World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 259

"The emperor is here!"

All of a sudden, a sharp voice sounded from afar, and the original noisy crowd was also instantly quiet down.

All the people looked at it. Under their eyes, a bright yellow robe came slowly.

Beside nangongyuan, in addition to the Nangong wing, there is an old man with a fairytale.

He walked slowly with clear sleeves and white beard like the fairy. He was full of righteous spirit and walked slowly.

"Ruo'er," Nangong Yi glimpses Bai Ruo, and after saying a few words with nangongyuan, he quickly walks to Bai ruo's side, and his eyes are full of light. "Just now my father told me that this time the demon beast sect came to prove the real identity of the emperor of ten thousand beasts, he would let people train animals in public."

"Tame animals in public?"

After hearing this, Bai ruo's tongue is a little knotted, and she suddenly thinks of Bai Yan's words just now

Now he learned how to tame animals? So you want to train monsters in public?

That is to say, Bai Yan knew the purpose of demon beast sect from the beginning?

"Ruoer, you don't have to worry. Lin'er is the master of all kinds of animals and there won't be any danger," Nangong Yi thought Bai Ruo was nervous. Nangong Lin smiles. "Besides, he's old now. It's time for him to experience."

Bai ruo's face turned white: "isn't it that the demon beast clan has confirmed lin'er's identity? Why do you come here again? Prince, can we not let lin'er tame animals? I'm worried about him. "

"I don't!" Nangong Lin pouted, "I am the master of beasts. Those monsters will listen to me. How can they hurt me? I will let the monster eat Bai Xiaochen

"Lin'er!" Bai Ruo is a little anxious.

She never thought that the demon beast clan would train animals in public!

"Well, if you don't have to worry about lin'er, lin'er will not be in danger," Nangong Yi said with a smile. "I believe my son, he must be able to make a big splash. I also want to let Bai Yan understand that Bai Xiaochen is nothing compared with lin'er."

Emperor Xiaoyun fiercely glared at the south palace wing, then turned his head and looked at Bai Yan: "sister-in-law, can I beat him?"

"Yes," said Bai Yan with a hook on his lips, "but I'll fight after the training is over, and I'll take care of the aftermath!"

Emperor Xiaoyun's eyes brightened for a moment. This kind of feeling of being protected by his sister-in-law is good. She can cause trouble openly, and elder brother dare not say that she is not a word.

"What smells so bad?"

Nangong yuan frowned, his eyes slowly swept over, and saw the first lady of the prime minister's mansion covered with feces.

"How did you do that? Get out of here! Who is responsible for disturbing elder thunder? "

The girl felt aggrieved and wanted to cry, but when she saw the eyes of other people who were close to killing, she retreated and left without looking back

"Thunder elder," Nan Gong Yuan turns to thunder, "now you can start."


Thunder says coldly: "come on, bring up the cage."

Just as the words fell, a group of bodyguards in blue long clothes came from the rear with a cage.

The top of the cage was covered with a piece of red cloth, which covered the whole cage, making it impossible for people to see what was in the cage.

"Today, what I came here for is the emperor of all animals. Whoever can tame this monster will be the master of all animals!" Thunder elder to the point, high voice into all people's ears.

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to the three members of the nangongyi family, with envy in their eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!