We Live in Dragon's Peak

138 Burning Tree Sea

"Luiseine asks you to treat the injured. Lila, help me!

"Yes, leave it to me"

"Yes, I did."

I\'ll keep Priscia with Lyla. Luiseine asks the wounded dragon tribe to be gathered from above in a difficult place to see, and begins treatment.

And many warriors stretched their boundaries on the spot, isolated from us.

I lay down my weapon and confront the black-armed demon swordsman, not to be disturbed.

Zan and several warriors unleash dragon art toward the flying dragon over the sky.

Is Fei Long still manipulated, his movements are not so agile, he ascends sky-high into an attack from the ground and dodges.

In the meantime, defeat the Devil Swordsman.

I blended properly with Ares and increased my strength throughout my body.

And a spatial leap. In an instant, he flies behind a demon swordsman and wields his white sword with all his might.

A high shock sound and a spark scattered.

It was an unexpected attack from the blind spot, but the demon swordsman reacted quickly to prevent my blow with a shield.

After all, he is a demon swordsman like he was relative in the western fountain. Iron wall defense. The continuous serial trident is also recieved with the Devil\'s Sword and Shield.

And fight back.

Receive the demon sword waved down from the upper section with the wooden sword of the spirit tree.

In a heavy swing, you lose your posture.

I used a shield to beat him, but the Devil\'s Sword swung continuously, and I also used the White Sword to turn to defense.

What a heavy blow.

Each blow weighs like a blunt weapon. It\'s not the way to fight a bladed weapon with one hand.

Because of this, if you take a blow with a white sword that you shake at your disposal, the Devil\'s Sword spills a blade.

I can\'t grasp the intent of the attack. I don\'t think about the characteristics of a weapon, I just see it wielding a weapon.

I saw his face trying to read the demon swordsman\'s intentions, but hid in the shadow of a deeply worn helmet, and I didn\'t see his expression.

Fly around behind the devil\'s swordsman\'s sideburn. And immediately pack the time with a spatial leap.

The blow you waved with all your strength ends in emptiness, slashing where you fell apart.

The Devil Swordsman still waves his shield to prevent it, but I won\'t stop.

I dance against the demon swordsman\'s attacks and defenses.

This demon swordsman is cluttered with attack, but his defense is perfect. Attacking directly from the front prevents it.

If you don\'t flirt with your opponent and fight in this area, you don\'t have a chance.

I gently circle around the Devil\'s Swordsman and roll out the spear. [M]

Drop your posture, turn and kick at your feet. If the Devil Swordsman\'s attention points down, a white sword blow on the upper stage. With the help of a spiritual tree, he leaves in his gaze and deflects his attention.

I focus on demon swordsmen. [M]

The Devil Swordsman is perfect in defense, but he moves rough at the mercy of his powers. I don\'t fight the opponent by force. That\'s an experience I\'ve been working with Mistral and gained.

Wave the white sword in a flowing motion. At that time, I send a glass of dragon qi to the white sword. [M]

Even with the sharpness of the White Sword, you cannot chop up the Devil\'s Sword and Shield. Still, every time I take my blow, the Devil\'s Sword spills a blade, and the shield is lacerated.

A demon swordsman who will be on the side of my battle against the Dragon Sword Dance of Multiple Strikes.

He hates my time and tries to retreat, but he can\'t escape me as I go around attacking him.

The Devil Swordsman sends a creepy and disastrous dragon chi to the Devil Sword in an attempt to open the situation, waving a special blow.

I went with it, twisted my hips and gained the momentum of lateral rotation, wielding my white sword with all my might.

The high noise echoed the still burning sea of trees.

Then the demon sword breaks from the middle of the blade and the tip of the blade disappears into the sea of fire.

For a moment, the demon swordsman stopped moving.

I didn\'t miss the gap and slammed a thorn into it.

A wooden knife of a spirit tree swung up from the lower section bounces off a shield. And keep the momentum spinning from body to body, knocking in the white sword.

The white sword cleaved the black armor and severed the demon swordsman\'s chest greatly.

Bright red blood blew out and the demon swordsman collapsed.

The demon swordsman defeated him. But the battle is still going on here.

The burning sea is slowly approaching where we are.

Louiseine\'s complexion, which is hitting treatment within the multiple junctions, is poor. Maybe the power is close to the limit.

Zan and the others made sure they were okay, and this one was switching from attack to defense.

We gather around the place where Luiseine is being treated, intercepting attacks from above, while striving to strengthen the junction.

Even if you unleash dragon art on a flying dragon running high in the sky, you just consume dragon air for nothing.

And I was aware. There are other cases of concern now. I\'m sure Zan and the others have noticed, and they must be putting it together vigilantly.

"Just bear with me a little longer!

Screaming at Zan, I make a spatial leap without waiting for a reply.

Leaps repeatedly in a row, past the range of burning tree seas and into the depths.

I defeated the Devil Swordsman, but I have to do something about the flying dragon in the sky.

And to open it, where I headed.

Where dragon air was consumed at all costs to repeatedly follow the spatial leap, there was a nest of ground dragons with giants like private houses.

Nearby tree seas burn up, creepy flying dragons over the sky. And disturbed dragon veins and signs of battle.

The flock of ground dragons, who dug shallow and wide on the surface and laid down branches and trees there to nest, were vigilant and clustered together.

And suddenly he sees me, a crowd of terrorizing dragons.

