Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1188: punishment

Zhang Wanlin roughly estimated it and said, "Let's go for 500 first."

Cai Qin took out the money and handed it to Zhang Wanlin, who in turn gave the money to the fruit grower, "Old man, this money is the right to be used as a deposit."

"When you ship the fruit early tomorrow morning, I will pay all the money. Would you say this is okay?"

Is this bad?

I took 500 yuan for no reason. What else is there to distrust?

The old man nodded quickly: "Well, with your guarantee, I'm relieved."

"In addition, you also help me inform other fruit growers, let them pull up the fruit that can't be sold, and I will accept any fruit."

"Aiya, you are such a good person."

Guo Nongdao, "Don't worry, I will inform them.

You must be notified in place. "

After all, they are making money on their own, and they must work harder.

When he came out of the fruit farm, Cai Qin was puzzled, "Why do you give 500 yuan generously first, if he takes the money and doesn't do anything, or embezzles it.

We have no evidence, what can you do? "

Zhang Wanlin smiled, "Doing this kind of thing always coexists with risks. If you are afraid of this and that, then what is the right thing to do?"

"It's getting late now, so go back first and continue tomorrow."

Originally Zhang Wanlin's plan was to gather all the fruit farmers here and make arrangements, but considering the situation of this eldest lady, if something goes wrong at night, he will lose his head.

Several people walked on the way back.

It's easy to come here. Tsai Qin can enjoy the scenery carefree. It can be said that the reason why he walks so much is also inseparable from this.

But now, the scenery is tired, but the legs still hurt.

Who can stand that long way?

"Can Zhang Wanlin not leave? I'm tired."

"If you don't want to leave, then I don't mind, you just stay here."

Finally, he said: "I heard that there are wolves nearby.

You must be careful. "

"Why are there wolves!?

Go fast, go fast. "

The sky was dim and the road became darker and darker, which added some danger to the steep road.

To be safe, Zhang Wanlin walked in front, followed by Cai Qin, and then two bodyguards.

Zhang Wanlin pulled Cai Qin, "Be careful."

If it were normal, Cai Qin had already thrown away his hand. How could she be led by a beggar because she was so noble?

But now, it is firmly held.

Naturally, special circumstances need to be dealt with specially.

It took several hours, after eight o'clock in the evening, a few people finally arrived in town.

At this time, the boss of Cai saw that his daughter hadn't come back for a long time, and was worried, and he was looking for him everywhere on the road with people.

Seeing her father, Cai Qin rushed over, "Dad!"

Hold the Cai boss tightly.

Cai Lao Avenue: "Daughter, you are fine."

"Well, it's okay."

Tsai Qin buried his head in the Huai Li, and shook his head.

Cai Lao was furious.

Regarding Zhang Wanlin's trip to the wilderness with his distinguished daughter, it's okay that nothing happened. What should I do if something happens?

Especially when I heard the bodyguard talk about things that were almost life-hanging before.

"Zhang Wanlin, if I lend you money, do you take my daughter to that place?

! "

Cai Lao trembled, "Well, I'll get the money back. You don't have to think about it anymore."

Cai Qin said, "Dad, it's not his business. You should thank him. Without him, I would be in danger."

She walked up to Zhang Wanlin and took his hand, "Thank you so much for what happened today."

Give the bag containing the money to Zhang Wanlin, "This is the money, here you are."

"Oh, yes, I will come to you tomorrow.

Although tired, you are really interesting. "

In any case, Tsai Qin dragged his angry dad and left.

Cai Qin is arrogant and arrogant, the boss of Cai has never seen her so happy.

I was happy and pretended to be angry, cursing and saying this to my daughter.

Cai Qin didn't know him yet, and nodded graciously.

Liu Chong came back and said to Zhang Wanlin: "I have basically negotiated with me."

Zhang Wanlin nodded in satisfaction.

"But there is one more thing I need your help."

"Just say, as long as I can do it, go up to the sword and down to the fire."

"it is good."

The two came to a relatively remote place in the town, where most of the houses were old and lived in dozens of families.

The head teacher lives here.

It's time for revenge.

At this time, he should have been socializing outside, and he has not returned.

Zhang Wanlin and Liu Chong walked to the third floor and knocked on a room door.

The hostess opened the door and thought it was her husband, but it didn't turn out that a child and a young man were standing in front of the door.

"You are?"

The hostess looked puzzled.

Zhang Wanlin smiled and said, "I am a student of the teacher, and he told me to wait for him at his house specially."

"Oh, that's how it is."

The hostess said, "Please come in."

Husband never invites students to come home, this is the first time.

But they were still children, not very old, and did not arouse her suspicion.

They were invited to the living room.

The hostess said: "I don't have anything to entertain here, you will just take it all at once."

"Well, thank you."

The two waited.

The house now has only the hostess.

She was about thirty years old, her appearance was medium, and her figure was pretty good. Zhang Wanlin had been paying attention to her from his side, looking for opportunities.

The hostess picked up the phone and talked with her family there.

"Is the old immortal still dead?"

"What, I want to get money from me, no, tell him no."

"You said I'm his daughter, so why do you have to make some.

Sorry, I don't admit him as a dad.

Why should I support him? He is a burden. It's better to go and die early. "

"Anyway, don't call me anymore.

I won't give money. "

Her father has been seriously ill for a long time and has not had money for treatment.

She dragged the other party to death when she wanted to drag it, but she didn't think about it, and she didn't die.

Also repeatedly asked for money.

It really annoys her.

Seeing that the time was right, Zhang Wanlin nodded to Liu Chong.

It was the first time that Liu Chong had done such a thing, and Liu Chong's palms were sweating.

Taking advantage of the mistress's turning around, he rushed out and pushed her to the ground.

Zhang Wanlin took out the dagger he had prepared and walked over.

"What do you guys want to do?"

"let me go!!"

"I want to call the police and send you to the juvenile management office."

The woman yelled until Zhang Wanlin sent the knife in front of her.

How mature and cruel this child-like person looks at this moment.

"Don't call.

If you call, your beautiful face will have an extra hole. "

Zhang Wanlin threatened, "I think you care about your appearance?"

The hostess nodded and looked at the knife in panic, the child in front of her.