World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 258


White Yan chilly smile, in the emperor Xiaoyun scared to shrink his neck, suddenly see the woman before meeting a leg, will be full of fecal water girl kick out.

"See? Why do you have to talk to her about such a person? If you want to fight directly, you'll kill me and take care of the aftermath! "

Emperor Xiaoyun was shocked, a pair of beautiful and innocent big eyes staring at Bai Yan, for a long time did not return to God

I'm used to my brother's ruthlessness and cruelty. Now I'll see my sister-in-law's handsome talking and laughing. Her heart is pounding.


The girl stood up and just wanted to get angry. A servant girl beside her whispered: "Miss, he is the master of Fenglou and the fiancee of Cang Wang. If the prime minister knows that you have offended her, he will be very angry."

The girl held her breath in her chest. She glared at the servant girl behind her: "I want you to talk more!"

But she did not dare to have any action, for fear that her father would beat her back!

"Sister, I knew you would come too."

A soft and beautiful voice came from behind, which made her goose bumps all over her body.

White if see white Yan ignore her, go to the woman's side, droop eyes, low smile way: "in fact, you should not come, even if you come, also can only become Lin er's foil."

Bai Yan raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Bai Ruo: "I heard before that Nangong Lin was nearly bitten to death in order to train a wild animal. Why? Now he has learned how to tame animals, so he plans to tame monsters? "

Bai Ruo was stunned: "train a monster? What do you mean


Not long ago, lin'er almost died in the wolf's belly. She has ordered the seal to be sealed. Why does this bitch know?

"What do you mean? Guess for yourself

Bai Yan shrugged, turned slightly, no longer to see more white if.

Bai Ruo frowns tightly and seems to be thinking about what Bai Yan said. However, at this moment, Nangong Lin has already jumped out of the sedan chair and walks to Bai Xiaochen.

"Bai Xiaochen, my mother said," you come here to be a foil for me! I am going to be the young leader of the monster clan. All the animals will obey my orders! You see that I have to walk on my knees. Do you hear me

White small morning swept eye south palace Lin: "mother told morning son, let morning son don't talk with idiots, will be infected."

"Idiot?" "Where is the idiot here? It's Ben huangsun who is talking to you. Have you heard it? "

Bai Xiaochen shook his head and sighed: "if you are ill, you will be cured as early as possible. If you delay it, your brain will be completely broken."

Nangong Lin is so stupid that he knows that Bai Xiaochen is scolding him. He swings his fist to beat Bai Xiaochen. However, Bai Ruo pulls Nangong Lin down from behind.

"Lin'er, don't be impulsive. Your father will go to your grandfather. We will no longer protect us. Please don't have a dispute with Bai Xiaochen for the time being."

Nangong Lin's aggrieved eyes were red: "I am the overlord of the mainland. I will control the mainland in the future. Why should I be afraid of Bai Xiaochen? Mother and concubine... "

"Dear lin'er, when you become the close disciple of the demon beast sect leader, you will have someone behind you to help you deal with him in the future."

If Bai Ruo keeps pacifying Nangong Lin, the rest of her eyes flash through a cruel calendar. In any case, she will never allow anyone to destroy her son's road! , the fastest update of the webnovel!