When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1426: The Chen family felt so aggrieved

Liu Xi knew that Chen Ping\'an had lied to the Chen family\'s formation. Now that the head of the Chen family had come forward to talk about other matters, she didn\'t care what it was, and directly spoke for Chen Ping\'an.

The patriarch of the Chen family frowned and looked at Liu Xi.

He thought that it would be bad for Liu Xi and the others to attack Chen Ping\'an, but this is not a big problem, as long as he is thick-skinned.

Unexpectedly, just after he finished speaking, Liu Xi sat crooked.

This shows that we are going all out for Chen Ping\'an!

"Miss Liuxi, you don\'t know something, I\'ll tell you in detail."

When the head of the Chen family spoke to Liu Xi, his tone was very sincere.

He lost his Fengyuan Pagoda, and the time was right when he gave the formation to Chen Ping\'an.

In addition, they said that they trapped an anti-Mudian person in Fengyuan Pagoda.

He expressed his opinion, believing that there must be a connection between them.

He didn\'t believe that things could be so coincidental, and Chen Ping\'an accidentally found the position of Anti-Mudian.

When the head of the Long family heard this, he also glanced at Chen Ping\'an.

To be honest, after listening to what the head of the Chen family said, he also felt that Chen Pingan had stolen the Fengyuan Pagoda of the Chen family.


He smiled and said, "Maybe it\'s just such a coincidence. By the way, you are so sure, do you have any evidence? You can\'t wrong a good person."

He decisively spoke for Chen Ping\'an.

No matter what the truth of the matter is, it has nothing to do with their Long Family.

On the contrary, they will definitely make a profit by using this to gain some goodwill from Chen Ping\'an.

Moreover, the relationship between the Long family and the Chen family is not very good.

The head of the Chen family gritted his teeth and looked at the head of the Long family.

you old fellow!

The **** is more crooked!

Liu Xi also nodded and said, "I think Young Master Chen should have been wronged. Just now, Patriarch Chen said that you couldn\'t find any means to force the person who opposes the temple to reveal his position. If you say that, how can you be sure of Chen? Can you do it, son?"

When the head of the Chen family was asked such a question, he didn\'t know how to answer.

Or use the rhetoric he thought last time, saying that Chen Ping\'an is very cunning, maybe there is a way?

Chen Pingan also nodded and said, "Indeed, I can\'t do anything about it. It\'s a well-known fact that people who oppose Mudian are so sincere."

The head of the Long family said: "Yes, such a difficult thing, I prefer to believe that Chen Xiaoyou discovered the possibility of the anti-Mudian location by luck."

The corners of the Chen family\'s mouth twitched.

Do any of the people here sit upright!

The head of the Chen family said, "Maybe he has it!"

There was nothing he could do, that was all he could say.

Chen Ping\'an shook his head and smiled: "Patriarch Chen, you flatter me too much. Although I claim to be smart, I can\'t compare to so many people in your Chen family. You are all seniors. I can\'t, what can I do?"

The Chen family felt that they had been insulted.

How can this be disguised as saying that they are not smart?

The face of the Chen family\'s patriarch became more and more difficult to look, and he felt that today his group did not come to attack at all, but to humiliate him.

In fact, he didn\'t expect to come here and meet a few of the Long family and Liu Xi!

Just when he didn\'t know what to say, the elder Chen\'s expression suddenly became strange.

His men suddenly sent a letter to report something.

Now he can only whisper: "Patriarch! The family sent a letter just now, saying that the Fengyuan Pagoda was found in the family..."

"Huh?!" Hearing the news, the head of the Chen family suddenly widened his eyes.

what happened!

The voice of the first elder of the Chen family was not loud, but the strength of the people present were all at the level of the sky, and everyone heard it.

The head of the Long family immediately smiled and said, "It turned out to be an oolong."

The head of the Chen family immediately blushed when he heard the mocking words.

He quickly asked the elder what happened.

The Great Elder said that his subordinates had just found the Fengyuan Pagoda in the family.

And also made a point.

That is, the person who opposed the Temple of Mu in Fengyuan Pagoda is gone!

The head of the Chen family looked at Chen Ping\'an, and his narrowed eyes were the light of scrutiny.

He still believed that Chen Ping\'an did it.

After asking for the address of the Anti-Mu Hall, he returned the Fengyuan Pagoda to them.

"I still think things are not so coincidental! Chen Xiaoyou, what do you think?" The head of the Chen family stared at Chen Ping\'an.

Chen Ping\'an shrugged: "It seems that you think that I am a thief, senior, but have you ever thought about why I should return the Fengyuan Pagoda if it was me who stole the Fengyuan Pagoda. I can totally do it. Don\'t admit it. Also, have you ever thought about it, I have been at Murong\'s house just now, and you found Fengyuan Pagoda in your Chen\'s house, so other people in your family can come and go at will."

"I think it\'s your family that has an inner ghost who made this kind of thing." Chen Pingan finally gave the answer he thought.

Hearing what Chen Ping\'an said, the head of the Chen family really felt reasonable.

Chen Pingan was at Murong\'s house just now.

Also, not everyone in their family can get in and out.

Fengyuan Pagoda was found in their family!

Chen Pingan saw that the head of the Chen family was in deep thought, and his ugly face gradually eased.

He felt that he had made a very wise decision before going to Murong\'s house.

After setting the position of the Anti-Mu Hall, before going to Murong\'s house, he asked Murong Fu to take Zhen Liubi to the Chen\'s house secretly.

And the Chen family is guarded by a very strong formation, and ordinary people who break in rashly will cause a warning.

But the array Liubi is different.

She is a formation!

She has a way to enter the Chen family\'s protective formation at will without being discovered.

This is why she was able to bring Fengyuan Pagoda into the Chen family.

The head of the Long family said, "It must be that you are thinking crooked. I can\'t stand it anymore. Why don\'t you apologize to Xiaoyou Chen?"

Liu Xi also spoke up and said, "Yes, Patriarch Chen, I know you\'re in a bad mood when you lose something, but you can\'t wrong a good person like this, how hurtful it is."

At this moment, the corners of the Chen family\'s mouth and face twitched.

Well, I originally wanted to attack, but now, I have become the target of public criticism, and I have become a bad guy!

The head of the Chen family looked at Chen Ping\'an, and finally could only say: "Chen Xiaoyou, I\'m sorry, we didn\'t figure it out."

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "It\'s okay, I can understand your feelings."

The head of the Chen family couldn\'t go on.

So frustrating!

He still believed that Chen Pingan was the one who stole their Fengyuan Pagoda.

But there is no evidence.

Just as the two were chatting, Chen Yi sent a letter.

"Brother, there are two people visiting from outside. One of the little girls calls herself the granddaughter of the head of the Long family."

Hearing this, Chen Pingan looked at the head of the Yanlong family and sent a letter to Chen Yi, asking him to bring the two in.

When the head of the Long family heard the message, he froze for a while.

my granddaughter?

Soon, the two followed Chen Yi to the welcoming hall.

Seeing these two people, Chen Ping\'an\'s expression became strange.

And look left and right to look at Long Yi and the two who came in. When they saw Chen Ping\'an, their footsteps did not continue to fall forward.

They looked at Chen Ping\'an as if they had seen something incredible.

Especially the gray-robed old man had a strong thought in his heart.

This is impossible! !