We Live in Dragon's Peak

358 Forest Demon Fish

I can see Mr. Ash\'s suggestion without asking.

You ask me to escort Mr. Aquil, and Mr. Yozen and Mr. Ivaf and I want to go in the back of the cave.

This cave is high in crystal stone. Yeah, this is a pit. Proceed to the back of here, possibly buried with treasures such as gems and jade stones. They were trying to find a treasure, a one-shot reversal here, for your sister.

"It\'s like the horizontal hole is going on in the back. Let me go a little deeper. I know a hundred things that annoy you. [M] So I\'ll give you my share properly. Neither do we."

Despite my refusal, the three of them had begun to take out small shaken cone-like tools to scrape the walls out of their luggage.

Top-notch adventurer. I will not fail to make any preparations.

I admire their good preparation. But Mr. Ash\'s behavior wasn\'t very pleasant.

"Wait. This is Dragon Peak. This place is safe, but it\'s not always safe in the back."

I look at Hiraki and Ares.

Ares is not willing to join me and Mr. Ash in the exchange, and she used to slap her luggage so that she would labor Neemia, who is lurking her breath in her luggage.


"Of course, I can understand what Ernea is saying. So I won\'t force it. I\'m just gonna go in the back a little bit and see how it goes. We\'ve had dangerous eyes many times before, too. So I know my limits."

"This is Dragon Peak, far from common sense that I know or intend to understand."

The Ashes who were preparing stopped their hands roaring at my serious tone and signs of not saying yes or no.

"Brothers, let\'s hear Ernea. You just had a dangerous eye the other day."

Mr. Aquil will persuade his three brothers about my side.

Even in the morning, Mr. Aquil\'s ankle swelling hasn\'t pulled off much and it\'s still painful. Are the herbs still working or are they painless? But I still needed time before Mr. Aquil could move.

In this situation, if the three of them go to the back of the pit and something happens.

I can\'t be clever enough to help the three of you while protecting Aquil. [M]

In the end, the three Ashes responded to my and Aquil\'s persuasion, reluctantly putting the tools back in their luggage.

They are first-rate adventurers. I duly understood the difference between bravery and recklessness.

I stroked my chest down, looking for cold snow for Mr. Aquil and food for the day, and out of the cave with Ares properly.

I\'m sorry about Niemia, but I need their escort while I\'m gone.

"Are you shimmering?

When I went outside and walked a little. Ares asked with her face up.

"Mr. Aquil is injured, and I don\'t think the three of us are going to leave him behind to move...? Did you feel anything from those people?

Ares has been playing an innocent toddler since she met the Stylers. But nature is the Spirit of the Spirit Tree. Even if it looks like a person, it\'s not a person. Thoughts and values about things are far from us.

And Ares is sweet for me and everyone in my family, but she doesn\'t condone others. While traveling to the cave, the nature around us was only beneficial to us until I pleaded, because Ares was only merciful to us.

If they had disturbing thoughts, Ares would cut off the Stylers relentlessly.

But I guess it\'s okay. Mr. Ash and his men are amazing adventurers. Even if your eyes are about to dazzle by a temporary desire, it can be suppressed with self-control. My heart was shaking just a little before the treasure possibilities, but I was right back to sanity with my and Mr. Aquil\'s persuasion. They are by no means second-class adventurers.

So I trust the Ashes. [M]

"But you\'re in trouble. I can understand those four minds. I hope to do something for your sister. If I had brothers and sisters and I was getting married, I\'d still like to bless them."

More than fictional brothers and sisters, there\'s no such thing as real daughters. I have a lot of ideas, too!


Is there anything I can do for the Ashes?

They want to find treasures and valuables in Dragon Peak, where few people come and go, and present them to their sister. It would be your word if you could finally earn your living expenses from now on.

The first thing that comes to mind is to guide the four to the nearby Dragon Nation village. Dragon tribe villages are safe, and Dragon tribes might have information on things like what they ask for. In some cases, you might be able to help.

A little down from where the cave is as I conceive, I observe the surroundings.

Did the temperature go up last night or there was even less snow accumulated than yesterday? If the snowmelt keeps going smoothly, we might have a nice spring coming up soon.

Small animals and others were also showing up from nesting holes they had been holding during the winter months and moving to eat the soft grass they had just sprouted.

But it wasn\'t just the little animals that made the move.


First, Ares warned me, and then I detected the signs.

And at the same time that we sensed the signs, they caught them.

Being that travels fast through the ground.

This sign, which I am accustomed to feeling, belongs to the Warcraft, who approached us with armor.

Ares, the Spirit of the Spirit Tree, is manifested here. I don\'t think the Warcraft is missing that sign. That means a ferocious warcraft, or an idiotic warcraft, that will strike even if you know it.

But I don\'t think the Warcraft can see through the armor.

Without panic, pull out the white sword and the wooden sword of the spirit tree and wait. While you do that, ask Ares to disappear just in case.

Ignoring the wooded trees and rocks and the poorly scaffolded terrain, the Warcraft dived into the dragon vein and approached it.

