Wonderful Lord of the Immortal World

Chapter 603

Zou Yi nodded, "that makes sense. It depends on whether the God of war of tianwu will make a move. We can wait. Anyway, it will take some time for chaotic people to break through the millennium city. "

Su Mo said: "I can only wait. I hope tianwu God of war will take the overall situation into account and make a timely move..."

After a pause, Su Mo continued, "we can't just wait. Passive defense will only make the enemy feel that we are unable to fight back and will attack us with all our strength. The third thing I said is that we should counter attack at the right time. We can train the soldiers to kill the chaotic people under the protection of the unknown array, disrupt their offensive deployment, and let them know that we can not only be beaten passively, but also take the initiative. "

Zou Yi frowned slightly: "in the unknown array, no matter the enemy or the friend, except the person who presides over the array flag, they will be attacked by the unknown array. I'm afraid it's difficult to do this."

Su Mo said: "so we need to improve the unknown array and train the soldiers to adapt to killing the enemy in the unknown array."

Zou Yi pondered for a moment: "I'll find a way to do this. If we can, we really have a greater chance to kill chaos people."

Su Mo looked at the crowd and said slowly, "the level of the person who takes the initiative to attack must be above God and man, so you present are the best choice."

Everyone was silent. They all knew that Su Mo was right, but they all had to kill the enemy. Who would lead the other soldiers?

Millennium ice couldn't help saying, "there are some experts in the realm of God and man in our family. It's better to let them participate in training and go out to kill the enemy at that time. Our sisters, because the patriarch can't come out to preside over the overall situation, this... "

Zou Yi nodded with understanding: "the millennium old lady has just taken over the Millennium family. She has a lot of ideas, so she won't participate in our training."

Millennium ice hugged his fist gratefully: "thank you for your understanding... Millennium family will go all out to protect green star."

Zou Yi also hugged her fist: "I haven't congratulated you yet. The patriarch of the Millennium family should be you?"

Millennium ice smiled: "my grandfather didn't say it clearly. He just asked the patriarch not to take care of the affairs in the clan, but he didn't say to let me be a new patriarch."

Zou Yi said with a smile, "sooner or later, with the strength and ability of the millennium old lady, it is a certainty to be the patriarch."

Millennium ice smiled and said, "thank you for your kind words. But I still believe that the person in my grandfather's mind is more suitable than me. I can only help take care of the family's affairs for the time being. "

Millennium dream said, "don't be modest, sister. My ancestors have hinted that my sister is the next patriarch."

The people said together, "Congratulations, Miss millennium."

Millennium ice smiled like a flower: "thank you very much. In the future, you still need a lot of advice. Millennium ice thanked you in advance."

They relaxed a lot, and their heavy faces were much better.

Su Mo whispered to Zou Yi, "it seems that everyone is afraid of chaotic people. If you didn't turn the subject aside, I'm afraid someone would stand up against our practice."

Zou Yi smiled: "instead of forcing them to join, it's better not to give them a chance to speak and let them join directly."

Su Mo said, "you have seen through people's hearts and made great progress."

Zou Yi smiled. After everyone congratulated on the Millennium ice, Zou Yicai said, "let's prepare. Later, we'll start training how to kill the enemy in the unknown array."

The crowd dispersed one after another, and no one said anything more. It seemed that it was natural to participate in training.

Zou Yi used the human herd mentality to avoid wasting her tongue and pestering some people who were unwilling to participate. It was a little trick.

He didn't have to, but seeing that everyone hesitated because of fear of chaotic people, time was so urgent that he could only do so.

To kill the enemy in the unknown array, Zou Yi must first learn to protect his yuan God. Zou Yi has no better way. He can only find some treasures to protect the yuan God from the treasure house of the star Lord's house and the Millennium family, take them out and give them to the people, and protect them in the most stupid way.

There are few treasures to protect the yuan God, but some are really found in the treasure house of the star Lord's house and the Millennium family.

In addition, some people own similar treasures, and everyone takes them out one after another, which is barely enough for everyone.

With the treasure to protect Yuanshen, Zou Yi can start training everyone to kill the enemy in the unknown array. He asked the unknown to help everyone train a small killing array.

The unknown array is learned from the true God of martial arts. This killing array is also the masterpiece of the true God of martial arts. It is very powerful.

The killing array is called the God killing array. The God killing array focuses on killing the original gods of those who break into the array, not the flesh.

The principle of the God killing array is the same as that of the nameless array, but the difference is also obvious. The nameless array kills the enemy passively and cannot move, which is quite rigid; The God killing array can move flexibly and is more convenient.

God killing array can be used by two people, three or five people, or even tens of millions of people.

It has the greatest flexibility. As long as there are more than two people, you can use this array to kill the enemy.

Moreover, the God killing array can stack and amplify the attack power of the people who use this array, which is amazing.

Even if two ordinary gods display this array together, the power will be several times that of the two themselves. It is said that the highest one can be almost the same as the chaotic true God.

In short, the God killing array only needs more than two people to cast, and its power is several times that of the person who cast it.

Such an array, even if there is no unknown array, is more than enough to protect oneself and kill the enemy.

But it is not easy to cultivate this array. According to nameless, only three of the ten gods can learn it.

Because this array has very high requirements for the yuan God and the understanding of the array. These two conditions limit most people and make them unable to practice this array.

The experts in the realm of God and man selected by Zou Yi, including the experts of the Millennium family, are no more than 100 people. If calculated according to this proportion, at most 30 people can learn this array.

More than thirty people, most of them are just the realm of God and man. Chaos is really God, but only a few people. They can give full play to their attack power, I'm afraid they won't be too strong.

But this is enough for Zou Yi. What he wants to deal with is only the master of Yuanshen's perfect realm among the chaotic people, not to kill the chaotic people directly.

There are not many masters in the perfect realm of Yuanshen among chaotic people. Others have their own nameless array to kill. Unlike before, there is no way for masters facing chaotic people.

Zou Yi was the first person to cultivate the God killing array. He learned that he had to teach others to practice, so he taught him and his matching wife Yi.

The cultivation of God killing array requires at least two people. You must be right. You can't cultivate alone.

Zou Yi wanted to practice with Su Mo, but Su Mo was busy thinking about the next tactical strategy and had no time to separate. She had to try with Mrs. Yi first.