World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 246

"I'm not from here. It's the national teacher who helped me leave."

"National teacher? Who is it? " Chu's eyes are hazy, and her eyes are gray. She lies on her back in the flowers, with the back of her hand on her forehead.

A peach red Confucian skirt, and the flowers vie for beauty.

"National master..." Emperor Xiaoyun opened his eyes, and his eyes seemed to show a gentle and beautiful face, and raised his lips slightly. "He is a very gentle man. Even if I bully him again, he will not be angry..."

"Oh, so the master is your lover?" Chu Yiyi began to smile. She had a pretty smile and her mouth was bent. She turned to face emperor Xiaoyun.

"Xiaolai and I don't feel that you and I are innocent

"Emperor Xiaoyun, I'll give you flower wine, but you slander me! He is Bai Yan's younger brother, so I must be good to him! You are different! That teacher must be your lover

Originally, the atmosphere of the two people was relatively harmonious. Unexpectedly, when the words of Chu's clothes fell, Emperor Xiaoyun rushed forward and fought with her.

Even if they fight, they hold each other and roll together. The body is covered with the fragrance of flowers, in this gorgeous sunshine, more beautiful than the flowers under the body

"Master, do you want to stop them?" The corner of the flower rose's mouth.

These two people often fight when they don't agree with each other. Now they are bold enough to commit drunken crimes. Are they not afraid that the master and the Lord will find trouble with them?

"No more."

To Hua Luo's surprise, Bai Yan raised her lips and said with a smile: "this time, they are exchanging feelings. We don't need to stop them. Hua Luo, later you let people not disturb them."

With these words, she walked slowly past the two men and gradually walked out of the courtyard.


White Yan just walked out of the door, the next door of the Wang family immediately flew out of a figure, bang a embarrassed fall on the ground.

Immediately, Wang deqiu strode out and looked at the people who fell in front of him, with a disdainful look in his eyes: "I Wang deqiu is not down to the level of selling my daughter. Get out of here!"

Selling daughters?

Bai Yan stopped and looked at Wang deqiu, whose eyes were full of anger. Then she looked at the eunuch who couldn't stand up. She hooked her lips with interest, and her eyes contained a faint smile.

"You..." The eunuch got up from the ground in anger and said angrily, "our eldest grandson has taken a fancy to your daughter. Let your daughter go to him as a concubine, that is to look up to you! What's more, the princess also gave a second grade pill as the bride price. Don't be unkind about it. "

"Ha ha!" Wang deqiu angrily responded with a smile, "just two grade pills, do you want to sell your daughter? I tell you, my Wang deqiu is not weak enough to live by selling her daughter! Get out of here

The eunuch was shaking with anger.

"Our emperor and grandson will dominate the world in the future. You could have made use of Huang changsun to become a strong man. However, you gave up such a good opportunity. You regret not to come to me in the future."

He snorted coldly, turned his head and left, but he had just walked a few steps, Wang deqiu picked up a stone, whew a ester to the front.


The eunuch did not know what had happened. He felt a pain in the back of his head, and his eyes were dark. Then, his body suddenly fell to the ground and lost consciousness , the fastest update of the webnovel!