World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 256

"He dares!" The south palace wing two eyes spurt fire, angry voice way, "as expected is Bai Yan hands over the son! If he dares to move lin'er, even the demon beast clan can't let him go! "

White if low eyebrows, tightly pursed thin lips, silent.

I don't know why, there is always some uneasiness in her heart

It was as if something was out of her control.


The back court.

The ground is covered with fallen flowers. Bai Yan sits in the bower, holding the back of her head and looking lazily at the sun in the sky.

Just then, a soft and small body ran into her arms and almost knocked her down.

Fortunately, Bai Yan steadied in time, holding the soft glutinous body in her arms, and scraped the nose of the steamed bun with her fingers.

"You will be six in a few months. Why are you so rash? You should learn from the mature and steady Nangong falcon. "

Bai Xiaochen raised his lovely face and blinked his eyes: "mother, just now the emperor ordered all five-year-old children to go to the palace. Chen'er also wanted to go."

"Yes?" Bai Yan picks eyebrows and looks at Bai Xiaochen in surprise.

Bai Xiaochen's small face raised a bright smile: "chen'er heard that the demon beast clan has also come, so I want to see how powerful it is to tame the beast."

Bai Yan's eyebrow corner took a puff.

This little thing, from small to large, has no other interests, preferring to play with some poisons and bully small animals.

Just when she wanted to speak, a deep voice suddenly came from the front.

"He can go."

Bai Yan looked up, under the bright sun, the man's silver hair was like a demon, his purple clothes were like evil, his face was peerless, and the evil spirits were all over the city.

"You said you could go in the morning?"

"Yes," said emperor Cang. He lifted up the steamed bun that was nestled in Bai Yan's arms and hooked his red lips. "This time, the demon beast sect brought a glass dragon. Even though the king of Lilong didn't look up to it, but It's good to be a mount. "

White Yan eyebrow a Yang: "your younger sister sent the morning son a mount before."

"That little Phoenix is OK to be a pet. Let's forget it. Lilong is not bad. At least it can travel thousands of miles a day, and its strength is stronger than that of little Phoenix."

"Good," said Bai Yan, who was silent for a long time. He turned his head and looked at the steamed bun that was carried by the emperor Cang. "If you want, go and get the glass dragon back."

"Thank you, mother." Bai Xiaochen's smile is naive and lovely, a pair of bright big eyes are very clean and clear, not stained with dust.

The emperor Cang looked at the little man in his hand, and the light flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, he curled his lips and sneered.

His son, can't be bullied by others! Whether it's a bully or Take away his glorious person, he will find it back little by little!


Because the whole country's five-year-old children gather in the imperial city because of the same edict, today's imperial city is really different from the past, lively and contentious.

After all the people came to Qi, they stepped into the palace they had never seen under the guidance of royal guards.

Looking at this magnificent palace, those children's eyes are full of amazement, full of envy looking at the people living in the palace.

At this time, a voice came from the side.

"Well, a bunch of country bumpkins!"

Nangong Lin comes from the imperial chariot sedan of the crown prince, carrying his fat face haughtily, and disdaining to look down at the group of children dressed in rustic clothes.

"Mother's concubine," he said, turning to Bai Ruo beside him discontentedly, "why let these countrymen come to the palace? This is my territory. It will be defiled by these people. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!