Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1174: Why are you here

"I'm paying you back! Next time, if you come up again, you will slap you. Don't ask me to help."

It turned out that Zhang Wanlin was still worried about the slap just now.

The man got up from the ground and hurriedly took out a small mirror to look at it. Ouch, why did this rash man make such a heavy hand?

I don't know Lianxiangxiyu! Humph! If it wasn't for the purpose, he had to be kicked to death! Zhang Wanlin took a close look at the God and Demon Orb, playing with it in his palm like a baby.

According to his instinct, this God or Demon Orb is a big opportunity. At the same time, he thought to himself, what is the background of the person who can give this thing?

But don't care about him, collect money and help people fall in love! Boil footwashing water at the tauren.

The bull head demon thought he would come back to make alchemy again, and he was surprised: "Why are you back again, and why do you put so much water in alchemy?"

"My idea is not to refine pills, but to wash feet!"

Zhang Wanlin said angrily.

"Ah, are you boiling footwashing water.

Are you going to help the doctor wash your feet! "

The Tauren was taken aback, "This is a great thing."

Zhang Wanlin really didn't see what a good thing this was.

"I was just ordered to boil foot washing water. What does this have to do with washing her feet."

"Since the footwashing water burns you, it will definitely let you wash your feet.

Let me give it to you, the doctor looks really good, and the appearance alone makes people intoxicated.

Holding her feet personally, wow, that is a very happy thing. "


Zhang Wanlin thought that he didn't care about what the Tauren cared about.

"You are so beautiful. Turn around and tell me what it feels like."

The Tauren solemnly patted Zhang Wanlin on the shoulder, as if to explain something important.

Zhang Wanlin didn't bother to care about him.

When he arrived at the doctor's room, Zhang Wanlin knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Zhang Wanlin sent the footwashing water in and planned to go out.

"and many more."

The doctor sat on the bed, "Did you admit your mistake like this?"

"So what do you want?"

Zhang Wanlin walked back, it was impossible for the doctor to wash his feet.

At this time, the door was closed.

"What do you mean?"

The doctor raised his leg and stretched out a jade foot.

This clearly meant Zhang Wanlin was waiting to wash his feet.

Zhang Wanlin thought in his heart, this is not a bad thing, by the way, ask her what hobbies and things do.

"Yeah, good.

Master, your eyes can be considered unique. The original foot washing technique has been passed down to 18 generations, and the technique is excellent! "

"Don't be poor!"


Zhang Wanlin rubbed his hands, picked up the doctor's jade feet, slowly took off the shoes, and then the white socks.

The doctor's feet are very beautiful, white and thin, just like a work of art.

At this moment, Zhang Wanlin took this artwork in his hand and couldn't help but play with it.

"What are you doing?"

The doctor reprimanded.

"Oh, oh, Master."

Zhang Wanlin recovered and quickly put the doctor's feet in the water.

After putting both feet in the water, the doctor ordered: "Throw the petals down."

"OK, all right."

Pieces of scented petals of different colors sank in the water, floating in the water together with the doctor's jade feet, the beauty is called a beauty out of the bath.

Zhang Wanlin couldn't help but put his hand in the water and rubbed it for her.

The doctor didn't say anything this time.

It took a long time for Zhang Wanlin to come back to his senses. He should do business and said to the doctor: "Master, can you tell me what I like?"

"Why do you ask?"

The doctor asked faintly with his eyes closed.

"After all, I will get along for a long time in the future, ask, so I can get to know you better."

"Then ask."

Zhang Wanlin rubbed his calf.

"Doctor, what do you like best."


"I like all kinds of flowers, as long as they are flowers."

"What do you like to eat?"

"I don't eat."

"Then what do you like best?"

"Treat new intractable diseases."

Zhang Wanlin's hands gradually rubbed his thighs and moved.

Finally, the doctor opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Wanlin: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Wanlin looked at himself, ah, he didn't expect that he would rub it there.

"Uh, Master, you are so beautiful, I can't help it."

He rubbed his foot back again.

"If you ask the teacher to have it again next time, not only your eyes, but also your hands will be gone."


It seems that the doctor has a special liking for Zhang Wanlin's feet rubbing, so he rubbed his feet repeatedly in the room until late at night.

When Zhang Wanlin came out of the doctor's room, he was already haughty and sleepy.

I really want to have a good night's sleep.

After pouring footwashing water casually, he often walked to the bedroom.

As soon as he opened the door, he pulled him in with one hand and kicked the door shut by the way.

Zhang Wanlin was about to yell, but was gagged by the other party.

"what is your name?

I am not a robber! "

The man gagged his mouth tightly.

It turned out to be the man just now, why is he still stuck in the bedroom?

Zhang Wanlin felt dizzy.

What is going on today?

But what's the scent on him?

Isn’t it strange that a big man sprays such a strong fragrance?

The two sat facing each other, and Zhang Wanlin said, "Can't you come back tomorrow?"

"Don't be in a hurry!"

"Speak quickly, what the **** is it?"

God, I just washed my feet, now I have to... Zhang Wanlin is really tired.

He walked aside and lay on the bed, looking very tired.

The man dragged him to get him up.

"Hurry up! I'll give you everything!"


Zhang Wanlin said quietly, "One word, flower!"


The man seemed to be energetic, "What flower?"

"All flowers.

She likes these things.

So you know it, now you can go. "

The man murmured, "My God or Devil Orb will be exchanged for a word. I would not change it if I knew it a long time ago."

But he didn't seem to mean to go.

"Big brother, don't you want to sleep here?"

Zhang Wanlin was surprised, "I am not a comrade."

"But I don't sleep, where do you want to sleep?"

The man said, "I can't eat and sleep outside, right?"

"If you really can, that's not bad. In short, you can sleep wherever you want, just don't disturb me."

"I only know you, so I must sleep with you."

The man said, he couldn't help but squeezed into the bed, "Besides how precious my God or Devil Orb is, just at this point, you have to let me sleep, right?"

"Hey, brother, you sleep as soon as you sleep. This is my only bed. Are you coming to squeeze too?

! "

"Don't you talk about it, it's the only bed, I don't sleep here, where do I sleep!?"

Zhang Wanlin was speechless.

This bed was originally small, but now it is crowded with two big men.

Really overwhelmed.