Low ground roaring. But with a dragon-hearted mind, I read the clear will of the earth dragon.

Who is it?

"This noise is you!

"Why are people in places like this?"

I can also see the color of anger in the ground dragon who said it was warm because of the disturbance of a peaceful life.

"Excuse me. We\'re under attack. Could you help me?"

"What are you talking about, this kid?"

"Let me go home. With this guy here, there\'s a chance of damage to us."

"He who disrupts our lives. Don\'t condone it. \'

The dragon screams at me to do something about it. And the biggest grounddragon in the herd leads his feet forward toward me.

"Wait a minute. I feel like a dragon. I can talk to you. So listen to me for a second!


"Is there a people?"

Even as I am surprised, the movement of the great earth dragon stops.

"We\'re certainly the ones being attacked. I\'m being attacked by a creepy flying dragon dancing in the sky."

\'What\'s wrong with that? It\'s none of our business that you\'re being attacked. "

The ground dragon roars his throat low.

"No, it doesn\'t matter. That flying dragon is manipulated."

The tip of the sky I point to. There a feisty dragon wrapped around a disastrous dragon chi was swirling and dropping fireballs toward the surface.

"As it is, this sea of trees burns and the damage spreads to this nest"

"That must be your fault."

Ground dragon roaring with outrage.

"No. We are attacked, and the tree sea is burning because of it, but now you can\'t say whose fault it is. The real problem, the tree sea is burning. Even if you keep saying it\'s the other HR, other people\'s fault, the damage won\'t subside. Then we should work together to solve the problem quickly and reduce the damage at all."

It\'s a little forceful, but I don\'t think I\'m wrong. Does the dragon know what I\'m talking about, Guru, and I\'m having trouble ringing my throat.


I teach the Ground Dragon who the Fei Dragon is.

"That flying dragon is being manipulated. Someone is manipulating the Dragon Clan. If you stay like this, you may be manipulated and corrupted in an evil way."

"Are we easily manipulated?"

"No, I\'m sure I can\'t resist. Maybe I\'m manipulating that flying dragon because it could be an alter."

Alta, to the name, the ground dragon roars. The possible resurrection of Alta is a matter of the Dragon Nation. But in the past, there\'s no way the Dragons knew about Alta, who manipulated the Dragon Clan and rammed around on Dragon Peak.

"If we stay like this, we don\'t know who in the Dragon Nation will be manipulated to fall into evil. Maybe it\'s you. Do you want to be cursed and manipulated to kill each other?"

To my persuasion, a bunch of ground dragons looking at each other.

\'But then, where I have now managed that Fei Long, the fundamental problem will not be solved. Even if we lose the flying dragon we were manipulating, why don\'t we just look for the next one\'

"Yes. But first, if we don\'t eliminate the danger in front of us, there\'s no way forward. This time, I found out I could manipulate multiple dragon clans. This isn\'t just about the Dragon Nation anymore. If we leave this problem alone, many dragon tribes will also suffer. So let\'s work together. Not only this time, but always will be. Until Alta\'s problem is solved."

If the Dragon Nation and the Dragon Nation were moving separately, they could be handcuffed as good for Alta. If you do poorly, you may let them get along and provoke a dispute between the Dragons and the Dragons. Then it is better for the Dragons and the Dragons to keep their hands together before then.

This incident was a sudden one, if only we could have a cooperative relationship because of this.

A herd of dragons who take my word for it, recognize the status quo, and reflect on what lies ahead.

Are you telling me that this cooperation will be the first step in joining hands with you people?

"Yes, it would be nice to show cooperation from the Dragons and sell thanks."

When he looked at me with a sly grin, the dragon laughed delightfully.

"Kuku. Interesting people. Good, I\'ll ride your thoughts this time. \'

When the biggest grounddragon could roar, the other grounddragons who were in the nest continued to roar.

\'This time it\'s special. Get on your back, kid. And show us around!

Ooh, I can ride the back of a ground dragon. I jump on the back of the biggest dragon in space. [M] This dragon leads the herd, right?

The great march of the Ground Dragon began towards the woods of the Tree Sea, which I point out.

"Wow, are we all moving?"

I was surprised that only adults would cooperate.

The start of the journey included the ground dragon of a small child of physique.

\'Naturally. When we were absent, the rest of the clan was manipulated without an ex-child. "

I see. Right.

Convincing me, the crowd of ground dragons bursting into the ground was rolling.

Don\'t take the hassle of avoiding trees that forest. Knock down the trees, raise the ground and proceed.

You noticed the anomaly on the ground, two flying dragons flew this way.

The ground dragon gives a sharp roar.

Then the rocks on the ground jump to the sky at a terrible rate. A manipulated, dull flying dragon cannot cope with a sudden attack.

The rain of boulders from the ground hits the flying dragons directly one after the other, turning into a miserable chunk of meat to see and fall to the ground.

The burst of the ground dragon does not stop, entering the burning sea of trees.

Running ahead, the ground dragon I ride on my back slaps the surface hard with a thick tail.

I saw a phenomenon that I suspected was real.

The surface waves like water, dragging burning trees into the ground. And while we were looking, the burning sea of trees in our course was swallowed up into the earth, and the way was made.

The burst of a herd of ground dragons is resumed.

It was a surface that showed watery movement, but the earth that the grounddragon stomps on is firm and hard enough to think that the phenomenon today is really not a dream.

And me and my flock of grounddragons arrived at the site of the raid where the Zans were concentrating on their defenses.