Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1751: Test paper

The mathematics teacher began to arrange for class representatives to issue test papers, one for each person.

Yang Gang and Wang Hai were annoyed, and their expressions said that there was as much pain as they were.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wanlin said casually it turned out to be true.

The surprise test is really a surprise test.

It\'s never been before.

They think so, and most of the scumbags think so.

In fact, they didn\'t know that Zhang Wanlin didn\'t say it casually, but deliberately reminded them, but they didn\'t care.

Usually their results belong to the tail of the crane, and of course it is even worse in mathematics, so when faced with a surprise test, they can only surrender on the spot without any suspense.

After the examination papers were issued, the math teacher said from the podium: "Now you have one copy, and the time to do it is two lessons, enough for you to finish it.

If you usually listen to the class well, definitely don\'t worry.

But if it doesn\'t, then naturally you have to worry a little bit. "

"For the sake of fairness in the exam and to prevent individual students from cheating, the few people I named all moved their desks out separately and wrote in the corners of the classroom."

The first name the math teacher clicked: Li Gang, then Wang Hai and the other four.

This is the bottom of the grade, and often copy homework.

It was even more complete for them now. The papers could not be written, and there was no room for copying. The math teacher made it clear that he had come prepared.

Li Gang felt that this was unfair. Why didn\'t he have only four of them? Although they had the worst grades, there was also Zhang Wanlin who was the worst. Why didn\'t he get it out.

And he is also the easiest to copy homework.

Of course Wang Hai thought so too.

Although the psychology is very unbalanced, they can\'t make out the idea of ​​betraying their friends.

They can\'t do it, it doesn\'t mean that others can\'t do it. I saw one of the other two raising his hand and saying, "Teacher, if we all moved, Zhang Wanlin should move too."

His results are not much better than ours. "

Another person fits: "Yes, teacher, if it\'s just us moving, isn\'t it too unfair?"

Zhang Wanlin cursed these people secretly, really, he didn\'t forget to find a backer when he died.

The math teacher said: "Of course, I didn\'t treat Zhang Wanlin specially. Zhang Wanlin, come to the podium to write the paper.

If you think his treatment is good, you can exchange it at any time. "

No one talked any more, and they all stayed with the teacher\'s eyelids lowered. There is nothing to say, worse than them, it is obvious that they are the key guardian.

Zhang Wanlin doesn\'t matter. Anyway, I have done related exercises before, and I still remember it fresh.

He came to the podium with his papers and sat on the teacher\'s side.

His gaze happened to meet Qin Xue in the middle of the stage, he smiled slightly and blinked playfully.

Qin Xue didn\'t care about him.

"Well, now you can start writing the papers."

The math teacher finally announced.

The classmates of Grade One (1) started to write with pens, the whole classroom was very quiet, only the sound of the pen scratching the paper was heard.

Every student is writing, thinking, or drafting and so on.

Of course, all this ruled out the scumbag, because most of them are not very good at it, so they can only stare.

In contrast, Zhang Wanlin wrote as if he was fascinating, he kept brushing and writing, knowing it was because he was writing papers, and those who didn\'t know thought he was copying papers.

This is too exaggerated.

Li Gang couldn\'t help but think: Zhang Wanlin, this guy, is probably just doing it on the podium to show the teacher, otherwise he would sit there, obviously it won\'t work.

Wang Hai felt that this must be a ghostly peach talisman.

They still don\'t know Zhang Wanlin?

Except for Zhang Wanlin who is better in Chinese, where can the other subjects help?

He has never taken studying seriously since he went to school.

Zhang Wanlin was really quick to write, so he just filled out the multiple-choice questions without thinking about it.

It seems that there is no constitution, no brain, but in fact every answer is accurate.

Then fill in the blanks, only review the questions, and then fill in the answers quickly.

The same is to mark your answer.

The mathematics teacher on the side obviously noticed the almost enchanting anomaly, and kept his eyes on his curly face to see how he did the problem.

Zhang Wanlin turned to side b and started to do word problems.

I guess I also scanned the question roughly, and started writing in a hurry.

It was like a schoolmaster answering a question, and the almost exaggerated technique made the math teacher beside him dumbfounded.

He watched for a long time to confirm that Zhang Wanlin had not copied any answers, nor was he suspected of cheating. Even if he cheated, someone would have to copy it for him.

He is sitting on the podium, who copied it from?

No cheating, no copy of the answer, and such a prosperous writing, could it be that this night Lin suddenly opened up?

! No way.

What shocked the mathematics teacher the most was that it was correct to write so fast! And comparable to the standard answer.

What\'s the matter?

! Next comes the next big question.

This big question is not simple, but the mathematics teacher combined with the questions that the college entrance examination has thought over the years, the idea of ​​the question is still the same, but compared with the original idea, there are many more circuitous processes and complexity. If you are distracted, you may lose it. Correct information, and thus do wrong.

The mathematics teacher estimated this question, and it is estimated that at the level of the first grade (1), the girl headed by Qin Xue can write it, and there will be no more than three.

However, Zhang Wanlin in front of him was like taking a plug-in medicine, and he also started to write immediately after only a cursory scan of the question, even such a complicated question without drafting it.

The more the math teacher looked at it, the more shocking it became. This was scary enough.

Maybe Zhang Wanlin is a genius in the dark.

In fact, the mathematics teacher didn\'t know that Zhang Wanlin had done similar problems a long time ago, and he was completely familiar with the whole problem-solving process in his mind.

Zhang Wanlin\'s only advantage lies in his memory, or his language skills, his quick and outrageous endorsement.

The time passed by, and there were still 30 minutes before the end of get out of class. Zhang Wanlin put his pen away and said, "I\'m finished."

All the students raised their heads one after another, and that\'s it! ?

This is a paper, I wrote it before even a lesson?

I\'m afraid it\'s not telling the story of the Arabian Nights.

"It\'s obviously impossible for Zhang Wanlin to finish writing so quickly."

"It\'s definitely impossible. I\'m only halfway through writing. How could he write so fast."

"I guess I will show it to the teacher.

Can the teacher still not understand the post?

I must feel that the whole article is full of mistakes.

After finishing what he said, he must be finished, regardless of whether it is correct or not. "

The students have no shortage of such discussions.

The mathematics teacher took Zhang Wanlin’s paper and saw side B from side A, then side A from side B, his brows tightened. It wasn’t that the paper was full of errors, but... there was no wrong question. , All correct! Out of 100 points! This is outrageous.

How could it be all right?

It\'s all right to write so fast, it\'s too unbelievable.

But the facts are here.

The former mathematics scummer suddenly emerged and got a perfect score in the test with the fastest speed.