World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 203

Wen Ru's mouth twitched a few times and stepped back quickly: "I was just joking, really just a joke..."

Joke! Where is Fenglou? The woman was so cruel that she wanted him to meet the guests in Fenglou!

Bai Yan laughed very gently: "don't worry, if you have a need, Fenglou will accept you. If you want to be a whore guest, I will let Chu Niang charge less money from you."

Wen Ru's face was very embarrassed. He saw the look in Hua Luo's eyes and glared at her. Then he looked at Bai Yan, who was wronged: "Dabai, I'm a pure young man at least. Are you too much for me?"

Bai Yan is too lazy to say anything. She takes out a book and throws it to Wen Ru.

Wen such as caught the white Yan hand over the book, Leng Leng, said: "what is this?"

"You have just broken through the five grades, and you don't have much control over the five grade alchemy. After you have read this book well, you will be able to firmly control the method of refining five grade pills, and improve your alchemy rate."

Wen Ru was so excited that he almost dropped his book on the ground. Fortunately, he caught it in time.

"When did you become so nice to me?" Wen such as tightly holding the book in his arms, just like holding his own baby, his face flushed with excitement.

White Yan smile Yan Ran: "your strength is strong enough, can help me to take this group of people, flower Luo, let's go."

She would turn around after saying this, but she took a few steps and stopped again.

"Wen Ru, if you want to find me, you can go to the blue house in the imperial city to find LAN Xiaoyun. She knows where I live."

She said no more words and walked out of the yard.

Hua Luo's face is up with a charming smile, and her master is always so hard-hearted and soft-hearted.

Although she always bullies Wen Ru, in fact, she has already written this book and intends to give it to Wen ru

With the precious books in hand, Wenru did not send Bai Yan, so he went back to the room in a hurry to read books.

His heart was excited with the action of reading books, and the questions that had puzzled him for a long time were finally solved


At this time, the prince's residence, with a howl, shocked the whole mansion.

"What happened?"

White if the injury has not recovered, is to endure the pain, was helped out by the servant girls, a glance he saw was chased by a wolf small overlord.

In the mainland, in addition to the monster, there will be general beast, and the monster is arrogant, it is difficult to tame, so this wolf is only an ordinary beast.

It was captured by nangongyi in the hunting ground before. Because of his ferocious character, he has been locked in a cage. He plans to kill and eat some one day. Who knows that he was released by little overlord.

"Help me, my mother!" Little overlord's voice cry is very sad, let white if the heart is almost broken.

"Quick, go and save the eldest son of the emperor!" White if a pale face, immediately ordered behind the bodyguard.

A bodyguard took out a bow and arrow, aimed at the wolf who jumped at the little overlord. The sword of whew shot through the wolf's eyes.

The wolf screamed with pain and covered his eyes. At the same time, little overlord finally got rid of the wolf and ran to Bai Ruo.

"Lin'er, why do you want to release your father's wolf?"

Think of just a scene, white if feel her heart is about to jump out, pale face asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!