Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1662: Weird report

In the afternoon, the Jiangcheng Police Station received a report. The informant said that four corpses were found. Due to the level of weirdness, the police directly handed the case to the Lingzhi Bureau for acceptance.

Recently, there has been no shortage of such cases, and there have been so many normal things.

This time, Chen Qiang and Wu Hai from the second team of the Lingming Bureau also came with the general members of the Lingming Bureau. Both of them have high prestige in the Lingming Bureau. Therefore, their personal arrival has attracted a lot of attention from the team. .

Arriving in the alley of the scene, four corpses were lying on their backs on the ground, their faces unwilling.

The surrounding area was surrounded by a yellow cordon to prevent outsiders from entering the destruction site.

Quite a few people gathered around and were amazed.

"They died terribly."

"This kind of death looks terrifying."

"I don\'t know who caused it.

It\'s really not peaceful these days. "

A member of the Linguistic Research Bureau reported to Chen Qiang: "The deceased were the second generation of wealthy and wealthy families, and one of them was the son of the Long Group.

Family members have put pressure on our boss, we must thoroughly investigate the case and find the murderer! They are willing to spend a lot of money to convict the murderer. "

Chen Qiang looked around carefully, and then said: "Evacuate the people around, and you follow along. You are not allowed to come over without our orders."

After everyone left, Wu Hai asked, "What do you see?"

"This technique should be a kind of evil technique in the legend, and I now know why Chen Kun failed.

In the face of such a sinister opponent, it is strange not to fail. "

Chen Qiang said.

The two of them were the people appointed by the chief to take over Chen Kun\'s case. They had been investigating for a while before they came here, and now they know each other\'s information well.

"I think their grievances are very serious, but they are very suitable to do things for us."

After Wu Qiang finished speaking, he took out a cyan jade pendant, which was connected to the rope and swayed vertically.

He closed his eyes and muttered the curse silently in his mouth, and the jade pendant became stronger and stronger.

There is a change in the surroundings.

Black smoke began to condense on the four corpses, and then transformed into a shape, exactly what the four deceased looked like in front of them.

They wandered around with resentment, hovering from side to side, screaming in their mouths: revenge, revenge... like ferocious beasts trapped in a cage.

Chen Qiang was slightly surprised when he saw this, how could this resentment be so strong.

It seems that the evil deeds have caused grievances to be three to four times stronger than normal.

These ghosts don\'t look like they are just taking shape, they only need a few months to transform them into ghosts.

Wu Hai opened his eyes slowly, and the jade pendant stopped swinging. He said in a calm tone: "Everyone, let\'s talk."

These ghosts could not afford the two human beings, and they rushed to kill them one after another, with incomparable fury.

"What can we talk about?

who do you think You Are? "

"I died so miserably, I will kill you all."

"It\'s just humans...and dare to order us?"

They were about to collide with the dark ghost power, Chen Qiang stood up, and a gust of wind immediately formed around it, shook all the ghosts away, and a white ghost appeared in front of them, looking down at them with disdain.

As soon as it appeared, this ghost\'s aura crushed all ghosts.

This is the highest level of ghosts, almost equal to ghosts.

Wu Hai slowly put away the jade pendant: "I understand your feelings very well, so we are here to help you."

"What are you going to help us with?"

Asked Zhang Lin, who had turned into a ghost.


At night, the night is like the sea, the city is immersed in boundless darkness, and the lights are flickering.

This time Nangong Ling and others finally stayed in a relatively high-end hotel. Zhang Wanlin said that all this was his own credit.

As for Zhang Wanlin\'s sale of them, only Gu Xunshuang had quite a bit of criticism, while Nangong Ling had never expressed his opinion.

How cold she used to be, still how cold she is now.

In the living room, Zhang Wanlin sits on the sofa and watches TV. As a ghost, he has just this hobby.

Nangong Ling came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a bath towel, and her wet hair seemed to be dotted with pearls.

During walking, the bath towel swings, half covering and half covering the roots of the thighs, which is really imaginative.

She just sat straight on the sofa, next to Zhang Wanlin, with her beautiful legs up, watching TV, "There should be news about the four dead people on TV now, right?"

Zhang Wanlin shook his head: "I didn\'t see it, I\'m not interested."

Then turned his head and looked at Nangong Ling, "I am really interested in you.

Are you not afraid of dressing up in front of me as a man? "

"You are a ghost."

Nangong Ling only said lightly.

"But I am also a man."

The next moment, Zhang Wanlin, who was lying down, sat close to Nangong Ling\'s side, placed his hand on her jade leg and gently stroked it.

At the same time, head close to the jade neck, smelling greedily, as if intoxicated.

Of course, he can\'t be so intoxicated, just want to make himself so intoxicated, just as he is no longer a human, but he deliberately pretends to be an adult.

For Zhang Wanlin\'s actions like this, Nangong Ling only glanced at him: "Do you know that no one has ever dared to do this to me."

"Isn\'t there now?"

Zhang Wanlin laughed: "I heard that you have never been in a relationship. As your master, you can make an exception to open a back door to your servant and talk about a relationship with you in person."

"Speaking of this, you would have died miserably if you used to."

This person has no posture for his identity.

As the master, Zhang Wanlin did not have the prestige as the master, and as the servant, Nangong Ling was as arrogant as ever, without the slightest consciousness of a servant.

However, she can allow such ambiguity, which is also the biggest special to Zhang Wanlin.

At such a short distance, even Gu Xunshuang couldn\'t do it, no one would do it.

As the two of them were talking, Gu Xunshuang came out of the bedroom and said: "Palace Master, the four corpses are in the news, and the Lingzhi Bureau has sent someone to take over the case.

Those two psychiatrists feel very dangerous to me. "

As he was talking, he was shocked when he saw the ambiguous person and ghost.

When did the palace lord and Zhang Wanlin have such a good relationship?

Nangong Ling said: "I had long expected that the Lingzhi Bureau would take over the case, and it is very likely that it will be directly investigated on us.

By the way, did you investigate why those psychiatric bureaus suddenly did not pursue them in the middle of the investigation? "

"I just checked the relevant information, very few."

Gu Xun Shuangdao: "I only saw that a few local people said that many ghosts appeared in the jungle, and these ghosts are not ordinary.

The local residents have moved out of there. "

Nangong Ling thinks: "It may be that these ghosts caused the Ling investigation bureau\'s investigation to be interrupted."

Late at night, Nangong Ling and Gu Xunshuang both went to rest, and Zhang Wanlin was still watching TV.

The light in the living room was turned off, and only the light from the TV was reflected, giving the surrounding cage a faint light.

Now the benefits of being a ghost are reflected. You don\'t have to worry about your body at all when you stay up late to watch TV.

But it\'s not good if someone interrupts at this time.

Darkness floated and twisted behind him, and in the next second a woman in a white dress with hanging hair appeared behind him, very gloomy.

Then the aura can feel that the ghost is undoubtedly.