Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1291: Never will.

Even if she was killed, she would not confess her sister's whereabouts.

However, just now, she told her sister's position without hesitation.

You know he is a murderer! He will kill his sister! Yang Ziwen threw Zhang Wanlin down like a fierce little dog, with his teeth on his shoulder.

His muscles are very hard.

Zhang Wanlin felt like she hadn't felt anything, and pushed her dark hair away with her hands, revealing her beautiful side face.

"I want you to be my woman and let you witness how I destroy all human beings."

Zhang Wanlin's eyes were smiling, and his face was gentle, "Of course, only you will still be you, the only human in this world."

Is he crazy?

Destroy all human beings! ?

Yang Ziwen said angrily: "I think you are really crazy!"

Zhang Wanlin kissed brutally, and rolled her over and pressed her under him.

...The number of infections is 10,000, and the mental development is 200%.

Related capabilities: 1. Expand the scope of influence by 1 km.

Within the range, all low-intelligence creatures will change more rapidly, and the closer they are to the center, the faster they will be.

2. Complete control of human behavior.

Target groups.

The range of action is 10 meters.

3. Micro abilities-mental power: powerful power can even affect everything about foreign objects.

The infection spreads far more quickly than the military cleans up, and it often clears out the other side and rises again, even more violently.

The three urban areas have largely fallen, and the military has had to adopt all defensive strategies to garrison key points with heavy firepower to prevent further infection of safe areas by zombies.

Large groups of refugees fled to uninfected urban areas, but were intercepted by the military.

Now that the limited time has passed, all outsiders are not allowed to enter the safe area.

In theory, it is treated as a zombie.

The captain of the garrison at the firepower point clearly stated: "Now that no one is allowed to pass here, please come back."

The young man collapsed: "Then what do you tell us to do?

All places don’t let us go out, so don’t let us wait to die? "

"I said, this is the requirement above.

Your situation has nothing to do with me! "

"This government is really incompetent!"

Young popularity is declining.

An old man knelt down and said, "For God's sake, let us in. The Lord will appreciate your kindness and kindness."

"I'll say it one last time, please go back.

If you are here again, I will be executed on the spot for obstructing military operations. "

This time the captain said it categorically, leaving no leeway.

"Bah! You lackeys!"

The young man spat.

The crowd left.

Roar! At this moment, a zombie seemed to ask about delicious food, and rushed over from the cross street, followed by the second, the third... a huge group of zombies rushed here.

Oh my god, how come there are so many all of a sudden?

! All the soldiers stationed raised their guns.

The refugees knelt on the ground and pleaded bitterly: "I beg you, let us in!"

"We are really not infected."

"At least let my kids in."

There were old people, children and women in the crowd. They were desperate and crying.

Behind them is hell, but the only way to safety was severely blocked by their compatriots.

The soldiers in the iron net ignored them.

The zombies were getting closer, and the first one had already rushed to the ground to bite apart, and the blood splashed into the most poignant blood.

The crowd began to rush into the checkpoint.


The captain ordered.

"But they..." The soldier hesitated.


Da Da Da...All the muzzles poured out bullets roaringly, and the two Gatlings above the commanding heights reached 200 rounds per second.

The refugees were instantly beaten to pieces of meat, and the zombies rushed more frantically, but in a blink of an eye they fell under the powerful firepower.

A group of zombies fell down, and another wave of zombies came over.

The corpses were everywhere.

Standing in a modern high-rise building tens of meters high, Zhang Wanlin could clearly see what was happening in front of him.

The number of infections is declining, and with it the brainpower is also declining.

This critical checkpoint guards the center of the city. Only by occupying here can the zombies radiate further to the periphery of the city and accelerate the speed of infection.

The military obviously thought of this, so it deployed a strong firepower nearby.

These zombies really couldn't punch cards, and even if they rushed past, they almost suffered heavy losses.

It seems that I still have to come by myself.

Zhang Wanlin patted T007 next to him, "Let's go, my partner."

T007 responded with a low growl.

A killing is about to begin.

The mighty zombies have become sparsely scattered, and fallen corpses can be seen everywhere, some of them have not yet died, only a crippled body is struggling in the corpse group.

In a safe area separated by a net, people began to walk out of panic and gathered around the street to watch.

These zombies will inevitably have their family members, friends or partners in them.

"These **** zombies should go to hell!"

"My family is killed by these monsters alive!"

"Do you have a gun? I want revenge."

...A female reporter conducts an on-site interview, and the interview footage will be shown on major television stations.

Most of the residents stayed in front of the TV, hoping to understand the current situation.

"Please rest assured, although this group of zombies are different from the past, they still cannot break through our firepower net."

The captain said to the female reporter: "Moreover, the branch is not far from here. If you encounter any special circumstances, you can provide support within 10 minutes.

In addition, the center also has a variety of flying combat facilities such as strategic helicopters and fighter jets. "

During the speech, several more zombies were wiped out.

The camera was pulled back to the female reporter.

The female reporter had a sweet smile: "I believe everyone will be very confused and even scared before seeing it, whether the military is capable of resisting this sudden zombie crisis."

"Now you have also seen that the military forces in City A can be completely resisted. Depending on the current situation, we can even turn our backs on the object."

The residents of the TV can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"I thought it was imminent, but it seems that it is not as serious as I imagined."

"When did the military become so powerful."

"Yes, but then again, how come zombies are so combative?

If there were only these, how could we have been unable to regain the occupied area? "

The female reporter further said: "Captain, in order to better conduct front-line interviews, can you now let me look outside the iron fence?

Give a close-up shot of those zombies who are dead but still alive? "

The captain hesitated, now there are still zombies appearing intermittently, which is not suitable for going out.

However, the sweet-looking female reporter captured the captain's heart at once, making it difficult for him to refuse.

Anyway, the scale of zombies is now smaller, so there won't be anything wrong.

The captain said: "Then I'll send you a team, but you can't spend more than 10 minutes outside. Don't get scratched or bitten."

"Well, I see, thank you Captain."