We Live in Dragon's Peak

391 Those left behind.

Mostly that the sacrament of reconstruction support relations is over and you are taking a breath of relief.

Someone knocked lightly on the door of the room.

"Yes, go ahead"

"Dear Yashra, I see the witch-head Madrine of the Great Temple of the Kingdom of Yortenithos"

It was Madeleine, the young witch head of the neighbouring country, who came into the simple room with guidance from the advanced witch. Madeleine came into the room with an innocent grin, showing beautiful hair like black silk.

Yashra, the witch-head of the Great Temple of the Kingdom of Arms, rises from the chair where she was sitting and invites Madrine in.

"Dear Yashra, we are out of time"

"Hehe, since the ceremony of your appointment. You\'ve done a great job."

Madeleine, who is of aristocratic origin, felt dazzling elegance when she was supposed to be wearing the same witch outfit.

But Madeleine, on the contrary, didn\'t even know Yashra was inside sighing at Yashra, who was strict and calm even though she was in the same outfit, how could this be different?

Two people exchange courteous greetings and sit back in a chair for reception.

"I heard you sent the brave man and Ernea to trial."

"Yes...... I may have committed a great sin. The brave and the dragon king, at the same time, let two heroes leave the world of the people."

Yashra\'s face seemed to be deeply engraved with more distressing spiciness than wrinkles engraved as she grew older.

Madeleine laughs brightly, as she labors such a hard-won, unbearable older witch head.

"Master Yashra, I don\'t think you need to worry. Ernea, you will definitely be back. That\'s the kind of girl she is. Brave? It doesn\'t matter that way. In the first place, Master Yashra just did the right thing as a witch head. Don\'t blame yourself."

"Hehe, if you could say that to me, I would lighten my shoulders a little. Still, you\'re a lot lighter than a brave man to you. In exchange, Elnea, when your specific gravity..."

"Because, Master Yashra. The brave man is a symbol of the kingdom of Armuard, but he is not a citizen of Jortenitos. Ernea, you are not a people of Yortenitos, but you are a dear lord to me."

"Here. You are a witch\'s head, so don\'t speak lightly to the followers of other countries."

"I\'m sorry."

Madeleine hasn\'t changed anything since she was an adventurer. My position has changed, but on the inside, I\'m a curious little girl.

For the first time in years, he reunited, and Yashra also smiled a little bit at Madeleine\'s behavior, which remained the same.

"So here\'s the thing about this visit..."

"Heh heh, Elnea, I don\'t want to talk to you about wanting to leave because I want to be with you or the twin princesses."

"Ugh...... Oh, no. That\'s a little too...... about half? Maybe a little more specific gravity."

"The specific gravity is too large."

"... sorry"

Madrine\'s words and deeds plague everyone in the kingdom of Yortenitos, but apparently Yashra doesn\'t have his head up. Apologizing softly, Madeleine narrowed her shoulders and honestly reflected.

"Now, seriously. This time, Ernea, I asked you to discuss your marriage ritual."

"And say?

"I think Yashra is already familiar with the case. Ernea, among the women you will marry, there is a child who loves the king of the kingdom of Jortenitos very much."

"Ha-ha-ha, I thought you said Mr. Lila."

I see. That\'s why the witch-head of the kingdom of Yortenitos has been visiting you directly at this time of year, Yashra nods.

I overheard the circumstances behind it after last winter\'s disturbance. It was from the mouth of reconstruction troops and merchants who visited numerous support from the Kingdom of Yortenitos.

Thanks, it seems that the circumstances surrounding Lyla are open secrets for those close to the King.

Just officially, Lyla is the general public. Yet it is too unnatural for the kingdom of Jortenitos to come out to the rite of marriage in Ernea. So I guess that means Madeleine was delegated.

"Ernea, your daughter-in-law includes twin princesses and witches, but you can\'t even retreat as Yortenitos. So let\'s talk about what to do with the location of the ceremony."

Madeleine has an uncontrolled smile, but she felt the temper not to step back from it.

"That said, hey. I don\'t care if it\'s just the witch Luiseine, but there\'s a twin princess involved. As for the Kingdom of Arms, you won\'t be willing to give up the venue."

In the first place, Yashra appeases that it is not just the witch-heads of the two countries that talk about such political entanglements.

Moreover, the dragon kings, who are parties, have traveled. Elnea\'s opinions must also be heard, such as marriage rituals and ceremonies.

On the contrary, it is a more dubiously demanding trial for them to even come back than when.

Yashra, who had not been reunited with Madeleine in a long time and was in a slightly exhilarating mood, turned her thoughts around to the ruthless difficulties she had laid down and let her mind sink again.


But Madeleine gave a disturbing grin.

"That\'s right. The twins are in the way, right? Even for my ambitions, those two are in the way. If this happens, Ernea, get those two off your daughter-in-law..."

"Here. What an evil thing to be doing."

Madrine apparently mistook Yashra\'s downfall for complicating the problem with royalty involvement.

With this young witch head in front of her, she doesn\'t seem to have time to worry seriously. Yashra corrects her posture and changes her mind as well.

And scold Madeleine\'s grin, who is about to fall into darkness, and return to the story.

"The same goes for the princess. Elnea, some of your daughters would have been dragon princesses. I don\'t think we\'re going to move on without rubbing our conversation with the Dragon Nation of Dragon Peak, not just with the Kingdom."

