily drank, "are you OK to mention lin'er? I didn't expect that you did the things of the reign of beasts. It's ridiculous that I believe it for so many years! Bai Ruo, you are really playing the world as a fool! Do you know that your behavior has ruined lin'er's life! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!