World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 255

This time, without waiting for Lei Ming to speak, Nangong yuan, who wanted to curry favor with the demon beast sect, immediately let the eunuch guarding the gate enter the palace, and sternly ordered, "go and bring the emperor's eldest son immediately."

Thunder's face was blue and purple, and his chest was full of anger. He sneered: "when did I say I want to see your eldest son?"

Nanmiyagi was stunned: "isn't the elder just coming for the worship of beasts? My grandson is the one who caused the miracle. We all know that The elder also came because of the news. "

"It's just rumors in the market. Am I a fool?" In spite of Nangong yuan's ugly face, Lei Ming continued with a sneer and said, "yes, the people of the reign of ten thousand beasts really come from your country of Liuhuo. I don't know whether it is a little grandson or not. At that time, you recruited all the children around five years old in the whole country. I have a way to distinguish them."

South palace yuan eyebrows a wrinkle, covered up the eyeground that wipe despise.

He thought that the elder of the demon beast sect must be very clever, but he didn't expect to be so brainless.

In Liuhuo's country, the most distinguished one is his grandson? How do the commoners compare with his royal blood?

It's hard for animals not to worship the royal family Will you surrender to those civilians?

This is ridiculous!

"Elder Lei Ming," Nangong yuan well covered up the mood of his eyes, "I will send a decree to let all five-year-old children come to the palace."

Lei Ming's face improved: "well, you give orders immediately. I don't have time to wait too long. In addition, I don't want too many people to know the purpose of my coming here."

He didn't know what he meant.


Nangongyuan's speed is relatively fast, and it has been conveyed in an instant. The whole country is shocked by this. Except for those who don't know why, nangongyi and bairuo have colorful faces.

"Prince, your majesty, what does this mean," bairuo was a little flustered. "It doesn't mean that the demon beast clan came for lin'er? Why then let all the five-year-old children from all over the country go to the palace

She clenched her lips with a faint worry in her eyes.

Nangong Yi frowned: "I don't understand the meaning of my father, maybe This is the order of the demon beast clan. "

"The demon beast sect is not a stupid man. How could he give such an order? Lin'er is the emperor of beasts. What's the meaning of letting those people go If white face some pale, trembling way.

She spread the message of Wanshou Chaozong, but she believed it when she heard it too much.

But now The behavior of the demon beast clan obviously made her a little flustered.

South palace wing eyebrows more wrinkled more tight, really do not understand why white if this matter has such a big response.

For a long time, he stretched his eyebrows and grinned: "if Er, the demon beast sect did this, maybe It's to set off lin'er with those children. Since lin'er is a dragon, we don't have to worry about him

"Really?" White if looked up to the south palace wing, slightly lowered his head, "if the son understood, just now is if the son emotion is too big, has lost the propriety, if the son is only afraid that someone will move the hand and foot, lets belong to the Lin son glory to be robbed by him."

Nangong Yi sneered: "who dares to start foot in this prince's territory?"

Bai Ruo said with a bitter smile: "prince, don't forget that there is a Bai Xiaochen in this world. Bai Xiaochen is insidious, cunning and vicious. I'm afraid that he will envy lin'er, and he will have a black hand on lin'er." , the fastest update of the webnovel!