We Live in Dragon's Peak

137 Operational meetings and tree sea skies

"So, this is the trial."

"I knew it was too hard."

"What\'s so easy about that?"

When we arrive by the water, we boil the water once and then cool down, moisturizing our throats and talking about the future.

"There\'s definitely something behind this trial."

"Well, yes. Otherwise, it\'s a tough test for an active warrior."

"Well, what\'s behind it?"

If I had a water bottle, I wouldn\'t have to look for a water source every time, while listening to the dragon warrior candidate.

"Taking dragon eggs would be hopeless"

"How about from a warm dragon clan?"

"No matter how warm you are, there\'s no race that won\'t get mad at you for taking eggs."

"Destroy the little nest dragon and take it away."

"You must die once."

We come up with a lot of ideas, and we argue that it\'s not even like that.

"I wish I could take your water."

To Priscia\'s casual words, a woman who was resting by her side moves.

As he ripped off many large leaves from the nearby field, he folded them multiple times to create a container that was not overflowing with water.

"It\'s amazing."

"If you\'re going to be a warrior, you have to do this."

A woman who teaches an inspiring lila how to make it gently. Afterwards, the woman and Lyla get out of the discussion and practice making water containers for everyone.

And even while Lyla was mass-producing the water inlet, the discussion continued.

Apparently, I\'ll even derive some answers here. The dragon men and women sit back and talk.

On the way, two men take their seats off. Apparently he went hunting for a meal prey. The two men who killed the signs disappeared behind the tree sea with bows and arrows in their charge.

"In the first place. I wonder if bringing dragon eggs into the village would make the village dangerous."

Ooh. You\'ve noticed a good spot, young lady.

Only I didn\'t participate in the discussion, and I was dealing with Priscia and Ares.

The Dragon Nation and Louiseine seem to realize that I am coming up with some answers. But there\'s an atmosphere where they\'re trying to get through with their own wisdom, not asking me for answers.

This is a good thing, isn\'t it? I don\'t rely on someone for cheap. Unless, of course, it\'s an emergency or out of hand, but now that we can afford to discuss it carefully, I don\'t think their options are wrong.

And I, too, refrained from making stupid imitations that would give me answers.

Priscia and Ares are playing tricks, and I still feel my own growth. [M]

I\'ve failed a lot since I got into Dragon Peak, and all the things I don\'t want to do. I haven\'t been as helpful so far in the case of the West Village, and I don\'t feel I\'ve been able to contribute as much help to Lyra as Mistral or Louiseine.

But I\'m not the only one struggling with every day.

Even dragon people who are close to the dragon clan with wisdom and far superior to people are troubled in this way now.

And by comparing myself to those people, I was finally realizing my current strength and growth objectively.

Oh, this isn\'t about superiority or anything.


A lot of failures and a little success. But the experience is more confident than any of the dragon men and women who are here right now.

And I felt that the difference in experience was showing itself now.

"Success or failure can be an important experience."

"Even if you have the strength, you don\'t feel well."

Niemia and Ares are right.

I got the power, but I didn\'t have enough experience. But I\'m experiencing a lot at Dragon Peak, and I\'m probably starting to get the knowledge and thought I deserve.

"Bringing eggs into the village makes the village dangerous. Then what am I supposed to do? Isn\'t that hopeless?"

"Right. You can\'t bring danger into the village."

"But you know that, and you\'ve come up with it as a topic."

"Then there must definitely be a way out of this problem"

"I wonder if I can find a way out, a way back, but it might involve my qualities as a warrior."

The discussion continues, with two men who were out hunting returning picking some meat and fruit from the baked beast.

"Hey, there\'s a dragon\'s nest ahead of me and I\'m in a hurry."

"Feeling dangerous?

"No, he was a grown man."


Distribute meat and fruit and check the surrounding conditions again while eating meals.

"Ernea, you can afford it."

Louiseine, who could hardly come up with an answer, swelled her cheeks and hit me eight times.

"I\'m confident in this trial too."

Like Lyla has won a lot, she tends her stiff breasts and provokes Louiseine.

"That\'s it. Is Lyla finding a way into the trials?"

Stunning Louiseine. And the dragon men and women who were listening.

"Come on, people are better than us."

The dragon men and women stare at each other and smile at each other.

I\'m sorry that we of the people gave the answer first. But me and Lyla are on special terms. It\'s not for your reference, I wanted to say.

But if it was a different word, I had to say it.

"Guys, it\'s a flying dragon!

Many shadows of flying dragons pass at high speeds over the roofs of the thick trees of the sea, where we were generous.

The shadow of a flying dragon passing over our heads in an instant.

And the whole thing in there, I had eyes.

Found it.

Fei Long was sure to catch us.

A flying dragon roars in the air.

"Come on, they found us. Run."

The venue for peaceful discussion is a turnaround. When we get up in a hurry, we rush the spot. [M]

Immediately after that.

