When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1425: She dares to come

Long Yi also knows the depths of his own guardian, Grandpa Niu, and the depth of his strength.

His time and space avenue is already at full level, and the speed of rushing, I am afraid that not many people in the entire billion source world can be faster than him.

Patriarch Murong is here, and he has to be a little bit behind.

Now they are chasing in the direction Chen Ping\'an just flew away, but they can\'t catch up. There is only one answer.

Chen Pingan did not fly here.

It must have been flying in which direction.

"Grandpa Niu, are you sure it\'s Lingyuan City?" She was not very familiar with the map of Yiyuanjie.

The gray-robed old man nodded: "It seems that he has something to do nearby, but we can go directly to Lingyuan City to wait for him. Now that the Patriarch is also there, let\'s meet the Patriarch first."

Long Yi had no choice but to nod his head.

In fact, she wanted to follow Chen Ping\'an even more, so that when she saw her grandfather, her grandfather would be stunned.

She hadn\'t seen her grandfather show other emotions in a long time.

Maybe when the strength reaches that level, it\'s almost the same. It\'s not surprising, plain and natural, and there is no pursuit.

Indifferent faces are their daily norm.

The two rushed to Lingyuan City.

And this time.

In front of the gate of the invincible gate, there is a lot of excitement.

Chen Yi, the gatekeeper, looked at the two groups of people standing in front of him and swallowed.

He was shocked by the strength of these two groups of people.

too strong!

The two groups appeared at about the same time.

Four people on one side.

Three people on the other side.

On the other side of the four, it was the Chen family.

The head of the Chen family and the top three elders all came.

When they appeared, they looked indifferent, as if the salary-seeking team had caught up with the unscrupulous boss\'s house.

On the other side are the people of the Long family.

The head of the Long family and the fourth elder of the Long family.

The head of the Long family was dressed in white. When he appeared, his face was light and cloudy, as if nothing could change his mood in front of him.

But when he appeared here and saw the head of the Chen family, he frowned.

"Why are you here?" asked the head of the Long family.

The head of the Chen family did not answer, but instead asked, "Why are you here?"

Looking at the posture of the two, it is obvious that they are not very good to deal with.

It\'s actually normal.

Many people in the Yiyuan world know this.

The Chen family and the Long family often had some minor conflicts because of their interests.

There are more minor conflicts, and the relationship between the two is getting worse and worse.

In addition, the Long family has always been in front of the Chen family, and the contradiction between the two parties is not so serious on the surface, but the two owners have always regarded each other as a bad old man, very bad.

Looking at each other, neither of them answered the other\'s question.

The head of the Chen family decisively regarded the head of the Long family as air, and looked at Chen Yi and Murong Fu who were guarding the door.

He knew Murong Fu, but he didn\'t expect Murong Fu to guard the Invincible Gate here too.

"We want to see your Sect Master!" The Chen Family Patriarch said solemnly.

Chen Yi said with a wry smile: "Senior, our sect master went to Murong\'s house not long ago, and I should be busy now, let me report to him first. But I don\'t know why senior asked my sect master for something? I would like to report it. "

The head of the Chen family thought that Chen Ping\'an should have returned from the Murong family at this time, but he didn\'t expect to return. Looking at Chen Yi, he said, "Tell him that we are here because of the formation!"

They must hold the Fengyuan Pagoda, and then blackmail Chen Ping\'an well!

Chen Yi nodded.

At this time, the head of the Long family also said: "I also want to see your head, we are going to talk about business."

Chen Yi took notes one by one and started sending letters to Chen Ping\'an.

Murong Fu didn\'t speak. He had heard a letter from the family just now.

Knowing Chen Pingan\'s feat.

Now Chen Pingan is the benefactor of their family.

At this moment, the patriarchs of the two parties came directly to look for Chen Ping\'an. He felt that Chen Ping\'an\'s status had reached the super-top ranks.

