World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 202

"I heard that Under your leadership, there are only nine alchemists I have found who have reached the fourth grade? " Bai Yan raised the corner of her lips and asked with a smile.

Wen Ru, a carp, got up from the ground. He looked at Bai Yan plaintively: "three years ago, you threw these people to me, but you disappeared. I have been waiting for you for three years. Don't you want to say something to me when you come back now?"

Bai Yan smiles.

I don't know why, this smile makes Wenru feel gloomy, and subconsciously, she takes two steps back.

"Dabai, listen to my explanation first. I really take care of people for you. It's just that alchemy is hard to learn. There are very few talents like you and me. Most people spend their whole life and can't reach the fourth grade."

Wen such as also very aggrieved, for white Yan this kind of abnormal, her request certainly is very high, but he also tried his best!

What's more, if there is such a good breakthrough in the four grades, are not all the alchemists in the mainland overflowing?

"Take me to see the alchemists first." Bai Yan shrugged her shoulders, and her expression was somewhat helpless.

"Good," Wen Ru curiously looked at the white face of his eyes, "by the way, big white, why didn't Xiaobai stay with you this time? Are you inseparable from your mother? "

White Yan steps a meal, chilly glanced at the eye, warm as: "you do not speak, no one will you when dumb."

Finish saying this, white Yan no longer pay attention to, stride into the courtyard.

At the beginning, this group of people is also white Yan let flower Luo to pick, so she is the first time standing in so many people, those people immediately with curious eyes to look at her.

"Four grade alchemists don't talk about it for the time being. Let those three grade alchemists refine pills for me."

White face light command way.

She came to the world many times to seek the ancient alchemist.

All of the disciples were very intelligent and quick to master. Therefore, she became mad several times after she taught some masters in the Holy Island.

She had never seen such a fool!

But when she saw the group of alchemists in front of her, she found out what was really stupid! By comparison, several masters are so much better!

Similarly, this discovery made her realize something.

It turns out that it's not Shifu's stupidity, but the alchemy of the world is far behind the ancient Chinese martial arts world

"I have figured out the general problems of these alchemists," said Bai Yan with a faint hook of lips. "Later, I will write down the methods to solve these problems, and let them try to make alchemy according to what I have written. In addition, you can find an alchemist to come out and provide me with 100 pills of third and fourth grade pills each month."

Wen Ruyi Leng: "what do you want so many pills for?"

White face hook lip: "sell money."

"Dabai, are you short of money?" Wen Ru's white face was tinged with a blush. "If you are short of money, I can give it to you."

Bai Yan turned her head and looked at Wen Ru: "what's your purpose?"

"This..." Wen such as shyly lowered his head, "I want to ask you if you lack warm bed? I can go and warm your bed and not only won't I charge you, I'll pay you back. "

Bai Yan gently stroked his chin and looked at the handsome and white youth in front of him with a little interest: "Hua Luo, is your Fenglou still short of people?"

Hua Luo sympathetically looked at Wen Ru: "Fenglou has always been short of people. If a man as beautiful as Mr. Wen goes to my Fenglou, he will certainly attract many guests." , the fastest update of the webnovel!