Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1714: The earth trembles

Erica and the others set off from the Iron City, and at this time they had already rode to the outskirts of the Iron Forest.

Lilith was upset with what Anna said before, and they were not able to accept the more demanding reward.

This is the truth, so it\'s ugly.

"Erica, we have been bounty hunters for several years, but we have been in this state. I feel that when we are old, we will be even more helpless."

"what happened to you?"

Ericale got off the rope and rode side by side with Lilith.

"Those powerful teams need magicians without exception, and only magicians can make our team stronger.

Erica, how about we find a way to learn magic. "

Lilith said eagerly.

In fact, magic has always been longing for her mentally, but no matter how her identity and money are there, she can\'t practice magic, so she can only look at the wizards and sigh.

"I understand your mood."

Erica said, "This is also our team, all the disadvantages of such a team.

But this is no alternative.

The cost is too high. "

Erica further analyzed: "First of all, this requires a lot of money. The cultivation of a magician with practical effects almost requires all the resources of the team to be poured out, and this does not guarantee that it can be learned.

The second is time. Who can guarantee that you can learn it at a certain fixed time?

As far as we can see, a mage needs 5 to 8 years of training, or even more.

I don’t think there will be such a magician who can handle it all in one year in our team, right? "

Lilith was even more discouraged, "Are we going to keep doing this?

We were like this a few years ago, will we still be like this more than ten years later? "

Erica sighed: "This is something that can\'t be helped.

In this world, only a few people can become magicians, and the rest can only look up to them. "

At this time, Lance and An Qi in the forest just helped a man out.

Erica recognized them almost at a glance.

But there was a boy missing.

Where did he go?

"Can you please borrow a horse?"

Lance stepped forward and asked.

Because their speed is too slow, if there is a horse, they will be able to return to the Iron City soon.

Owen smiled and said, "Isn\'t this the kid who defeated the Shadow Wolf? How come you know that you are afraid now, so you shrink?"


Lance said: "We only came out to save him."

Erica saw the man\'s injuries and asked, "What\'s wrong with him?"

The man raised his head wearily, and took the conversation: "I was injured by that monster, and I was almost the only one left in our team.

It is dangerous now, so I advise you not to move on. "


What a monster. "

"Dark troll."

The name made Erica and the three of them stunned. Anna told them very clearly that this monster is very dangerous.

It\'s so dangerous that you can\'t get close at all.

She reminded that this monster was near their mission location, but she didn\'t expect it to be, and it was so close.

Erica quickly thought of something and asked Lance: "So, your friend went to deal with the dark troll alone?"

Lilith and Owen were both surprised. A child singled out one horse against the dark troll?

What a joke.

What made them even more unexpected was that Lance nodded.

"He asked us to protect this gentleman from leaving."

"I think that kid is going to commit suicide if he is not crazy.

But he let these two children out, this is still enough for men. "

The man said.

"What\'s your name?"

Erica asked Lance.


"Lance, now I ask you a question. If you answer me truthfully, I will send someone to send you away as soon as possible."


"Did you really defeat the Shadow Wolf the last time you defeated it?"


"How was it defeated?"

Lance just wanted to speak, but he stopped talking. He promised that he would never let Zhang Wanlin\'s magical event be revealed to others.

"This...I can\'t say."

"Even if I give you a horse, don\'t you say?"

"Well, I can\'t."

"Well, let me change the question, is it the shadow wolves you defeated, or the shadow wolves he defeated."

Lance hesitated for a while, then said, "It\'s Zhang Wanlin.

I just helped him carry these luggages. "

This surprised the three bounty hunters even more.

It was really the Shadow Wolf they defeated.

To be precise, it was one of the little boys.

Faced with so many shadow wolves, how did he do it?

The more Lance didn\'t say it, the more it aroused the curiosity of Erica and others.

Especially knowing that this boy is on his way to deal with the dark troll alone, his curiosity doubled.

Erica knew that there would be no results if she asked further, and said to Irving, "Owen, you take them back to Steel City. You don\'t need to participate in this mission."

Irving was very dissatisfied: "Why me!?

Could it be Lilith? "

"If you meet the dark troll later, can you guarantee that she will run fast?"

Erica\'s words completely blocked Owen\'s mouth, and Lilith deserved it for her wheel speed and agility.

He said, "Well, I will take them away.

Boy, put that man on horseback now. "

Erica and Lilith continue on their way, now they are the only two.

"It\'s hard to believe that that boy really killed those shadow wolves."

"What method do you think he used to fight so many Shadow Wolves at once and return safely."

"I have no idea."

"Do you think there is a possibility that it is magic?"

Lilith was startled, "You said that boy can do magic!?"

"I don\'t know, but we can go and see.

Anyway, it’s not far away, so if we observe our peers, we won’t delay any time. "

Erica chuckles.

This fits Lilith\'s mind, "I just wanted to observe.

Now what are we waiting for, hurry up and go. "

They drove their horses with their whips, speeding up and rushing forward.

A mystery is waiting for them to reveal.

Gradually approaching dusk, Zhang Wanlin has already entered the middle part of the steel forest.

The orange dusk fell down, and the shadows that fell in the forest looked particularly dazzling.

That person said that the dark troll was coming here, so why didn\'t he see its shadow.

The entire forest was also quiet, not seeing the existence of some monsters like in the past, abnormal.

Just as Zhang Wanlin was thinking about it, there was a roaring sound around, and the earth was shaking.

This is... Zhang Wanlin immediately prepared, his eyes locked in front of him.

A monster appeared in the dark jungle.

First came the hordes of slimes, then goblins, goblins, orcs, or large or small confluences into a mighty army rushing over, just like a violent torrent pouring down.

They flew towards Zhang Wanlin, but fled.