Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1752: Confuse

"Zhang Wanlin, you should check again to make sure that the answers to all questions are correct."

The math teacher still said so.

In fact, it is to prevent other students from psychological imbalance, so how can they make others live after finishing writing so quickly?

So keep a low profile when it\'s time to keep a low profile.

Zhang Wanlin didn\'t say anything about this, and Quan should keep a low profile.

He looked at the papers and checked them, but actually looked at Qin Xue in front of him.

When she lowered her head to do homework, she looked really good.

The first session of the exam ended, and then class. After another forty minutes, the students finished writing one after another.

The papers began to be collected by the class representatives, but Zhang Wanlin\'s papers were held by the math teacher alone, and he had to go back and look at them.

If everything is correct, this student deserves to be cultivated.

The students are all lamenting that the test questions of this surprise test are difficult, it is not ordinary, it is so difficult that it feels like nowhere to start.

"The first fill-in-the-blank questions are okay, but the calculation questions at the back are a bit so. I have written a lot of drafts."

"Especially the big questions on side b. That\'s really difficult. I wrote it for a long time before I finished it roughly, but I guess most of it didn\'t finish."

"Yes, I also seriously agree that the following big questions are too difficult. One of the questions is an adaptation of a question from the tutorial book I have done."

Everyone said this, and they all felt a sense of disaster for the rest of their lives.

The test results will be posted tomorrow. Someone is already guessing the results before the end of school.

The highest is of course Qin Xue, when she is not the first.

There should be 95 points this time.

Then Wang Zi’s painting, 93...Qin Xue didn’t seem to be very interested in her own grades, but asked the Wang Zi’s painting at the same table: “Yes, is Zhang Wanlin’s math grades very good? I saw him writing quickly on stage, and the pen almost never stopped."


The prince\'s painting was full of disdain: "It\'s not what you think, it\'s probably just scribbling.

You may not usually care about it. In fact, his grades are the worst. He certainly won\'t do high IQ questions like mathematics.

If I want to say, it would be great to get a score of about 60 points. "

Qin Xue thought about it, and Wang Zihua asked again: "What\'s wrong, Qin Xue, do you have any opinion on him?"

"No, I just want to ask."

The mathematics results were announced in the first class in the afternoon of the second day. Before the first class arrived, scumbags like Li Gang and Wang Hai were already worried about their results.

Li Gang and Wang Hai came to Zhang Wanlin\'s desk, crying.

"It\'s over, it\'s definitely dead this time, let alone sixty points, forty points are not necessarily."

"I wrote multiple-choice questions earlier, but I didn\'t write the big questions and some small questions later.

I guess the score is similar to yours. "

Normally, if they get a low score, it doesn\'t matter to them. Anyway, the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, but now that the low score is tested, the parents will come over, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Li Gang\'s parents are relatively simple rural people, and they don\'t think about anything. If you see his son\'s score, you don\'t have to think about how to do it. Mixed doubles is unavoidable.

As for Wang Hai, there is no need to worry about being beaten, but his pocket money will be cancelled, which is more uncomfortable than his being beaten.

At the same time, they looked at Zhang Wanlin, who was wandering around.

Li Gang was suspicious: "Zhang Wanlin, why do you seem to be indifferent at all?

I see you scribbling on the podium, and you don’t necessarily get a high score. "

"You should be one of us most likely to be invited as a parent."

Wang Haidao, "But if you want to invite it, it is probably your sister. If I had such a sister, she would be so beautiful, and she wouldn\'t be like my parents."

Zhang Wanlin laughed: "Who said that my grades are poor, I usually work very hard, alright."

"If you work hard, the sun has to come out from the west."

Li Gang was the first to refute.

"that is.

If you work hard, don’t we work harder?

After I sleep, I will feel that I have worked very hard. "

Wang Hai spoke with a slight sarcasm.

Zhang Wanlin shook his head and didn\'t intend to explain anything. After all, being an expert at first, the effect would be better just like this.

Finally arrived at the math class.

The mathematics teacher walked into the classroom with the graded examination papers, "The class representative came to read the names and handed out the papers one by one. In addition, those who did not pass the grades should be recorded as parents."

The class representative was a girl with black-rimmed glasses. She walked up to the podium, picked up the exam papers, and read the names one by one: "Zhang Liang, 73 points.

Wang Rui, 82 points..." The classmate who had read the name went up and led the paper down.

At this moment, there is a sense of sacredness for high-scoring students, as if they are on the stage, and they are unique.

However, so far there have been no high scores, and the average line is below 85 points.

No way, this test paper is too difficult, and it is a surprise test. It integrates all the previous studies. Most people have not adapted to it. It is only natural that the test scores are slightly lower than before.

Soon I arrived at Li Gang and Wang Hai, and both scored 34 and 45 points.

It\'s a lot worse than passing grades.

The moment the two took the paper, they almost cried.

In the end, the scores are basically better, with an average score of 90 points or more. For example, Wang Zihua has 91 points.

But the total number of people is not very large, there are only five people, and all of them are girls.

"Qin Xue, 95 points."

The last high score was Qin Xue, when the name was pronounced, the whole class was in an uproar.

"Sure enough, only Qin Xue can get such a high score."

"He should have known the wrong one in the following big question.

This is not easy, I was basically wrong. "

"How about good?"

All the names in the class have been read, but Zhang Wanlin, but who would have noticed this mediocre student?

Qin Xue was not at all happy for her score on the exam, instead she focused on the other side and asked the Prince painting next to her: "It seems that I haven\'t read the name of a classmate yet."

"Who else?"

The prince drew and wondered, "Isn\'t it all finished?"

"Zhang Wanlin."

"That\'s true, Zhang Wanlin seems to have not read it yet."

The two girls looked at the podium. It wasn\'t that they didn\'t read it, but the math teacher deliberately put Zhang Wanlin\'s examination paper in the last place.

When the class representative saw this paper, he was almost stunned.

"Teacher..." She had to make sure that the math teacher didn\'t make a mistake, because it clearly said 100 points.

She won\'t be surprised if she gets a 100 points for someone like Qin Xue, but if she is a scumbag like Zhang Wanlin, she will really shock the sky.

Why does he score such a high score on the test?

"Read it."

The math teacher said: "I saw it with my own eyes, and this is indeed what he wrote."

The class representative read out the name of the last student: "The last student, Zhang Wanlin, got a perfect score!!"

The whole class was in an uproar again after Qin Xue.

Full marks! ?

Zhang Wanlin! ?

Can these two concepts be confused?