We Live in Dragon's Peak

357 Crystal Mines

The brunette man is Ash. Young man is Iwaf. The bearded man is Yozen. And the injured red-haired boy is Aquil.

"What can we say for ourselves, when it comes to the Stylers, it\'s a famous family of adventurers."

"My father and mother are old enough to retire. I have another sister under Aquil, but this is it."

That said, Mr. Yozen shows with a nasty gesture.

"Oh, you had a child. Congratulations."

"Oh, my God, he doesn\'t have eyes to look at."

Four of the adventurers were resting thoughtfully when they packed the beautiful snow in a bag and then finished with a piece of ravioli and returned to the cave.

Firewood, unfortunately, could not be collected because dry wood could not be found.

Passing the bag with the gently cold snow to Mr. Aquil, the swelling is cooled by applying the herb and placing it on the ankle fixed with the belt. In doing so, I introduced myself late.

The eldest son is the most physically fit Mr. Josen. They have three wives and children living in Ambis, the vice capital of the kingdom of Armuard. The second son is Ivaf, who looks like a woman is about to yellow cheer. He\'s a similar looking player, he\'s not married, but he\'s got three lovers, and he\'s got two kids. The three men are Mr. Ash, the cutting captain with a thick long sword. He looks scary, but surprisingly likes to talk, and he cuts out a whole lot of topics. And it was four men, Mr. Aquil, who had sprained his ankle and was unable to move. He had a year of traveling until last year and traveled alone. So Mr. Aquil is one of my older people.

What. Wait a minute!

I have a sister under there and I have a child!?

No, no, you can\'t think in depth right now.

"What the hell would have happened if Ernea hadn\'t shown up..."

"And I\'m sorry to treat you to dinner"

Mr. Josen and Mr. Ash bow their heads deeply. Mr. Ivaf uses the Demonic Stone of Fire to cook the ravioli I\'ve been hunting for.

Mr. Aquil kept his head down ever since I got back.

"No, we\'re each other when we\'re in trouble."

The four Stylers who say they\'re all blood connected families seem to be relieved by the fact that they didn\'t have to make a sad choice.

"Hey, and Ernea is amazing. You\'re a human being, but you\'re moving around Dragon Peak like you can afford it."

He puts his hand on his chin and looks at me like Mr. Ash was impressed.

How dangerous and harsh a place is Dragon Peak. Until recently, they had their own experience. If the gear of fate were a little crazier, we could have lost Mr. Aquil, the four men who were wounded and unable to move, or the four brothers could have died together.

My gaze truly tells me who I am, a proud adventurer of my awesome skills and a land where even they, who have actually ventured so far, cannot easily adventure, brought a young girl to appear flat.

"My daughter-in-law is a dragon. So I just know how to walk Dragon Peak a little better than normal people."

"No, you can\'t travel as easily as you know, usually."

Mr Josen says as he removes the small pot from his luggage. The contents of the small pot are alcoholic alcohol, and they divide this with water to drink.

You want a drink? She asked me, so I politely refuse.

After all, I don\'t really talk about myself. Just about the name and destination, and the mistral I just put out in my mouth. Even about Mistral, I haven\'t given her name.

I don\'t talk too much about my body or myself. That seems to be the adventurer. We do not pry into purpose or circumstances, and if we meet in the middle of an adventure, it is a companion, a friend who shares a temporary tranquility. of them on dangerous adventures, and that was solidarity.

When the king capital of the kingdom of Armuad was in the invasion of the demons. Adventurers who united and fought for rewards and rewards. Their connection helped save the species.

Talks can get heavy. It\'s not very funny if you\'re asked. So I wasn\'t going to ask you about the purpose of your journey.

But it looks like this Styler family was just a little different from those normal adventurers.

You haven\'t even asked, but you\'ve talked about family structure, and you\'ve asked easily about me.

Mostly, Mr. Ash.

Taking off the crisis and reaching the resting place may be lifting your mood and smoothing your mouth.

"So, going down the mountain on your own with the child, I\'m afraid"

"No. This child is not my child. Family, though."

"Yo, man."

Everyone gives a little bit to Ares\' innocent words.

"Ha ha. You\'re a little daughter-in-law."

