Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1290: Wuzhishan

It was like a Wuzhishan that couldn't escape, completely shutting Yang Ziwen inside, and there was no sky.

"Don't worry, you won't kill yourself."

Zhang Wanlin looked at her jokingly, as if she thought she wouldn't actually do it.

Yang Ziwen did not have such courage just now.

But now, it would be better for Yu Qi to humiliate this beast than to die.

She didn't want to hurt her sister.

Yang Ziwen was surprisingly firm: "I'm afraid you are wrong this time."

The dagger was cut to the carotid artery, however, with a distance of one centimeter, her hands could no longer move.

It's like being cast on some body spell.

what happened?

! In the end...Yang Ziwen raised his gaze and looked at Zhang Wanlin. Could it be that this is also him... "Okay, have you played enough?"

Zhang Wanlin took off her knife and raised her chin with his fingers.

I have to say that she is more beautiful than her sister.

The hot pants and short clothes on the body will undoubtedly reveal the sexy.

"Now it's time for me to play."

Zhang Wanlin violently pulled her long hair, and pulled off the collar of her jacket and her underwear with one hand.

Yang Ziwen was rudely thrown on the sofa, her hair fell off and her long hair fell loose, messing up her beautiful face.

Zhang Wanlin walked towards her, taking off his clothes as he walked, his muscles tensed, the lines were well-defined, and the whole body showed terrifying power.

Yang Ziwen picked up his clothes and put it on his chest, "I beg you, don't do this."

"I beg you!"

"No, don't—" On a calm night, no one heard the calls inside the house.

Everything is quiet.

.......City A is in the center of the Blue Country, surrounded by other cities, and the capital is north.

The security level claims to be the second capital.

Zombie areas are far isolated from the urban area on the border, and there is absolutely no possibility that zombies will appear here.

Therefore, it is generally believed that this is almost the last paradise on earth.

In the morning, all TV stations and networks broadcast an urgent news.

"Urgent notice, urgent notice.

A large number of zombies appeared in the three areas above Xinhua District, Donglin District, and Jianyuan District in City A.

Residents in the above three areas are requested to evacuate immediately, the military will carry out a cleaning plan, and the urban area will initiate a state of emergency. "

Due to the special geographical location of City A, once the virus spreads, it will radiate to surrounding cities. By then, the entire country will face zombies that "combined inside and outside".

Therefore, the zombies must be suppressed in the bud.

The cleaning plan is to kill zombies indiscriminately.

Whether it is a mutated zombies, a zombies that are changing, or a completely normal person.

As long as they have not escaped from the designated area within a short period of time, they are deemed to be the kill target.

Now the government does not have good medical conditions. It would rather kill one thousand by mistake than let one go.

The news screen is still showing real-time footage taken by drones from various places in the morning.

Picture 1: Zombies are chasing the crowd. Some old and weak people are bitten on the ground due to lack of physical strength. The number of zombies has exploded.

Picture 2: The local police sent police force to resist the group of zombies, but was breached by a zombie, and then bite incidents occurred one after another.

Screen 3: A strong monster flashed past the screen, knocking a truck that was moving to the ground... The residents of the city fell into panic, and all of a sudden flooded into the surrounding cities.

"How come zombies come to this city? Isn't this the safest city?"

"Damn it, did someone deliberately bring it in."

"You must flee to a nearby city. If the military closes the entire city channel, there will be no way to escape!"

Relevant experts faced the panicking crowd and pointed out: “This may be a small-scale virus infecting through some channels. As long as it is cleaned up, there will be no problems. Please rest assured.”

...Instruction from the headquarters of Lucifer Pharmaceutical Company: Recover T009, and destroy it in situ if necessary.

A man and a woman walked into the underground tunnel, because the road to the laboratory was blocked because of the previous collapse.

"The damage here is quite serious. It seems that the subject is not simple."

Man said, lit a cigarette casually.

"Getting the relevant information inside is also our necessary task this time."

The woman said behind her: "T005."

A giant with a passageway high came from the darkness, his strong body was like a layer of iron skin, his face was cold and firm.

The black trench coat was even more ruthless.

He carried the rocket launcher on his shoulders and screamed fiercely, bursting out a tongue of fire, and the rocket flew forward.

With the powerful recoil, he still didn't move at all, like a wall.

boom! The earth trembled, rubble splashed. The passage was blasted open.

The three entered in file.

The huge underground laboratory has been completely unrecognizable by flames and explosions, and there are broken and scorched marks everywhere.

Some corpses piled up on the ground like black charcoal.

The woman found a record that was still intact.

A laboratory assistant's notes.

* Survival of the fittest is the law of nature, and I did not expect that out of nearly a thousand experiments, only the weakest experimental body can perform as expected.

However, the relevant capabilities are not yet perfect and need to continue to be observed.

*This is a cross-age experiment so far.

If the experiment is successful, then we will not only have a super-computing biological brain, but also good fighting ability.

Believe that this way, the zombies outside will be rescued, and they will return to humans.

*Unbelievable, under the impact of the virus, he could still be so perfect, and even evolve to a new level. I have to say that nature is really amazing.

This is no longer an experiment, but a work of art.

* God, according to various experiments, he still retains his original sanity.

We have achieved unprecedented success.

*The head development index of the subject T009 is gradually rising, and I am worried that bad things will happen.

But Professor Yang insisted on carrying out the experiment.

*...Everything is happening on an unpredictable trajectory.

.......The back part was burned.

The woman put the file in her bag, "It seems that the monster we are going to recycle this time is not so easy to deal with."

"What are you afraid of."

The man joked, "We have T005, can we still be afraid of this zombie?"

"You'd better be cautious. This is the most important and most important experimental subject of the company's investment."

The woman said: "If it weren't for the pressure of the zombie group, the organization would not send us to perform this task."

On the second day, in the living room of the apartment, there was still a strong atmosphere.

On the sofa, Yang Ziwen huddled aside and cried.

The pain of the body is like the pain of the soul.

She never thought that for the first time she would give someone her sister dumped, and she was very disgusted.

This is like an insult that can never be erased, impressing people's hearts.

"Now, you can speak."

Zhang Wanlin walked over naked and sat beside her.

As if his head suddenly changed, Yang Ziwen said: "This weekend, my sister will have a party and invite me to attend."

After speaking, he was taken aback.

With tears still in the corners of her eyes, she rushed towards Zhang Wanlin angrily: "What the **** did you do to me?

! "