Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1659: Can escape at any time

The rooms in the hotel are relatively simple, old beds and tables are full of musty smell everywhere, and there are spider silks in the corners.

A place like this is actually just right for Nangong Ling. There is no need for any identity registration, and the location is remote, not easy to be found.

Coupled with the roads extending in all directions, if there is any accident, you can escape at any time.

"Palace Master, you can sleep on the bed tonight, I sleep on the ground."

Gu Xunshuang said.

"The full moon tonight is just right for practice."

Nangong Ling said: "Xun Shuang, you protect the law for me."

Gu Xunshuang seemed to remember the past, and asked, "Does the palace master still practice that magic?"

"This is the end of the matter, I must practice."

"But..." Gu Xunshuang hesitated to speak again, "But the palace lord was seriously injured before practicing this magic technique. Now your body has not recovered, and you have lost most of your skills, you won\'t be better at practicing again.. ..." "You are right, you are more likely to fail."

Nangong Ling walked by the window, looked at the moonlight outside, and sighed, "But the troubled times have come, I have to do this.

Only strength is a powerful capital.

I can only bet. "

"But..." "It\'s nothing, let\'s get ready."

Gu Xunshuang is ready to go.

Zhang Wanlin walked beside Nangong Ling and asked, "What exercise are you going to practice?"

"You don\'t need to know."

Nangong Ling said coldly.

If it weren\'t for the special contractual relationship with Zhang Wanlin, I\'m afraid this ghost would not be within one meter of her.

"Don\'t be so cold, I am also your master anyway."

Nangong Ling glanced at Zhang Wanlin who was laughing coldly, and stopped talking.

The magic skill that Nangong Ling wants to practice is called Blood Fiend Dafa, which is a taboo Dafa left over from ancient times. This can increase your skill to an incredible level in a short time, but correspondingly, it will bear huge risks.

Throughout the ages, people who practice this method have no good end.

It\'s not going crazy, alienating and becoming a slave, or being disabled for life.

There are few people who have improved in their cultivation, and they have to endure the pain of blood and evil.

Success in cultivation is almost impossible.

Nangong Ling had practiced the Blood Fiend Dafa before, and had not been able to complete it before, so he took the lead in getting into trouble. Fortunately, it was interrupted in time, otherwise he would have reincarnated long ago.

The re-cultivation this time has a greater element of gambling.

Ready together, Nangong Lingpan sits in the center of Gu Xunshuang\'s prepared blood formation, and Gu Xunshuang sits aside to protect the law.

They completed the formation on their own, and ignored Zhang Wanlin, as if he were a transparent person.

Indeed, Zhang Wanlin\'s current existence did not attract much attention from them, and at best regarded him as a harmless ghost.

That\'s the strength.

Therefore, he is free as much as he wants.

So this only bed was occupied by Zhang Wanlin.

I haven\'t lie down in the bed for a long time, so I really miss it when I lie down again.

After lying quietly for a while, Zhang Wanlin got up and looked at the two in the formation.

Gu Xunshuang had already mentioned the risk just now, he couldn\'t ignore her, this woman really didn\'t cherish life at all.

I guess I\'ll have to wipe my **** again this time, hey-it\'s really hard to be a master.

In a little time, Nangong Spiritual Practice has entered a state, and an invisible power rippling from his body, the power is diluted, drifting around, slowly affecting everything in this hotel.

The boss on the first floor is still sitting at the front desk watching TV. A hotel like her must stay up late, because some people will stay late at night.

However, there have been frequent weird incidents recently, and few people come out at night, and even fewer come to the hotel.

She thought, if this continues, she can basically close the door to thank guests at night.

She watched the TV intently. The latest news was being broadcast on the TV. There was another weird incident about a woman who disappeared out of thin air in an elevator. After searching for 24 hours, she found the woman\'s body in the water tank of the hotel.

"Why do these things keep going these days?"

The boss complained.

She vaguely felt her eyes wet, as if she was about to cry.

She carelessly wiped it with a tissue, and then she saw the most horrifying picture in her life.

Her eyes are bleeding! ! how so! ?

She quickly took the mirror and looked at herself.

In the mirror, not only the eyes are bleeding, but also the nose, ears, mouth... it looks like she herself is like a hideous kid.

If it wasn\'t for herself, I\'m afraid she would have to scream.

Why does it bleed inexplicably?

She wiped it desperately, but it was useless, of no use at all.

A steady flow of blood.

"Boss, open a room."

A young couple came to the counter.

"It\'s not convenient today, you can go back."

The boss said, without looking up.

"Why inconvenient?

You are all here. "

The couple finally found this cheaper hotel in the middle of the night, so naturally they couldn\'t easily let it go.

They also wanted to open a room as soon as possible.

"I said no, you move to the next one."

The boss is wiping something with his head down.

"We are all here, can\'t you?

You must at least give me a reasonable explanation! ! "

The man became angry, "What are you doing with your head down, look up at me."

When she raised the boss\'s head, the couple gasped, and saw the blood-stained boss looking at them, which was especially horrifying at night.

"Ah-there is a ghost!!"

The lovers screamed and ran outside the hotel.

They didn\'t know that there were several wounds on their bodies inexplicably, and the blood flow continued.

The Blood Fiend Dafa was rented in the entire hotel, bewitching the human blood like a blood-sucking demon, making people restless.

Soon the guests discovered this too, and they were very flustered.

"Look, how can a wound appear on my body?"

"Ah, there is me!!"

"Why can\'t the blood from these wounds stop, **** it, what the **** did it do."

In the room, I am afraid that only Zhang Wanlin has not been affected.

He felt the fear of the residents around him, and looked at the queen intently.

In order to cultivate, she would not regard anyone\'s life as the same thing, then does she know that this level is already in madness.

Nangong Ling\'s face became ruddy, her body became hotter and hotter, sweat stuck her hair to her forehead.

Her whole body was shaking, which was a difficult confrontation in her consciousness.

Hey, I finally resisted all this. Zhang Wanlin stretched out and walked over, pointing at Nangongling\'s forehead, and the shaking stopped.

Nangong Ling\'s complexion eased, and the heat began to dissipate.

Obviously this help is very useful to her.

However, in Zhang Wanlin\'s view, even though he was making the shot, he himself did not know the power.

He only knows that he should do this, just like any other action in the past, as long as his head thinks about it, a standardized action will emerge.

Just follow it.

The blood evil shrouded in the hotel finally faded, and the shocked people were calmed down.