Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1660: so pretty

At nine o\'clock on the second day, sunlight came in through the window, and Gu Xunshuang was the first to open his eyes.

She saw Nangong Ling sitting close by her side, thinking for a while, and then ran to the bedside to shake Zhang Wanlin up: "Hey, what is your ghost sleeping? Wake up soon."

Zhang Wanlin said: "You are discrimination!"

He wasn\'t actually asleep either, and he couldn\'t sleep as a ghost.

"I ask you a question."

Gu Xun pressed Zhang Wanlin\'s shoulders and looked at him seriously: "You said, did anything change last night?"

Zhang Wanlin thought for a while, and felt that she shouldn\'t tell her about Nangong Ling\'s devastation, and said, "No."


Gu Xunshuang looked very excited.

"Really not."

"That shows that the palace lord\'s magic attack is complete!"

"Why do you judge this way?"

Zhang Wanlin asked the question clearly.

"It\'s not obvious yet?

It seems you are really weak as a ghost. "

Gu Xunshuang explained: "If there is something wrong with the palace lord during cultivation, it means that it is most likely a sign of confusion, or it has failed.

But everything has been business as usual until now, which shows that it has been very smooth. "

"I didn\'t expect the Palace Master to really become a blood evil spirit. I was worried all night yesterday.

But this is very strange, how can it be so smooth, there will be more or less abnormalities. "

Although puzzled, Gu Xunshuang did not continue to investigate, as long as the palace owner is safe.

She patiently guarded Nangong Ling, and the time slowly came to noon.

In order to avoid being lost, Yang Xiong came to monitor early in the morning until now.

They haven\'t even come out yet.

The phone rang, it was the boss.

Zhang Lin asked on the other end of the phone: "How are things now?"

"Boss, they didn\'t come out."

"What, haven\'t come out yet!?"

Zhang Lin\'s tone seemed annoyed, and several friends next to him could not help but speculate.

It\'s already noon, how can you not come out yet?

The picture of a man and two women in the room last night immediately filled my mind.

"I\'m going, I\'m afraid this is coming together and starting a war again, let alone, this man is really fierce."

"If you want to change me, I can be so fierce!"

"You said, will he have been drained by those two women."

Zhang Lin exclaimed from the side like jealous: "Go, let\'s go over and take a look!"

When she got closer, Nangong Ling opened her eyes. At this moment, her eyes were uniquely soft and agile, as if spiritual light flickered in the meantime.

The body exudes a seductive temperament invisibly.

She is more beautiful than before.

Undoubtedly, the blood evil demon skill practiced successfully.

Gu Xunshuang happily said, "Congratulations to the palace lord!"

The palace lord smiled faintly: "Don\'t congratulate, I just practiced the first level of the blood evil art, and there are other 5 levels that are the real test."

"But this is enough to show that the palace lord has overcome the biggest difficulty, and the practice will be smooth in the past."

"By the way, did I have an abnormality during my practice?"

"No, everything went well."

Nangong Ling fell silent.

Halfway through the practice yesterday, she clearly felt the same feeling as before, the pain caused by the blood evil, it was a madness.

However, before long, a powerful force sneaked in, forcibly suppressed the blood evil, and led her to practice.

If it weren\'t for this guide, I\'m afraid she has gone astray and failed again.

This failure is no better than in the past, and it is very likely to lose his life.

Therefore, there must be something abnormal last night, it is impossible not.

Who else does that power come from?

Who would help her secretly?

Everything is a mystery.

The three of them went out, and as soon as they arrived at the door of the hotel, they heard the new boss chatting with some residents.

"I didn\'t know why yesterday. There was a wound in my body for some reason, and the bleeding couldn\'t stop."

"My wife is even more miserable. When I visited the shop last night, my eyes, nose, and mouth bleed, and I scared a couple away."

"Ah, so scary?

How is she now? "

"The doctor said that health is nothing serious."

"Then the doctor said why did it cause this?"

"No, they couldn\'t figure it out, and even said we lied."

These are exactly the symptoms of Blood Fiend\'s delusion, affecting all the blood around him.

This shows that Nangong Ling\'s really got into trouble once, but it was a short time and was stopped by someone in time.

Nangong Ling looked at Gu Xunshuang: "Didn\'t you say that there is nothing unusual?"

Gu Xunshuang glanced at Zhang Wanlin complainingly. It was only after listening to him. She said: "I did not feel anything unusual yesterday.

Where do you know it will affect this. "

A few people walked to the door of the hotel, and just a few men came here.

They each wore fashionable clothes and hung gold chains.

The leader said to Zhang Wanlin: "Brother, can we talk about it?"

In order to give Zhang Linzhuang momentum, several people around specially took out the machetes and clubs they were carrying. The meaning was obvious. If they didn\'t cooperate, they would wait with force.

Without waiting for Nangong Ling and the others to reply, Zhang Wanlin took the lead and said, "Okay."

This surprised Zhang Lin. He didn\'t expect it to be so easy. It seemed that it would be no problem to **** these two women from him.

The woman in red today looks even better than yesterday, and he has strengthened his determination even more.

They walked to a cafe, and Zhang Lin\'s companions looked straight at Nangong Ling along the way.

There really is such a moving woman in this world, just like a god.

The thought of letting Zhang Lin feel injustice.

"At first glance, this man is the kind of person who has no temper. If he knew this before, he shouldn\'t have agreed to Zhang Lin\'s gambling agreement, and he would be cheaper."

"Why didn\'t I come here to pursue it in the first time, instead I promised Zhang Lin a bet.

Hey, it was a failure. "

"Facts have proved that this bet is restricting us... so that we can\'t do it, damn! This woman is worth tens of millions for me."

Their eyes directly exposed the desire from their hearts.

Since Gu Xunshuang is a woman, the temptation to his master is not so profound, but simply feels good-looking.

As for Zhang Wanlin, he is a ghost, and he is not in the same dimension as humans. Secondly, he is not an ordinary ghost, and it is rare that he can affect him.

Besides, Nangong Ling is still his servant, so for her, there is no such thing as being fascinated by her.

Naturally, they couldn\'t understand Zhang Lin and others\' desire for Nangong Ling.

"Palace Master, should we just follow them like this?"

Gu Xunshuang walked next to Nangong Ling and asked in a low voice, "I think they all have ghosts in their hearts."

Nangong Ling\'s expression remained as usual: "It\'s okay to take a trip, their blood is also very flavorful."

"Palace Master, do you want..." "I have no reason not to have lunch delivered for nothing."

A sharp look flashed in Nangong Ling\'s eyes.

When the group arrived at the coffee shop, Zhang Wanlin and the others sat on one side, and Zhang Lin and others sat on the other side.

Zhang Lin said, "These two beauties around you are really beautiful, especially her, the most beautiful I have ever seen."