Wonderful Lord of the Immortal World

Chapter 602

After cleaning up her mood, Zou Yi smiled bitterly and gradually became firm. There was a determined look in her eyes. It seemed that she had figured out some things.

Chaos king and Millennium Qingyun talked for a while, and the result seemed not good. Millennium Qingyun's face was very heavy. At a glance, we knew that the negotiation between him and chaos king had no good result.

"Unknown God, today's war is inevitable. I will personally take action to contain the chaos king. There are many experts among other chaotic people. Although your nameless array is strong, I'm afraid it's difficult to last. You have to think of another good strategy. "

Millennium Qingyun's words surprised nameless, and Fu Yu said directly, "is there anyone who is not afraid of nameless array among chaotic people?"

Millennium Qingyun nodded slightly: "the unknown array kills the yuan God, which is a fatal threat to ordinary chaotic people. But once the Yuanshen cultivation is complete, the chaotic man will not be afraid of the nameless array. "

Nameless and Fu Yu were stunned together. They both showed fear and stopped talking.

Millennium Qingyun pondered for a moment: "well, let's enter my millennium city first. There is a family protection array studied by experts of my Millennium family in the millennium city. I think it can resist chaotic people one or two. You should come up with a good plan as soon as possible. You must come up with a way to deal with chaotic people experts before the millennium city is broken. "

Zou Yi, Mrs. Yi and others were listening to the dialogue between Millennium Qingyun and nameless, and their hearts were filled with despair.

Chaotic people are born in the realm of chaotic true God. In addition to nameless and Fuyu, they are also masters of chaotic true God. Ordinary people are not their opponents at all.

Previously, they relied on the unknown array to resist for a few days. Now they know that the unknown array is useless under the hands of the experts of chaotic people, so they have no way to think about it.

"General, do we enter the millennium city?" Min Yue didn't know when she came to Zou Yi. She whispered, "we can't deal with the master of chaotic people right now. My subordinates think it's better to avoid for a while. Maybe we can think of a good way."

Zou Yi had no better way for the time being, so she could only nod her head slightly: "the order will go down, and everyone will enter the millennium city to take shelter... Remember to bring our array flag. After arriving at the Millennium City, we will still use the unknown array to resist the chaotic people."

Min Yue hugged her fist and said, "yes, my subordinates. Please also enter the Millennium City in time. You are our senior general, but you must not make any mistakes. "

Zou Yi rarely saw that Min Yue cared about herself. After smiling, she said to Min Yue, "thank you for reminding me. Don't worry. I know what to do."

Min Yue just left and conveyed Zou Yi's order to let everyone enter the millennium city for a while.

Here, Millennium Qingyun and nameless said a few words, jumped up, disappeared in front of the people in the blink of an eye, and went directly to find the king of chaos.

The battle between the two must have been earth shaking and shocked the world.

Millennium Qingyun may take the initiative to find the chaos King hidden in space in order to avoid hurting the innocent. If he drags the chaos king, others will not know their combat situation.

Zou Yi and others quickly withdrew to the millennium city. Except for a few experts who stayed behind to stop the chaotic people who began to attack, all others lived in the Millennium City, which immediately crowded the millennium city.

In order to maintain good order, Zou Yi ordered all generals to take their responsibilities, delimit areas and let their subordinates carry out activities. It is strictly prohibited to run around and make trouble.

Now is the most urgent time. Zou Yi's military order is very strict. Once there are those who do not respect the general's order, they will be dealt with severely to deter the three armed forces.

Zou Yi's friends, whose strength is relatively high, were temporarily entrusted by Zou Yi with the important task of patrolling in the millennium city and responsible for maintaining the order of the millennium city.

Millennium city was originally the residence of the Millennium family. At the moment, there are suddenly a large number of outsiders. People of the Millennium family naturally feel uncomfortable.

But this is the order of their ancestor Qingyun for thousands of years. They can only accept it and provide convenience to Zou Yi and others as much as possible so that everyone can live in peace.

Millennial Kun and others were punished by millennial Qingyun. They thought about it against the wall and couldn't come out to command the overall situation. Therefore, Millennial Bing and millennial dream, the younger generation, took the heavy responsibility and came out to preside over the overall situation.

These two are women at any time, but they are extremely intelligent and powerful. They are deeply trusted and loved by the Millennium family. When they preside over the overall situation, they are also accepted by everyone.

Zou Yi, Millennium ice and Millennium dream sisters are old acquaintances. Although they were a little unhappy before, they were all things between the star Lord's house and the Millennium family, and had nothing to do with personal friends.

Therefore, when the three met, they were also harmonious and did not get angry because of the previous events.

Busy but not disorderly, Zou Yi summoned the high-level leaders of the Xingzhu mansion to discuss how to deal with the chaotic people who have surrounded the millennium city.

Nameless and Fu Yu didn't participate. They handed the matter over to Zou Yi, as if they trusted Zou Yi very much and knew that Zou Yi would think of a solution.

Zou Yi only smiled bitterly. As a disciple of nameless and Fuyu, she had no possibility to shirk it. She had to rack her brains and discuss with everyone the way to deal with chaotic people.

Su Mo is actually a person with high wisdom. She is a Book spirit. Later, she became a man and married Zou Yi.

At the moment, everyone was worried. Su Mo said, "in this situation, I think we need to carry out three things at the same time to prevent chaotic people from breaking the millennium city."

Zou Yi immediately asked, "those three things?"

Su Mo said: "the first thing is to contact the God of war. His strength is no less than the king of chaos. If he is willing to take the king of chaos with the Millennium Qingyun elder, our pressure will be reduced a lot in an instant."

Zou Yi couldn't help nodding: "Mrs. Yi, contact the God of war of tianwu immediately, tell the God of war of tianwu about the fight between Millennium Qingyun and chaos king, and ask him to do it."

Mrs. Yi nodded slightly: "I'll contact you right away."

Mrs. Zou Yi Chongyi nodded and asked Su Mo, "what's the second thing?"

Su Mo said, "if tianwu God of war is willing to do it, the second thing will be much simpler. As long as the chaos king is defeated and the chaos people have no head, all the people who wait and see will have no scruples. When we contact them, they should immediately send troops to fight with us against the chaotic people. "

Zou Yi said, "do you mean that we should contact everyone to attack together and completely eliminate chaotic people?"

Su Mo nodded slightly: "exactly. However, this matter can only succeed after tianwu God of war and Millennium Qingyun defeated chaos King together. People who wait and see are afraid to suffer losses after provoking chaotic people. They won't take action easily until they are sure to defeat chaotic people. "