Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1715: Hiding place

Zhang Wanlin hid behind a big tree in time to avoid the impact of the group\'s monsters.

The roaring sound has been unceasingly heard, and their escaped figures have continued for several minutes, making Zhang Wanlin even think that the monsters in the entire steel forest are gathered together.

Finally, after there were no more monsters, Zhang Wanlin came out from behind the tree, and the vegetation in front of him was smashed into chaos and chaos, where there was still an orderly appearance.

It\'s like a big battle happened.

Are you afraid of these monsters?

Zhang Wanlin thought.

What is the strength of the opponent?

But no matter what, I still have to go.

He wants to see how strong the opponent can be.

Even if it cannot be defeated, there should be no self-protection.

Zhang Wanlin continued to move forward, following the trail of the escaped monster.

I saw many monsters intermittently on the road.

They are more or less injured and bleeding, but the blood is black and it smells bad.

Seeing this human being, they escaped faster.

When dusk passed, the sun completely sank into the western mountains, and the beautiful afterglow was obscured by the dark curtain, as if despair enveloped the entire sky.

The forest is quiet.

Zhang Wanlin has been walking forward, he doesn\'t know where he has come, this is the deepest time he has entered the steel forest.

A little tired.

Before the war comes, it is better to rest for a while.

He sat on the small rock beside him and lit a broken and dry stick with flame technique.

The flame of the wooden stick lit up the surrounding light, shining on this little figure of the evening forest.

His expression is just like this woods, very peaceful.

It was calm on the eve of the war.

Roar! ! ! A frantic roar started from the front, bringing a raging wind swept through.

Zhang Wanlin\'s clothes trembled and looked straight ahead.

is coming.

Erica and Lilith also experienced the communities where the monsters escaped, and they were shocked.

They had never seen such a large-scale monster running away.

What is it that makes them so scared to be like this, so that they want to leave the place where they used to live.

Walking along the road is a chaotic scene, which makes people feel uneasy.

If it is normal, Erica decides not to go deeper, after all, there is only one life, and every choice affects the future destiny.

But if the boy didn\'t leave, how could they leave?

"We are scared enough to see that, isn\'t that kid scared at all?"

Lilith asked while riding a horse.

"Who knows.

Maybe afraid, maybe not afraid.

But in short, he did not go back, but kept moving forward. "

Erica answered.

"From this point on, he is better than Owen."

Roar! ! ! The roar also reached Erica.

The two horses immediately raised their front hooves and neighed.

If it hadn\'t been for Erica and the two to tighten the reins, I\'m afraid the horses would immediately turn back.

What a terrifying cry.

Erica concluded that this was the dark troll.

This also shows that they are not far from Zhang Wanlin.

"Go, that kid is just ahead."

Erica drove her horse forward.

Lilith followed closely behind.

Not long after they walked forward, they finally found the little boy in front of them.

The boy turned his back to them, and the fire light shone on his back, looking deep and mysterious.

His attention was all ahead, staring straight into the darkness in the depths of the jungle, and did not notice the two bounty hunters coming.

Erica and Lilith dismounted, tied the horse aside, and hid quietly.

They are observing what the boy is going to do.

"Ordinary boys will be frightened when they come to the jungle here, not to mention that a dark troll is coming, but he is not afraid at all.

Instead, he was calm and composed. "

Lilith sighed.

"I noticed this boy from the beginning, he is different than the average ones."

Erica said.

"Why is it different?" Lilith was obviously interested.

"His eyes.

The eyes of a normal child should be innocent and free of impurities.

But he is different, he has wisdom, his own will...If it weren\'t for this immature face, I would still feel that he is more like an adult. "

"It turns out he still has such a side."

At this time, the earth trembles, like a giant is coming here.

The expressions of the two of them changed in unison, and they looked closely at the front.

The boy remained unmoved, even if the flames were almost extinguished under the hurricane.

Darkness envelops the surroundings, and there has never been such a dark atmosphere.

Zhang Wanlin felt deep depression and despair, which felt like being in hell.

This should be the power from the dark.

Is he scared?

He had been afraid when he first entered boxing before, but then he learned that fear is of no use?

Apart from letting your opponent see your weakness and timidity, it will hardly have any effect.

So afraid of being rejected by him, now I can only face it calmly.

Only calmness can overcome any danger.

At this moment, the moonlight broke through the clouds and swayed down, giving the earth a silver light.

Another rare full moon day.

Zhang Wanlin smiled when he looked at the full moon in the sky, now it\'s time to come.

He can\'t guarantee that he can defeat the dark troll in this state, but under the incarnation of the moon, he definitely can.

He has that confidence.

He took off his coat and exposed his thin upper body under the moonlight. In the moonlight, his immature facial features seemed to be a little more beautiful.

The avatar of the moon has been activated automatically.

The two Erika hiding in the dark are unclear about Zhang Wanlin\'s **** behavior. So, the battle is about to be undressed?

This shows that it doesn\'t make sense.

Is this kid really nervous?

But looking at his actions, it\'s not quite true.

Soon, they saw the reason.

The dense moonlight gathered on him, as if the entire moon existed for him.

The moonlight gave his skin a semi-transparent and soft luster, with changes visible to the naked eye.

The contours of the face are changing, the texture of the muscles is becoming more prominent, the posture is becoming upright and strong, and the long white hair reaches his waist.

In Yinhui, he is simply a beautiful man from another world, magnificent.

Seeing this change with their own eyes, Erica and Lilith were almost dumbfounded.

What exactly is this?

How could there be such a change in the world.

A boy becomes a handsome man in the blink of an eye.

The facial features are just right, the body plasticity is proper and perfect, everything seems to be meticulously crafted, for perfection.

I\'m afraid there is no woman who doesn\'t sink for such a perfect man.

So beautiful.

So handsome.

Zhang Wanlin\'s opened eyes glowed with a faint light of the moon, and this time he looked straight ahead, already seeing more clearly.

This is the result of increased strength.

A huge shadow is coming.