Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1187: How much do you want

Cai Qin suddenly realized that, and then suddenly looked awkward, "Little four and five!"

Zhang Wanlin was lifted on the wall by two bodyguards.

He gritted his teeth, if he couldn't beat him, he would have to beat the two bodyguards, it was really arrogant.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you impatient with me just now?"

Tsai Qin asked.

"No, absolutely not!"

Zhang Wanlin promised, "For the young lady, I must be highly obedient, and I will answer all questions, and didn't Liu Chong answer you just now?"

"I asked you to answer."

"Oh, I know, I will answer next time!"

This time, Cai Qin let go of Zhang Wanlin again.

The scenery in the countryside is naturally much better than in the town, but the steepness of the road is also evident.

That's how Zhang Wanlin came to school, and he was used to it.

But Miss Qian Jin couldn't stand it, how could she have suffered so much when she grew up so much.

After climbing to the middle of the mountain, she was tired and sat on a rock by the side of the road with her legs hanging down, "Take a rest first.

Let's go later. "

Zhang Wanlin was meant to say the last sentence impatiently, but thought that the bodyguard next to her immediately pressed down and squatted down beside Cai Qin and whispered: "Should we set off first, you and the bodyguard will rest here for a while?"

He looked at Tsai Qin with a smile.

Cai Qin frowned, "Little four and five."

The next moment, Zhang Wanlin was pressed to the ground and took a bite of the loess.

These two bodyguards were like wolves, and he overwhelmed him before he had time to run.

"Miss, what are you doing?"

"Huh! What are you doing? You just made a perverted expression. Don't think I don't know what you are doing. Pay attention."

"What did I hit? Pay attention?"

"Anyway, I just don't allow it!"

Tsai Qin said in an unquestionable tone, "Let's go together later!"

"But if you go like this, you may not be able to return to town in the middle of the night."

"So what, anyway, I don't care, I am tired, I want to rest!"


This is definitely not a solution. Zhang Wanlin didn't expect it to be so troublesome to bring a young lady.

He discussed with Liu Chong: "You are in charge of the north side first, and talk to all the country fruit farmers over there, and let them ship the fruit to the town tomorrow."


Liu Chong nodded and went.

Zhang Wanlin was left with Tsai Qin. Tsai Qin felt that it was almost time before she got up and patted her skirt, "Well, now on the road."


"I'll tell you that it's so hard for me to take care of you."


"Little four and five."

"Ah, how do you pull it?"

"Hmph, your tone is wrong."

On the road with Tsai Qin, don't expect to do anything today.

She is leisurely, walking all the way, enjoying the beautiful scenery all the way.

Many birds and insects have never been seen. She pointed at this, clicked on that, and asked about this and that while pulling on Zhang Wanlin's clothes, as if she had opened the door to a new world.

"Wait later."

Tsai Qin said suddenly.

"How to pull it?"

Zhang Wanlin walked over.

"Your tone is dangerous."

Cai Qin reminded him.

Zhang Wanlin changed his smiling expression, "Miss, do you want to rest again?"


Tsai Qin walked on the cliff ahead, "You see how spectacular it is, right?"

She opened her hands and let the wind and waves blow her face, the wind and waves curled up her hair.

She is very beautiful.

The scenery below is unobstructed, and the mountains in the distance are majestic and majestic.

All of this was in her eyes, and her mentality suddenly seemed very comfortable.

"Come here."

Cai Qin waved to Zhang Wanlin.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, Cai Qin had already regarded Zhang Wanlin as a friend, which was different from the bodyguard who was always with him.

The bodyguard is always obedient and has no thoughts at all.

As for him, it seems that every action and every sentence carries a surprise.

"Very dangerous."

Zhang Wanlin walked over, "Miss, come back."

"Aren't you very timid?"

Tsai Qin said playfully, "If you are timid, then step back and I will go alone."

Tsai Qin walked forward step by step, slowly approaching the tip of the cliff.

Some stones fall down because of gravity.

Zhang Wanlin faintly felt bad, "Miss, come back!"

If something happens to the young lady here, he won't be confused! Cai Qin looked at him inexplicably, and she was just startled by his roar.

"What are you yelling at?"

Just after speaking, suddenly, a crack appeared in the rock below, and a large number of stones fell.

In an instant, Tsai Qin went down.

For a moment of shock, Zhang Wanlin desperately came over and took her hand.

Her body was swinging under the cliff.

"Zhang Wanlin, hurry up! Pull me up."

"Small four and five!!"

Zhang Wanlin gritted his teeth, the blue veins on his head skyrocketed, and the whole person tensed all strength for Cai Qin.

He is already very thin and weak, so there is no extra strength.

If it weren't for the tenacious willpower, I'm afraid I would have let go of it long ago.

Fortunately, Xiaosi Xiaowu arrived in time and pulled Tsai Qin up.

Sitting on the ground, Zhang Wanlin was about to collapse, sweating profusely.

Cai Qin sat aside, tears still hung on her beautiful eyelashes, and dew in her dark eyes.

She was really scared just now.

I didn't expect this place to be so dangerous.

"thank you."

Cai Qin raised his head, "You just saved me."

"You are fine."

After this time, Cai Qin's impression of Zhang Wanlin was greatly changed, and he stopped thinking about cleaning him up.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, they wandered and finally arrived at the first fruit grower.

Apples are grown here, and the land is full of apples.

The old farmer was worried that the fruit could not be sold, and he sighed.

Seeing a stranger coming, he raised his head.

"You are?"

"Uncle, we are a distributor, specializing in selling fruits, and the supply is not good. Can you sell me the fruits here?"

The uncle was overjoyed at first, but then he doubted: "Are you a child a dealer?"


Zhang Wanlin said, "As long as you want, we will transport the fruit to the market tomorrow, and we will handle it in a unified way."

"How is the price calculated?"

"How much do you normally sell?"

"Three yuan a catty."

"According to the wholesale price, I will accept all, 1.5 yuan, how about it?"

The uncle is meditating, if you take the quantity, the price is indeed ok.

But what made him hesitate, was this kid reliable?

Can he buy all his apples?

"Why should I believe you?

If I take it and you don’t take it or no one takes it, won’t I lose a lot? "

"This is indeed a problem."

Zhang Wanlin thought for a while and said to Cai Qin, "Give me some money."

Although it was borrowed money, it was still kept by Tsai Qin.

Cai Qin didn't understand what Zhang Wanlin was going to do, but still said, "How much?"