Mr. Ash laughed and tried to stroke Ares\' head. But Ares quickly hid behind my back and ran away from Mr. Ash\'s hand.

"Ama. Did they hate you?

"I\'m just a stranger."

I sit Ares on my lap. [M]

Mr. Yozen, who has three children, also caressed the adorable Ares. He did so, but unfortunately let him squeeze his right hand back at the sight of Mr. Ash\'s refusal.

When we\'re having a conversation, Mr. Iwaf cooks up a dinner with stewed ravioli meat and distributes it to everyone. There\'s plenty of meat, a little stewed vegetables dish in a wooden vessel, and it looks very tasty.

Mr. Aquil, who was cooling the wound, also receives the vessel and eats dinner for all.

It\'s an easy dish with a light saltiness, but it was delicious to walk through all day and stain my tired body.

Mr. Iwaf, who seems to be playing for a long time, takes the initiative in preparing meals and paying close attention around.

I guess I\'ll drop the woman with this casual tenderness and sweet look.

Good. If we had the Louiseines here, I wonder if we\'d let Mr. Iwaf play his chest. I\'ll wear this move too and hold on to everyone\'s hearts. How dare you carry a chunk of ravioli meat into your mouth.

They don\'t start a fire in the cave, they\'re all twirling in thick blankets. I\'m still moving and eating right now, so my temperature is high, but it gets colder when the night goes deeper. I have not done anything to combat the cold since my body got cold, and I have been trying to keep warm since now.

Fortunately, I feel like the inside of the cave is slightly hotter than the outside. More than anything, I\'m glad the cold wind doesn\'t blow in.

The bushes at the entrance were covered with Ares\' abilities again after we entered. That blocked the wind, and inside the cave was a thankful environment in this still cold season.

And even without fire, the cave was only a little bright.

Strangely enough, the crystal stones that looked like walls and ceilings glowed like stars and were a slight source of light. When I got used to the darkness, I could confirm the surrounding conditions with just that slight light.

"Speaking of which, what is a treasure ball mine?

Ash told me about my question, which seemed to add more rap to the alcohol.

"Look, there\'s going to be a treasure ball embedded in a spell sword or something. It\'s a place where you can take the stones that are the primary stones of that jewel. Very rarely are jade stones mixed in places where crystals and gemstones can be removed. Brush it up and the magician can curse it. There can be fine jade stones in places that contain many crystal stones in this way. The fact that the crystal is glowing naturally means that maybe you can pick the ballstone of the attribute of light. You\'ll be a billionaire if you pick it."

I look at the wall behind the cave again, listening to the explanation.

I see the light attribute has some effect and the crystal is glowing.

But why is there a cave in a place like this, abandoned?

Even amateurs can tell. This is not a natural cave. The entrance was made to be hidden, and the ground has been tamed where we are sitting now.

Someone, probably the Dragon Nation people, is extremely likely to have been digging here, but I wonder if that\'s why they left it.

A place where stones can be taken to become precious ores and jewels is deep in Dragon Peak. Villages where dragon kings gather for meetings were also specialties of those mineral resources, weren\'t they?

But I can\'t believe there\'s a mine in a place like this.

Yeah, maybe there\'s a lot of ore buried. But Dragon Peak is a tough place to travel, and it\'s not that easy to find a new mine.

But then I wonder why this place was extra abandoned.

A place like you could say near the entrance to Dragon Peak. Deeper from here, in the mountainous areas, there are surely more dragon nests over there than the Stylers can even imagine, with the Warcraft lurking.

Let me tell you, this is a heavenly location from such a dangerous place behind Dragon Peak.

That\'s where it\'s abandoned and forgotten.

Simply, the mineral veins may have just dried up.

You think too much of me, don\'t you? I can\'t believe there\'s a place like this. I didn\'t even mention it from a nearby village.

As we continued our conversation, we finished our meals.

Mr. Ash told me about the mine and his previous adventures with excitement. He boasted that he had entered a similar mine in the past and dug in a lot of gems. With the money at that time, they got a meaty long sword. The long sword proudly raised by Mr. Ash was embedded with as long an elongated treasure ball as his thumb.