"Well, if this happens..."

"Elnea, if I chose to run down after you, I\'d be really pissed, wouldn\'t I?


How far are you kidding me?

Yashra smiles bitterly at Madeleine for lowering her eyebrow butt and looking in heart trouble.

"When this happens, I\'ll have to direct my judgment to you, Ernea! Wouldn\'t you like to come home soon?"

"You don\'t doubt me, Elnea, do you?"

"Doesn\'t Master Yashra believe in you, Brave Man or Elnea?

"Believe me... I am. However, this trial..."

"Think about it, Master Yashra. About 300 years since the founding of the country. Was there anyone who taught the guardian dragon of the dragon forest and had an affinity with the dragon people and dragons of Dragon Peak, not just the demons and ear elders and warcraft? And it\'s unprecedented for a disastrous and funny boy to finally blow up royal castles and home capitals in other countries while protecting people from evil threats. Then I\'m sure you\'ll survive this trial that no one has ever been able to complete, Elnea."

Madeleine was laughing herself as she theorized forcefully, getting interesting about Elnea\'s cod activity.

"I\'m sure the Mistrals believe you, Elnea, and don\'t doubt it."

"Hehe, indeed. The rest of them are reported to be living their normal lives. I\'m not questioning the contents of the trial, Elnea, but I\'m sure you believe you will definitely return."

"If you don\'t come back... I think the Mistrals will definitely go after you. That\'s all they have. Master Mistral is scared when he gets angry. You\'re relentlessly angry at me, aren\'t you, witch-head? It\'s on the witch-head of the Great Temple of the Kingdom of Yortenithos, can you believe it?

"Hehe. Isn\'t that good? To the extent that anyone in a position to scold you can count. Take care of the relationship. Speaking of Mr. Mistral, during the disturbances last winter, I saw a divine figure with wings on his back. With those wings, you\'ll chase them everywhere."

"The Luiseinees will ride on the back of the Fei Long, and you, Ernea, will not escape. So I\'ll definitely be back."

"Now, as a witch\'s head, I have to believe in those children, too."

"That\'s right. If you\'re worried too much, you\'ll fall. Master Yashra is already a grandmother."

"Oh well. I\'m still fine. I\'ll try my best as a witch head for another decade."

Yashra\'s age is already over fifty.

The average life expectancy of a person is said to be about fifty years, but that is because the average is falling because of the high mortality rate of young children after birth, as well as because many people are constantly exposed to threats such as epidemic diseases, demons and other accidental deaths.

Nevertheless, the people who have passed fifty are well within the realm of the old.

Seeing that fifty years past Yashra was still in the mood, Madeleine felt many possibilities.

"Me too, sooner or later..."

"It is your primary duty as a witch\'s head to do your part!

"Hey, no. Master Lindsay\'s idiot! Master Lindsay\'s a big idiot! Why did you nominate me as a witch\'s head?"

Linze is the witch-head of the predecessors of the kingdom of Yortenitos. And he is also the master of Madeleine.

Linze\'s nomination of Madeleine prior to her departure determined her successor.

Madeleine herself understood that Linze\'s words were the most important factor, although it was also a factor in her adventure around the twin princesses and her high national and international visibility.

"Here. You mustn\'t be evil to Master Lindsay."

With her cheeks swollen and puffy and angry, Madeleine turns to her infidelity, snuggly, and softly. Look at that, Yashra smiles.

How long has it been?

Yashra, who has given his trials to the heroes of the Redemption and has lived days like day after day in disillusionment.

That not only got me young and energized, but also lightened my mind when I was dealing with naive Madeleine.

Madeleine says she had no choice but to be a witch-head because she was chosen by Linze, but the qualities that led people to happiness were impressed that she could be a witch-head enough.

In the end, Madeleine and Yashra forgot about the important case and continued their bickering.

Witches and clerics who passed near the witch-head office rejoiced that their dear witch-heads had long restored their energy to the two bright voices and laughter that could be heard leaking from the room.

One cleric came as if he panicked as he continued his bickering by turning his lunch into a courtyard.

"Oh, I\'ll tell you. There are more dragons than the northern sky..."

For a moment, Yashra finds herself wondering if the Fei Long is coming. But shortly afterwards, the matter of Elnea the Dragon King overtakes my mind.

Madeleine was also surprised by the cleric\'s report, but in her case the part about the Fei Long\'s assault had fallen out.

I guess it\'s a diagram for Madeleine that already speaks of the Dragon Clan, Ernea.

The two rise from a bench set in the shade of a tree and move their gaze into the northern sky.

However, the walls of the temple in the process of being built prevented vision and I did not see what was intended.

"It\'s a giant, black and white peach dragon."

Madeleine and Yashra know about Niemia and Lily, of course.

However, the cleric\'s fragmentary reports alone do not discern whether he is also the mother of the guardian dragon or Niemia in the dragon forest of the black body.

And I wonder why those dragons fly in from the North, too.

Madrine took Yashra\'s hand and went out into the square in front of the splendid temple.

Then the two giant dragons almost landed on a painting of the king\'s capital a little further away.

"That neighborhood is where your parents live, Elnea."

"Well, let\'s go"

Perhaps those who made their way to the North in the trial have returned.

Yashra made the carriage ready and along with Madrine headed to Elnea\'s home.