Think about it, can it be easy for the owner of such a super family to come and meet in person!

Just when Chen Yi was trying to contact Chen Ping\'an, Liu Xi suddenly appeared.

The appearance of Liu Xi made both the Long Family Patriarch and the Chen Family Patriarch startled.

Liu Xi didn\'t expect to see the heads of these two big families here.

"I\'ve met two Patriarchs." Liu Xi greeted them.

Seeing Liu Xi, the two patriarchs also nodded, with a good attitude.

They all knew Liu Xi\'s identity.

Daughter of God of Creation!

"I don\'t know why Miss Liu Xi is here..." The head of the Chen family frowned and asked.

Liu Xi\'s Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce had business dealings with Wudimen, and Liu Xi was here, and he felt that he was a little uncomfortable to attack Chen Ping\'an.

If Liu Xi helped Chen Ping\'an, what would he do?

The head of the Long family also wanted to know what Liu Xi did here.

And the business he wants to talk about is actually to take advantage of Wudimen\'s current reputation in various worlds. If Liu Xi is here, he feels that he is not easy to talk about.

Liu Xi said, "Young Master Chen asked me to come here to discuss business matters."

The head of the Chen family frowned even more.

While they were chatting, Chen Yi had already finished sending the letter to Chen Ping\'an.

Chen Yi said: "Everyone can go in and wait, our sect master will be back soon."

Chen Yi let everyone go and led the way.

A group of people entered the invincible door.

And as soon as they entered the invincible gate, Zhen Liubi, who had just returned to the invincible gate from the outside, sensed that the Chen family and his party had followed in, and then she hid with a guilty conscience.

Chen Yi led everyone to the welcoming hall.

Just poured a cup of tea for everyone, when Chen Pingan appeared.

"Everyone, what day is today, why are you all here?" Chen Pingan smiled when he appeared.

Then greet them one by one.

He knew all the members of the Chen family, and he had also met the fourth elders of the Long family.

But he has never seen the head of the Long family and the elder of the Long family.

But looking at them, from their powerful strength, they also analyzed their identities.

The head of the Long family smiled and said, "The little friend is really arrogant and talented."

Chen Ping\'an knew that the other party was being polite, thinking that this should be something, and he had to ask him for help.

The head of the Chen family looked at Chen Ping\'an and said first, "Little friend, there is something I need to talk to you alone!"

The tone was a bit aggressive.

Chen Pingan knew the other party\'s intention.

"You don\'t need to talk alone, senior is here for the formation, right?" Chen Ping\'an didn\'t give him a chance to attack. There are many people here, so everyone in the Chen family must not dare to be too tough.

Moreover, the Chen family had no evidence to prove that he stole the Fengyuan Pagoda.

The head of the Chen family hummed: "You know what we are here for. You know the location of the Anti-Mu Hall, and you have already betrayed what you did!"

Since Chen Ping\'an didn\'t give him a chance to attack alone, he could only attack on the spot.

Right on the head.

Gotta blackmail something!

Chen Ping\'an said: "I really don\'t know what you are talking about, senior. I know the location of the Anti-Mu Temple. It was purely a coincidence that I bumped into their nest."

"Nonsense! You just stole our Fengyuan Pagoda!" At this time, the elder Chen family couldn\'t help but deepen his tone.

Chen Pingan looked as if you had wronged me, and said, "I don\'t have it! What is Fengyuan Pagoda??"

Seeing that Chen Ping\'an didn\'t know anything, the corner of the Chen family\'s patriarch\'s mouth twitched.

I really don\'t know, or is it acting?

If you act, how strong is the acting!

Liu Xi couldn\'t stand it any longer, and said, "Patriarch Chen, why do I feel that you are here today to show us what it means to be unreasonable."

Seeing Liu Xi\'s help, Chen Ping\'an immediately felt that Liu Xi was a little more beautiful today.

She can deal with this woman, and she really dares to go up to something.