World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 245

The elder was stunned and frowned: "five years ago, after the reign of ten thousand beasts, there was a rumor in Liuhuo kingdom. It is said that the birth of the prince's son caused this strange phenomenon. Will Is that true? "

Fang Yufeng shook his head and said, "I don't know if it is him. At that time, if you can tame the dragon, you will be the man of the reign of ten thousand beasts."

The elder was stunned and hesitated and said, "master, Lilong is the treasure of our demon beast clan. It is the only dragon left by our ancestors in those years. If Let it escape carelessly, I'm afraid it's hard to end

As a matter of fact, the demon beast sect didn't want to domesticate Lilong, but the Lilong was fierce and disobeyed. If it was released, the whole world would be a bloody storm.

"I don't know?" Fang Yufeng said with a wry smile, "only Lilong can find him now. Elder, you can take the cage with you. Before you find him, remember not to let Lilong run out."

"Yes, Lord."

The respectful Gongquan do of the great elder.

"In addition, do you know another implication that I let you use Lilong?" Fang Yufeng raised his lips slightly. "The ancestor once left the ancestral precepts. If we meet someone who can tame Lilong in the future, we will submit to him."

"For hundreds of years, the Lords of the demon and beast clan have been waiting for him to appear, but unfortunately, their wait is in vain." His eyebrows gradually stained with pride, "I didn't expect it, but I was waiting for it."

Even in the future, he will face his ancestors.

"This..." The elder obviously heard this for the first time. He was shocked, "is this true?"

"Naturally," Fang Yufeng chuckled, "otherwise, why do you think I have to practice Tianxiang? Is it just to find him? Since the event of the emperor of beasts, I have known that the man waiting for us has finally come! "

The elder took a deep breath, which suppressed the shock in his heart and said, "Lord, I understand. I will take someone to Liuhuo Kingdom and bring him back."

"Good," Fang Yufeng nodded gently, "after confirming his identity, it doesn't matter if you don't come back. Everything is led by his needs, can you understand?"

Don't violate the ancestral precepts!

Even if Fang Yufeng didn't know who the emperor was, he had to perform his ancestral precepts.

"Yes, Lord."

The elder smiles and retreats.

After he left, Fang Yufeng in the room just let out a sigh: "I hope this time, the elder can find a man successfully. We demon beast sect There is no time to wait. "


Imperial City.

The house falls inside, Bai Yan's footstep a meal, her surprised Yang Mou, the vision falls in the backyard that a hundred flowers.

A hundred flowers vie for beauty, but not as beautiful as those two.

The water blue long skirt dragged on the ground, rendering emperor Xiaoyun's beautiful pink face even more pink. She held a pot of wine in her hand and poured it down her head. The wine flowed down her lovely corner of the mouth, just like the sunshine in spring.

"Burp!" Emperor Xiaoyun belched and laughed, "Chu Yi Yi, the wine of your mainland is so good to drink, especially the flower wine you gave me, which is really the most delicious wine I have ever drunk."

Chu's cheeks were also stained with drunken red, her hands holding the wine jar, pretty smile: "said as if you are not the people of this continent." , the fastest update of the webnovel!