A number of fireballs fell from the sky where we were generous.

The sound of the explosion and the heat waves hit the sea of trees, and in an instant the place where we were is the sea of fire.

I held Priscia and ran like everyone else. Ares flies on after me, and Luiseine and Lyla run a little further.

The dragon tribe was running around in the tree sea scattered.

"Damn, why all of a sudden, the Fei Long attacked me"

A man screams.

Fei Long is indeed ferocious. But that\'s why I\'m not even the kind of creature that attacks people without question if I find them.

Depending on the allowance, it\'s just the old tyrants.

But now we were confused by the sudden raid of the Fei Long.

Looking up at the sky as he ran, nearly ten flying dragons were swirling overhead.

"What is that?"

And a man who looked up at the sky, just like me, stopped and stood still.

"You can\'t stop now. Run."

I grab a stopped man\'s arm with my free hand and pull him forcefully to run.

I was also stunned when I saw Fei Long. But that\'s why we mustn\'t stop. I have to run.

A bunch of flying dragons swirling over the sky and watching for opportunities to attack. All of that was a flying dragon wrapped around a creepy black dragon chi.

Such an idiot, I shouted in my heart.

Creepy, dark enough to visualize black, the Fei Dragon enthralled the dragon qi.

There\'s no way I can forget.

That\'s the same flying dragon that Alta was manipulating.

Alta said he was an evil force and would manipulate a flying dragon. Creepy black dragon chi is evidence of being manipulated.

That flock of dragons must be manipulating us.

But I didn\'t hear you could manipulate nearly ten bodies at the same time.

We escape through the sea of trees in a creepy dragon attack. [M]

A relentless ball of fire descends from the sky, and instantly the tree sea turns into a forest of flames.

Louiseine, it\'s dangerous.

The whole of the flying dragon, which has descended suddenly, shines a sharp toenail, approaching Luiseine.

Luiseine avoided by activating the spell of fast travel, with a single hair.

Failing to tailor Luiseine, the flying dragon winged violently on the ground and soared. Return to the sky immediately.

Sounds and shocks spread nearby. A dragon man fleeing in another direction was attacking another flying dragon in a sudden descent.

The man manages to dodge and escape into the shadow of a tree.

Yet elsewhere, the flamethrowing of a flying dragon flying at low altitudes while knocking down trees was wielding fierceness.

And now we\'re stunned, and we\'ve stopped.

What, this sight?

Many dragon tribes, not only me, opened their eyes wide to the unlikely sight being played out in front of them, and became bars.

A flying dragon wrapped around a black, creepy visualization of dragon chi. On its back was everything, a man dressed in black armor crossed it.

Like that, Lyla breathes watching a black-armed demon swordsman in a village to the west. But I was more than that.

The combination of black armor and flying dragons is with Alta, which I witnessed exactly when I was with the tyrant.

Were the answers that the dragon people had guessed wrong?

Wasn\'t it Alta that I witnessed in the past, these guys? Confusing me.

But I stopped forever, and I didn\'t have time to be confused.

Failed to assault the Fei Long rises and targets us from the sky.

From the back of the flying dragon, the rain of countless dragon techniques poured down.

I fly by Lyla and Louiseine in a spatial leap and do my best to connect. [M]

Shortly after, a rain of black arrows poured down on one side of his sight.

The rain of black arrows that smite down the trees of the sea and pierce the earth.

The line I stretched out screams.

But I managed to endure Lyla\'s additional juncture and Louiseine\'s spell.

The rain of black arrows will subside.

It was terrible power.

The dragon of power that we managed to prevent.

Would the other warrior candidates have been safe?

As the soil and smoke clears, I\'ll be on guard over the sky, checking the perimeter.

But before that, the whole dragon came down again.

I\'m not going to give you time to get us back on our feet.

I\'ll blow up dragon chi at once and try to intercept you.

At that time.

A dragon spear released from behind the woods of the tree sea struck the flying dragon directly. Fei Long falls to the ground with a tall scream that rips his ears off.

Are you all right?

"Buy Time, Run Now"

They were dragon warriors as escorts.

The warrior candidate who had escaped was protected by an awesome warrior. But that power. There were no intact dragon tribes, some of them seriously injured.

But in it, he doesn\'t look like Zan.

Zan, who is still hiding himself, poked a gap and finished the whole Fei Long thing.

Fei Long, who received Zan\'s dragon spear, ceases to move after he clashed to the ground screaming.

The other Feilongs were chased back into the air by Zan\'s pursuit.

"I\'ll take the sky. You take care of him."

Zan showed up next to me with his jaw.

From the shadow of the body of the crashed flying dragon, a black-armed man slowly appears.

Full-body armor in pitch black. A demon sword with a pitch-black shield in his left hand as well, and a disastrous sign in his right hand.

He was a man dressed as a demon swordsman and melon, relative in the spring west of Dragon Peak.