Speaking of which, my white sword also has a treasure ball embedded in it. Although it is based on the seeds of a spirit tree, not from ore.

I gently moved the white sword embedded with more splendid treasure balls than the cursed sword that Mr. Ash boasts of breathing into a place that I would not see in my gaze.

The jade stone has its own attributes.

At the end of the meal, Mr. Josen and Mr. Ash talk a little alcohol and dried meat into the dish.

Mr. Iwaf cleaned up with a smile that seemed like a woman. Mr. Aquil had fallen asleep after a meal because of his injuries and hard work, all his tiredness.

I listen to Mr. Ash, who speaks pleasantly.

"Due to geological influences, jade stones that can be picked often have attributes attached to them. It\'s these attributed treasures that nobles and rich merchants often get. Even if a spellman can\'t cast a spell, he can benefit slightly from his attributes. It\'s not disposable like a demonic crystal stone, it\'s traded for a high price because it can be kept as a protection all the time. We have a protective treasure ball, too. It\'s not like it\'s used for spell weapons, it\'s like scrapstone. The next piece of adventure that you can afford gold by arranging all of your weapons is the crumbs of protection with these attributes. But what\'s really worth it is a stone with no attributes attached. This is exactly what makes a magician a treasure to curse. If you can get it, the magician will go bankrupt and try to get it."

As I listen to Mr. Ash, I think about replacing the jade stone with the jewel of the spirit tree.

I also noticed during the trials at the end of the year that the Spirit Tree treasure had a slight power of the Spirit Tree.

It\'s a hypothesis. When the twin princesses throw with all their strength at the Spirit Tree jewels, they make more big explosions than the power they can contain, I wonder, because they were influenced by the attributes of this Spirit Tree.

Perhaps the power that exists slightly in the Spirit Tree will react so that when I blend properly with Ares, my strength will increase.

Speaking into it, it was getting late at night.

After mutual consultation, the four of us left Mr. Aquil wounded and unaffordable to rest while we were watching the night camp.

I\'ll keep an eye on Mr. Ash, so I\'ll let you sleep sweetly. [M]

Ares and I wrapped around the blanket and fell to a shallow sleep.

And the next morning.

Mr. Aquil was likely to be able to pull the swelling and walk if he remained at rest for another day or two.

I\'m on my way back to King\'s Capital, and I\'m not with the Stylers. So I\'m just a little lost as to whether to beg at leisure like this, or whether this means one edge, so they hang out with neighboring villages or going down the mountain.

Even if Mr. Aquil can walk, he probably can\'t fight, can he? Then, in the end, Mr. Ash and the others will continue their journey with the wounded in their arms.

They\'re top notch adventurers, and maybe I don\'t have to worry about them, but I don\'t like it when they keep splitting up and they keep caring.

"What are you all going to do?

As I watched Mr. Iwaf reheat last night\'s simmering dish, I asked him about his plans for the future.

"That\'s the trouble. We went into Dragon Peak on a few errands and it\'s tough to work here. I\'m not convinced as an adventurer to go down the mountain with my bare hands."

"But if you put your life on the scale, it\'s not a mistake to choose to go down the mountain. By the way, if you go in the back about half a day from here, there is a dragon tribe village. If you ask someone from the Dragon Nation, they\'ll help you get down the mountain."

If you\'re going down Dragon Peak with me, that\'s fine. It\'s gonna be a bit of a rough trip, but I\'ve been through something like an escort in the Dragon Warrior trials, so I\'m sure it\'s okay.

In my opinion, the Stylers were worried about each other.

"Actually, I was going to get something rare in Dragon Peak for my sister..."

Mr. Jozen\'s gaze was directed to the back of the cave.

"No sister, but I want to bless you. And when you have kids, it costs money. Men are still cluttered fish, not the kind of guys who can make money."

Mr. Ash\'s gaze was also directed towards nature and the cave.

"This cave is apparently safe. You\'re lucky you came to a place with a mineral vein."

Mr. Ivaf also stares at the pale issuing crystal stone behind the cave. And the three of them all saw me and Mr. Aquil.

"Things are discussed..."


Before I heard what Ash said, I indicated my will to refuse. [M]