Vengeance For Jenny

Chapter 11 - Listen to ME 4.3

I knew full well in cases like these chances where the child would never be found or if she was would be dead. Still I wouldn't break the Typhoons spirit to fight not yet not until I trained her and got my freedom back. If by then we still hadn't found a single clue I would tell her. Afterwards it's up to her if she sinks from the facts or keeps pushing forward. Dodger told me if I didn't want a partner, I had to make sure she could take care of herself make her the best as she listens to no one. It's one of the reasons I followed after her. Though part of me was curious about this girl and so I would have followed even if it wasn't to bring her back. If anything; I could have filled the hunger I suddenly had after meeting her. Wouldn't hurt having a one night if she was leaving the organization. However; situation has changed and for now she's my partner and this woman that I wanted to corner and have my way with is now my partner means hands off or things will get complicated because I can't screw her then loose her. Besides now that I see how close Dodger is to her, I'd say he'd hunt me down if I did something like that to this Typhoon. Just better to keep distance of risk invoking his wraith mans a beast when he is pissed and though I not afraid of him, I would never want to kill him so I would take the punishment handed out.

All I can say is this might be a very hard trail for me. I always get what I want. Right now, my dɨċk wants me to go into that back room and take advantage of the girl who probably hiding her pain right now.

I groan at myself rubbing the back of my neck as I breath out willing my growing erection from my thoughts just now to decrease before Eza and her boy toy Jaden got here. The house eerie quiet except for the small noises coming from the back room which sound like rummaging. I nearly have the urge to go down there and find out what the hell she is doing at this moment. However, people handle stressful situations differently long as she isn't out doing anything stupid, I will leave her be. Sound of squealing breaks making a big vehicle stop out front catches my attention. I push off the wall and head to the front entrance.

"Fuck Black Cat, why do you always go to choose the crazy chicks?"

Ezra's lips curl up into s a mischievous playful smile as she walks up and wraps an arm around my neck and pushes her body against mine.

I shrug "You know me, feisty is fun." I smirk back.

"If you want fun, there's always room for one more." She leans close to my ear and whispers into it though I know Jaden knows what she's saying. She is known for collecting men.

I step back before she can try and get her teeth on me.

"I said feisty, not easy, damn woman; now get to work and show me your actually useful and maybe I might favor you someday." I watch a fire light in her eyes.

"I'm more useful than a hired gun, one day you will beg to let me skill fun hands show you just how useful I can be." She sneers as she bumps my shoulders walking past me and into the how's Jaden following with an apologetic smile though I'm no idiot the smile is fake deep down he's a boiling point of anger waiting to explode. He's loved Eza for so long but he's her toy.

Getting to work looking for finger prints DNA anything that might give us a lead. Still I don't have much faith in it. As I toss through papers that seem unimportant envelopes addressed to Jenny opened but the letter gone. Nothing with her roommates' name on it. It was as if her roommate didn't exist.

After I slammed the door closed, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't I covered my mouth knees buckling to the floor as I leaned my back against the wall. I needed to rely on this man, but I don't trust men except Dodger and even him I've kept at arm's length. I fight back the tears of frustration. Why was I so useless?

"Becca." I mumble out her name. What was Miranda thinking. I get up wearily and make my way to the closet remembering she had asked me to hold on to all her things that she had owned when she was rescued with me over a year ago. I toss open my closet door pulling down all the all the blankets and boxes piled up on the top shelf.

"Shit." I curse. All the boxes dump out onto the floor "Damn it to hell" I sigh I didn't even know which box it was.

I toss blankets around the room unburying 3 boxes content scattered all out on the floor mixing together. A lot of it was paperwork.

"For Christ sake did god have a vendetta against me." Only thing I could do was look through these papers maybe it would give me some clue as to where she was going. Because obviously Miranda wasn't the woman, I thought she was or else this never would have happened.

I hear the sound of a big vehicle pull in out front stopping me in my tracks. Climbing to my feet to stand I crack open my door. I watch as Maliki walks past the hall door to the entrance. Creeping out I follow what was going on. Peeking around the corner I catch a glimpse of a woman suddenly wrapping her long slender arms around Maliki's neck her fingers locking behind his head. His hands on her hɨps. Their bodies pressed together. Oh, hell no, if he's the type that gets off by crime scenes, he can take that shit elsewhere and I was about to tell him that when I watch him step away from her. She brushes past him marching into my house carrying a suit case and she glances my way. I finally see the man eater Eza. I back away into the shadows to my room before Maliki can spot me who was following in after her.

I knew her reputation and personally I didn't know how to deal with her type she was not just boy crazy, she was just a psychotic crazy. I heard once one of her men tried to step out from her and get another girlfriend. She stalked that poor innocent girl and threatened her at knife point smiling and talking like they were best friends with her tone but her words where a warning. If her and Maliki where an item I don't need her thinking we are anything but partners. I don't need that kind of drama and that man is nothing but trouble with how much attention he attracts. But I won't sway so easily no way I have a mission. Besides every time he opens his mouth you want to punch him no matter how attractive those deep pained eyes are. Fuck, God drown me in the Real sea if I can't find Becca it's better than getting involved with Maliki and Eza I let out a pleading prayer.