Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1663: Death's heartbeat

Zhang Wanlin still watched the TV and didn\'t care at all: "What are you doing with me in the middle of the night?

Supper? "

The drooping hair covered the female ghost\'s face, and a cracked smile was faintly visible, "The master asked me to tell you in advance that your death date is approaching, and the Necromancer will deal with 108 lives, and all will be pursued with you."

"This matter, then I am waiting here."

"You\'re just a kid, aren\'t you scared at all?"

"Since I am a ghost, what am I afraid of?"

"Hehe, interesting, we will fight, I smell a rare delicacy on you.

As a ghost, I now remind you that your human friend may not survive tonight. "

Zhang Wanlin came to the door of Gu Xun\'s double bedroom. Before he opened the door, he heard a whisper from the room.

He pushed the door in, and saw a sweaty woman nestled on the soft bed.

Gu Xunshuang usually wears high ponytails, and now he sleeps all down, scattered on the pillows, and looks extraordinarily beautiful.

Her brows were frowned, her breathing was heavy, and she kept tossing and turning, as if she had dreamed of something that scared her.

Sweat wet the bedding.

Zhang Wanlin can clearly feel that the breath of her life is slowly being taken away.

That ghost really has the means to kill people thousands of miles away, but in Zhang Wanlin\'s view, that is nothing more than that.

He walked over and tapped one hand on Gu Xunshuang\'s forehead. Gu Xunshuang was like a straw to find life-saving, snuggling tightly in his arms.

He said, "Then let me see what dreams the ghost entrusted to you."

Gu Xunshuang dreamed that he was in a psychedelic forest, just like the forest that had escaped before, but it seemed even more weird.

Everywhere was filled with fog. From time to time, some ghosts were seen in the fog, and their creepy screams were heard around them.

She didn\'t know how she came to this place at once, there was no Zhang Wanlin and no palace owner.

She wants to find a way out, but no matter how she goes, she will definitely return to the original point.

This must be a ghost hitting the wall.

She thought so.

"You can\'t escape. This forest is called the Forest of Death, and its biggest feature is to deprive you of your life."

"You will stay here forever until the end of your life."

"By the way, you may feel very boring, so there will be old friends with you here.

I believe you should remember. "

A faint, shrill voice came from the forest.

"who is it!?

Come out to me! ! "

Gu Xunshuang looked around warily, but nowhere could he see each other.

At this time, she saw a black shadow floating in front of her, it was a ghost.

The ghost had a pale face and was as thin as wood, which contrasted with his big prominent eyes, which were bloodshot and resentful.

A familiar ghost, Gu Xunshuang seems to have seen it somewhere, but where has he seen it?

By the way, coffee shop! This ghost is one of those four men.

Unexpectedly, it would appear in front of her in this form.

It takes at least a week for a ghost to go from death to birth. Secondly, the ghost\'s power is weak and will gradually strengthen in the future.

But this ghost is different, it was born before a day, and the ghost power is surging, where is the ordinary ghost, but the ghost! ! How could it be a ghost all at once?

Gu Xunshuang didn\'t dare to neglect, and quickly raised his knife.

"You are her accomplice so you must die!! I want revenge!"

"Hey, I will kill you one by one, let you fill the ground under your feet one by one! Blood flows into a river."

Li Gui smiled ferociously, his smile especially infiltrating.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you are not greedy, you will not die!"

Gu Xunshuang leaned forward, cutting the knife at Li Gui’s neck, but when the blade touched Li Gui’s neck, it was like a hard object, and it was suddenly bounced away. The force of the counter-shock caused Gu Xunshuang to fall. On the ground.

She was incomprehensible, how could this ghost be so strong that it couldn\'t hurt him.

She didn\'t know, as long as the ghost was theoretically as strong as possible in this created dream, it would be impossible for her to defeat or even hurt him.

Li Gui smiled more brilliantly, "I just like your expression. The fear before death is really like when we died.

But don\'t worry, I will let you feel the pain of death.

Do you know how we died, being drawn blood to death. "

He approached step by step, and every step seemed to be stepping on death\'s heartbeat.

Gu Xunshuang retreated until he retreated to a big tree. There was no way to retreat, and the time of death was approaching.

"It seems that this dream is really well done. There are trees and flowers. By the way, there is a beauty."

Behind them, a man\'s voice sounded abruptly.

Is there anyone else in this dream?

Li Gui turned around, and saw a man walking slowly, which looked like enjoying the scenery in a garden.

"It\'s you!!"

How could Li Gui refuse to recognize that it was he who had collected 30 million, but led them into a trap, and the grievance was even worse.

Gu Xunshuang saw Zhang Wanlin, overjoyed for some reason, and hurriedly went over and stood behind him.

She always thought this ghost was pitifully weak, but now she thinks he can protect herself.

This is how a person dies after seeing the only hope in despair.

"Stand honestly behind me and see how I teach him."

Zhang Wanlin stretched his waist and pulled his legs again, as if he was about to compete in sports.

Are you sure you are going to punch someone?

At this point, Gu Xunshuang understood, how could he pin his hopes on him?

"Zhang Wanlin, he is a ghost, not easy to deal with.

And although it looks like a Li Gui, but the strength is higher than Li Gui.

This is a bit strange. "

"Oh, you can\'t beat it normally."

Zhang Wanlin said like this.

"Did you know that I am warning you, when you are his opponent, you are likely to die!"

"Are you warning?

Okay, I just heard it now. "

Li Gui chuckled; "I was thinking about looking for you one by one. It seems that I don\'t need it. I can solve both of them at once, which is considered efficient."

On the other side, there is a laboratory in the headquarters of Lingtiao Bureau, which is usually dedicated to studying ghost power. Now it is filled with red candles and a huge pattern is drawn on the ground.

Wu Hai sat in the center of the pattern, while his red ghost stood aside. This formation was called the phantom dream formation, which could magnify the power of the red ghost to the extreme, giving dreams to targets thousands of miles away, and then Killed him in a dream.

For the sake of protection, Wu Hai also sacrificed a fierce soul in the formation, and he would dominate the killing.

I\'m bound to see blood tonight.

But a small accident appeared in their created dream-another ghost came in.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the ghost in red looked at the picture in the dream beneath him, and asked the owner: "How could this ghost enter the dream?"

Wu Hai shook his head; "I don\'t know this, but since he has come in, then kill him all at once.

If you can kill in your dream, you can naturally let the ghost fly away. "