We Live in Dragon's Peak

392 Celice Days

"Crescio. Are you still going today?

"Good morning, Celice. Because you don\'t have a choice, do you? Such an idiot, but it\'s pathetic that no one\'s waiting for me when I get back."

I had no choice, I had no choice. What a stupidity, Crescio has gone to the East Triumph Gate to wait for Slatton\'s return today.

I think Celice, staring behind Crescio, now knows a little how she feels, as she drops him off.

I didn\'t know waiting for a man who didn\'t know when he was coming home was going to be so hard.

Think of it, since Listeir was chosen as the brave man of his predecessors and stood as a new brave man. I was always next to him.

At first, there were times when I was dissatisfied with childhood that I, of the same age, had been chosen as a bride of forgiveness in order to reconnect the bond between the Holy Sword and the royal family, and why it was me, not my free-handed sisters.

But now that I think about it, I think I\'m happy to be Listeer\'s pardon.

A brave man of a rare age, full of justice and high hopes. The woman with Listea in her eyes leaks everyone\'s breath of admiration. Average male or higher height. I\'m not just tall, I\'m well-bodied with balanced muscles. And a neutral sweet look.

When I was a little younger, I was entertained with a beautiful boy. Recently, however, it has begun to turn into a masculine contour, from a feminine face to an adult man\'s face.

When Listeer was not yet so active as a brave man, he was in the position of brave Listeer, the dowry of the Fourth Princess Celice.

But at some point, the position had been reversed by the wind of Listeer\'s forgiveness for the dowry, Series.

Celice is happy with that.

As one woman after all, I want a man I can count on to pull it off.

But how many days have passed since such a dependable and beloved Listeir traveled?

The North is an undisclosed land, and we cannot expect regular newsletters, etc. At the moment, I hadn\'t been able to grasp any footsteps since I crossed Feilongs\' hunting grounds.

A trial to marry Keeli and Inea, the witches. Desperate content of finding legendary flowers called full moon flowers.

Celice also helped them explore materials and literature before they traveled. That\'s why I know. That trial is so difficult that I think I\'ll never achieve it.

And Listeer was gone next door, and I thought to myself.

An unachievable trial. Until we find the flowers of the full moon, we are also not allowed to come back. And instructions to cut ourselves apart from the clergy.


I had some anxious days.

But Listeer is working with that Elnea.

I\'m sure it\'s okay.

When anxiety is about to crush me.

I wondered what Elnea\'s remaining family was doing, and I visited his parents\' house wondering.

The sisters had stayed at his parents\' house since Ernea left.

But give it a try.

I didn\'t show any anxiety and was amazed at them for living the day as usual.

Strong ties, unquestionable trust.

They, too, will understand the difficulty of the contents of the trial. And I might have gotten to the same answer as myself. But as one, I had no doubt about the return of Ernea.

Oh, so much, Ernea. You\'ve gained strength and become a big man, and Celice was amazed at the growth of that pretty boy.

And at the same time, Listeer is acting with that ernair. Then I could be sure that I would return, and my anxiety faded after that day.

But what about Crescio?

Slutton broke up last year when he said he would have a deep bond with Duranell the Ground Dragon. It\'s just a journey back from the kingdom of Jortenitos to the kingdom of Armuad, but for that it\'s a long way too late to return.

We\'d be able to dispel the anxiety like ourselves if it was just too late, but Slutton was missing.

Ernea said Duranell still seems to be a child dragon. In fact, I had a chance to see more giant ground dragons than that dark Duranell.

However, even though it is a child dragon, if you follow the dragon clan, it is also noticeable in the denial.

Those who act with the Dragon Nation are about the Dragon Knights of the Kingdom of Yortenitos, except for Dragon King Ernea. If anyone else has dragon tribes, it becomes a standout rumor.

In fact, until the time I crossed the Elnea Bridge, rumors of the wind had also brought Slutton\'s trends into my ears.

But the footsteps since crossing the kingdom of Yortenitos had disappeared beautifully.

It\'s about that slatton. You must be sticking your neck in another stupid thing.

But Slutton would be good with that, but those who are waiting are not accumulated.

Unlike Listeir and Ernea, Slutton makes a good mistake. Still, finding a new way out of there is what\'s good about him, but if it works worse.

What if something was happening to Slutton?

I wonder how many times the anxiety of Crescio, who keeps waiting for Slutton to return, who has no news and can\'t even grab a foothold, is what he received.

Still behaving in style and staying bright Crescio is a fine woman.

Crescio\'s adult behavior was almost acknowledged by Slutton\'s parents as well.

Slutton\'s parents, of course, must be anxious. But I left everything about my son to Crescio, my future daughter-in-law.

Crescio picked him up every day and on his way home he was taking a trip to a makeshift home where Slatton\'s parents lived.

Celice dropped off her thoughts as Crescio disappeared into the landscape of the King\'s Capital, where the building was still neglected.

Then from behind, a voice sounded asleep.

"Series, oh no..."

"Nammy, we need to be a little stronger in the morning."