He jumps quickly into the chills that crawl up from under his feet.

A giant fish with a wide open mouth jumped out of the ground where I stood until a moment ago.

The big mouth that is about to swallow me is lined with astonishingly sharp teeth. The fish, which jumped out of the water as if they had targeted prey, resembled a pigeon that I had seen in the illustration of the story.

The Warcraft of the Xu jumps out of the water to the surface like a leap aimed at prey, but he lets me get away and twists himself hatefully.

Violent, sharp eyes held onto me.

I trigger a spatial leap the moment my foot touches the ground. And in an instant, he approached the warcraft of the twisted oxen in the air.

Wave the white sword around the torso of the warcraft of Xu.

But the beast twisted herself further with tough physical abilities and escaped the White Sword.

Go on and wave the wooden sword of the spirit tree, but it ends up out of time and empty.

As the warcraft evaded the double strike, it dived straight into the ground.

Warcraft swimming like a sea plain through the rugged mountains of Dragon Peak.

Why do you have to be attacked by a warcraft lurking in the water behind a deep mountain? I don\'t have time for the vice.

Not exactly in the ground, but the warcraft of the dragon\'s pulse set its sights and objectives as it traveled at high speeds beneath my feet.

Concentrate your spirit and explore the dragon vein.

Do not lose sight of the signs of the Warcraft of the Xuan in the dragon veins of a stream that seems rough and as relaxed as the Great River.

If you think you\'ve gone a long way for a moment, you\'re going to change course and you\'re going this way abruptly. I thought so, I changed course again and turned right or left.

He flirts with this one with complicated movements and peeps into the gap.

Stay dived in the dragon pulse. Then I can\'t help you from here. Let\'s ask him out a little.

deliberately distract from the concentration previously directed at the warcraft of the scythe. The Warcraft of the Xuan fell on this fishing needle and hit it all at once.

From the rear diagonal ground, the Warcraft of the Xuan approached me as it had first been attacked.

The beast of warcraft opens its mouth wide and flies out onto the earth.

I will now flush my body to the side as much as I need without making a big evasion. While doing so, I flashed my white sword.

It conveys a rough feeling to my hands. At the same time the blue liquid splashed, and a fin of the warcraft of the scythe danced among the trees of the forest of Dragon Peak.

The Warcraft of the Xu rushes into the ground when he makes strange screams.

The blue liquid was the blood of the warcraft of the scythe, creating a creepy reservoir of water where it escaped into the ground.

The detached fins are cramped with tingling forever. This one doesn\'t feel right either.

The Warcraft of the Xuan swims through the dragon pulse in a rough swim.

I feel like I\'m watching as I go around me.

But you must also be aware of the Warcraft. This one doesn\'t lose sight of signs. I\'m reading the movement. And possesses a powerful weapon that can easily cause injury.

It is a warcraft that some individuals have a much higher intelligence than others. I need to know as much as I can that this situation is against me.

Deep beneath your feet. Warcraft diving into dragon veins. Head there and skip the signs to intimidate you.

Who\'s stronger, me or you?

It inflates dragon temper and informs the Warcraft that I am an unworthy strong man as a prey.

Did you feel any sign of this one? The Beast of Warcraft tried to distance himself from me and began to swim.

But my operation was a mistake.

I panicked and made a series of spatial leaps into the next action taken by the Warcraft, which I felt could not be targeted as a prey.

The Beast of Warcraft changed its aim.

To the Stylers and Niemia resting in the cave, not me.


A warcraft that explores a wide range of signs. Not only this one, but it\'s not strange to be sensing signs over there.

The Warcraft of the Xu originally had a reckless ferocity that would strike even if Ares, the Spirit of the Spirit Tree, was there. Then I couldn\'t say enough that Niemia wouldn\'t give a hand over there even if she was there.

Head to the cave and make a continuous spatial leap.

But I can\'t keep up with the speed of the warcraft that armored the dragon pulse.


From the back of the cave, which was headed with all his might, a scream followed by an anger.

I didn\'t make it!

In a hurry, he jumps back into the cave.

Flipping from the brightness outside into a dim cave, vision only dims for a moment.

He immediately sent dragon air to his eyes and checked the surrounding conditions.

Eyes with the light of crystal stone and dragon qi dwelling slightly instantly in the back reflected misery.

Some of the walls near the entrance are ashed, and ashes are also falling on the ground. This is probably Niemia.

And the rough baggage was scattered, and there were no signs of people.

No one jumped out of the cave. That means...

Carefully observed, the blood followed slightly in the back.

And screams echo from behind the cave.

I can\'t really hear you echoing, but it looks like you\'ve gone a long way back in a little while.

From the circumstances, I wonder if the Xuan Warcraft has been attacked from near the entrance. Niemia prevented me from doing that. The Stylers must have rushed to the back of the cave to the warcraft that suddenly appeared from near the entrance.

It is the cunning trap of the Warcraft that lured him to the back of the barren pit, not outside where he could freely flee.

I have to hurry up and go help.

After the blood, I turned to the back of the cave.