Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1173: man

"The bath?"

Zhang Wanlin pretended not to think of anything, "Isn't it just the bath, I'll see if the water is cold."

"Do you dare to go?"

The doctor took out the silver needle to visit on the table.

Zhang Wanlin hurriedly sat down and smiled hippiely, "Doctor, can you raise your hand high for this?"

I swear, I didn't mean it, absolutely. "

He held up his right hand and said solemnly.

"Then you did it intentionally?"

"Ah, no, doctor, I'm a gentleman."

"Does it look good?"


"I ask you if my body looks good?"


At this time, how could Zhang Wanlin say something that is not good-looking, but even if it is good-looking, it seems to be very dangerous.

The doctor was grinding the silver needle in his hand, "Since it looks good, tell me which eye I take you?"


Master doesn’t have such a thing. I’m your only apprentice. I have a single pass. How can I see a doctor without my eyes? How can I develop your reputation. "

"Don't worry, I will only take one, and the other will not be affected in any way."

"Master, I can beg you, I will definitely not dare to do it next time, okay?

Let me go this time. "

Zhang Wanlin said, "After seeing a doctor, I will bring tea and water. I will do everything and I will pack it."

At the critical moment, Zhang Wanlin patted his chest to make sure.

"Well, this is what you said, I didn't force you, right?"

The doctor asked with a smile.

"No... Nothing forced."

This is not too much, this master really is.

Knowing this a long time ago, I shouldn't have been a doctor's apprentice.

"Well, it's not too late now. Go and prepare a basin of footwash for me. I want to wash my feet."


The doctor returned to the room, Zhang Wanlin stayed in the seat and sighed.

You can do it, the future will be difficult.

The door opened, and the bull head devilishly rushed in, "Zhang Wanlin, Master Zhang! Boss Zhang, you must help me!"

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Wanlin looked surprised when he saw his posture, and saw that his face was gray, and he looked exhausted.

"The pill I made was ruined again today!"

As he said, the Tauren was angry, "Today, I wanted to add some materials to increase the speed, but I didn't expect that as soon as I threw it in, guess what, it exploded!!!"

"The pill that I worked so hard to refine today is ruined, and I have to re-finish it tomorrow. When will I continue to grow like this?"

"So Zhang Wanlin, you must help me."

Zhang Wanlin sighed. The Bull Head Demon was also really stupid. There were only a few steps involved in boiling water to make alchemy. It was repeated failures and failures.

"Then how can I help you?"

He said sympathetically.

"Help me secretly refine alchemy."

Bull's head touched his ear and said secretly.

"Huh! Help you refine alchemy, isn't this tricky?

No, no, no. "

Today, the doctor was planning to ask for Zhang Wanlin's eyes. If she knew about them, those eyes would really be unprotected.

The most important thing for a doctor is reality, begging for flames and deception.

"Hey, Zhang Wanlin feels that you are a smart person. If you don't tell me, I won't tell you, then who knows?"

Minotaur reminded.

"But if I practice good medicine for you in a few minutes, what if the doctor asks you to practice again?"

"That's the same."

The Minotaur patted his forehead before thinking of this.

"So you should do it slowly."

When the tauren left, he complained, "Damn, tomorrow is another day in the refining pharmacy."

Zhang Wanlin came to the garden to prepare the doctor to prepare the footwashing water. The doctor's footwashing water is very particular. You need to use the clean water from the lotus pond, plus the petals of various colors.

The water in the pond is clear and solitary under the lotus leaf infestation. As for the petals of various colors, they have the effect of beautifying and beautifying the skin and have some fragrance, and the color matching is also extremely rich.

The time to fetch water and the time to collect flowers is also extremely demanding. It must be eight o'clock in the evening. One more second will not work, and one second less will not work.

It must be done in one go.

Just after he was hitting the water, a stone slammed over and hit Zhang Wanlin's forehead.

"Who! Throwing stones at night, no quality and no education!"

Zhang Wanlin put down his things and prepared to go over the theory. There is no other doctor here except the tauren who is a doctor.

It is impossible for the Tauren to be busy refining medicine.

Doctor, she would rather throw a silver needle than a stone.

This shows that it is someone else! Zhang Wanlin went deep into the bushes and walked forward step by step.

"Come out soon, or I'll call the police!"

"Don't let me find you!"

"If you find it..." The words went on, and he slapped him in the face, and he was dragged into the depths.

A man was making a boo gesture to make him quieter in the middle of the night.

Before Zhang Wanlin recovered from his slap, he saw this beautiful man.

Under the dimness of the night, his contour lines became softer and more beautiful.

Feeling like a beauty, Zhang Wanlin was startled, isn't this the man who is infatuated during the day.

It turned out that he didn't leave, but stayed here all the time.

"What are you still doing here?"

Zhang Wanlin asked.

"Master won't see you, you should give up."

"How can I give up?"

The man was very reconciled, "Isn't it a process to pursue a woman? Which girl would agree to someone casually?"

That’s right.

Zhang Wanlin said: "But you should have used this for tens of thousands of years, why don't you give up?"

"Hey, this is a long story."

The man was dejected, "Who told me that my love for her was so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people?

I stay here just to ask you to do me a favor. "

"What's busy?"

Zhang Wanlin was instinctively alert.

"Hey, don't you want to get up yet, listen to me.

I want you to help me chase Rouer.

I found out, it seems that there is only you, she won't mind too much.

So I think you are the best candidate to help me! "

"No way, no way! How can I help you with this?"

Zhang Wanlin objected loudly. If he didn't think he died enough, he would do such a thankless thing.

"I'll give you money!"


"I give you a lot of money!"

"Damn, you're never finished, right?"

"Then what do you want?"

"I want you to stay away from me!"

"How about I give you this?"

The man carefully took out an orb from his clothes. The orb glowed purple in the night and looked very beautiful.

"This is the God or Devil Orb, but it hides ancient techniques and can help you cultivate.

How's it going? "

Zhang Wanlin was really moved, and grabbed it, "Okay, I'll help you.

The question is how to help? "

"You first ask me about her hobbies."

"What, I don't know after chasing for so long?"

"Hey, it's a long story."

"Okay, it's done."

When Zhang Wanlin left, he suddenly slapped the man in the face with a slap, and the man fell to the ground with an ouch.