"No. Shit. It\'s really strong. But I want to stay here while Listeer\'s gone."

Always healthy, Namy.

My hair exploded in my sleeping habits bouncing, and every time Namy moves, she moves perfectly and cute.

Or if you wake up, get familiar.

Celice and Namy were sleeping at the Temporary Royal Palace.

And by the time he came out of his bedroom, he would have shown that lame figure to many.

"The daughter-in-law of a brave man has a strong taste for himself."

Small poke at the head of Namy, who makes a great abduction, and once back to the Temporary Royal Palace.

"So we\'re still going to Elnea\'s house this afternoon?

"Yeah, right. There\'s nothing you can do here."

morning. Mistrals and sisters go out and are not in the King\'s Capital.

Mistral said he is the caretaker of the dragon forest guardian dragon. You think that\'s where you met Ernea?

And we\'re all out in the morning to take care of the legendary giant dragon. So if you\'re going to visit, it\'s in the afternoon.

Wang Du is busily rebuilding even in the spring. Even that lazy Ludriard ran everyday.

But we don\'t have a job to do when we wait for Listeer to come home.

Advanced colleges, attended a year after the trip by nobles and promising people, start in the summer.

Until then, as much as a review of studies was possible for those who were sixteen years old.

Well, we\'ve had a rough year. Celice also understood that it would be the real thing of the young man to want to take a break and play for about six months.


And afternoon. Celice and I visited Elnea\'s home together with Namy.

It was Elnea\'s mother who welcomed me, and the Mistrals told me they were in the garden behind them.

Elnea\'s parents looked so unfamiliar with her extravagant life.

The clothes that I\'m not used to wearing look surprisingly good though. Standing behavior was also changing slightly to aristocratic style.

His son, Ernea, was so active that he became a key figure in the kingdom of Armuad.

As I have no choice but to accept this life.

Except those who work in this mansion were originally a bunch of mighty men who have served their twin sisters. I\'m sure you\'ll hold on to this woman who lives an unfamiliar life.

Karen, the chief servant, guides me around and turns behind the mansion. Then the Mistrals were lenient.

"Hello, everyone"

The last few days. I don\'t see a toddler group. They\'re going somewhere to play.

Adorable Priscia of the Ear Long Clan. Niemia is always lenient over her head. Fiorina and Reem are exactly the Dragon Clan, too, but they are small and cute.

I don\'t see such an adorable group of young girls and I\'m sorry to hear that.

Nevertheless, Series visits her twin sisters, who, although future husbands, relax elsewhere in their parents\' homes, and puts in an early scolding.

My annoying sister is here, and Yufiria and Nina face to face. Lyla who somehow joins together and reflects. Mistral stares at them.

Seeing the people as usual and scolding their sisters, Celice was able to quench her anxiety today.

"Blame it!

"Sweet, Celice."

"It won\'t work, Celice."

"Ugh. Why doesn\'t this move work for your sisters?"

Why the Celses visit Elnea\'s home. One of them included that they could be matched in this way.

It was a blow-up move by Celice that rolled out without a clue, but my sister, who took it with a golden sword like it could be called the Great Sword, didn\'t even let her play the sword instead of blowing it up.

Celice is dealing with her twin sister at the same time.

I still can\'t tell for myself whether it\'s Ufiria or Nina who\'s relative.

I can\'t get my head up as my real sister to Ernea\'s family that I can tell the two of them apart.

No, no, not if you\'re thinking of such evil right now.

Why, my blowup moves don\'t work.

This is not the only relative twin sister. Even the Mistrals of the Dragon Nation and the skinny, luxurious Lyra, not just that, don\'t make the blow-up moves of Celice work.

Even that listeer can blow it off lightly if it\'s this move.

Speaking of which, didn\'t she blow up, too, when she fought Luiseine in the proclamation ritual?

My moves do not work for those who are good at dragon art. It makes me sad that I seem to have been beaten to break the achievements of my previous training, but at the same time I am glad that there are opponents who can strike their swords with all their strength.

"Ugh. Weird. I can\'t catch up."

"Great speed enough to produce remnants, but monotonous movement."

Elsewhere, Namy, who was supposed to be proud of his speed, was flirting without keeping up with Mistral\'s movements.

Only Lyla sat in the shade meditating.

For the last few days. What I noticed when I started going to Elnea\'s mansion. That\'s one of them. Oh, he\'s doing meditation training during the day.

I couldn\'t tell if it was training or really doing something, but oh and those who meditate looked serious without playing all afternoon.

Celice and Nayme had spent the past few days pairing up with the empty hand like this or chatting feminine and unrestrained.

Then Mistral suddenly stopped his hand and looked up at the northern sky.

The grounds of the El Nair mansion are very spacious and about a fraction of the district. Even aristocrats do not own this much land within the King\'s City.

So why was this land given to the home of one boy, albeit the hero of the Redemption?

It also secured a landing place if the dragons flew in that he was part of the family.

And above the sky in a stunning garden.

Two giant dragons were flying in at high speeds.