Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

v3 Chapter 4692: The price of losing the War of the Immortals!

Chapter 4692 The price of failure in the Immortal World War!

   Once the power of the source of this fairyland is taken away,

   means that the overall strength of this fairyland will also decrease and decline accordingly.

   Once more of the power source of the fairy world can be captured, the overall power of the fairy world will also increase accordingly! This is actually a very simple relationship between addition and subtraction strength.

   So this is actually very clear,

  If they lose this fairy world war,

   The source of their fairyland power in the eternal fairyland will also weaken! At that time, the weakening of the power source of the fairyland will directly lead to the reduction of the seats of the Heavenly Venerate powerhouse in their eternal fairyland.

  Even if only one is missing,

   But that\'s the real big problem!

   The position of this Tianzun strong man,

  Who is going down? Of course it can\'t be anyone else.

   The others didn\'t even participate in the Immortal World War, how could it be them? At that time, this place will only be chosen between him and the Ninth Emperor, the two losers who lost the Immortal World War.

  Since I lost,

   Then you have to bear the consequences and pay the price,

   This is also the origin of the 9th Emperor\'s previous sentence, \'A decision of life and death\'!

   After all, if they really got to that point, they would definitely work hard no matter what, in order to keep their own Daoguo seat of the Heavenly Venerate Powerhouse! There is absolutely no doubt about that.

   Because of this,

   The words of Emperor IX are indeed correct,

  Compared with this result, even paying some price is nothing at all.

   As a dignified and powerful Heavenly Venerate, they just don’t care about some external things.

   what they really care about,

   There is only one!

   That is their status as a Heavenly Venerate Powerhouse,

   There is also the dao fruit of the strong that day! This is the most important, and not one of them.

   "But why extradite that guy? Don\'t you forget that Mingduhai, who is also at war with Tianzi Immortal Realm. Before the war, they are too busy to take care of themselves. Why do you want to help us?"

   "And, if we really want to find someone to help us...why don\'t we go to the Worm God? Isn\'t he much better than extraditing the guy who eats people and doesn\'t spit out bones?"

  Eternal Sun Tianzun frowned.

   Crossing the sea, one of the gods of the eternal fairyland,

   is also the Eternal Immortal Realm today! One of the most prosperous behemoths,

   Even they already have them now, and it will become a trend to respect the Taoism on the first day!

   In their Eternal Immortal Realm, the position of the first day of the Dao Lineage has always been sitting in circles, just like when they were in the Sun Moon God Court, and when the Supreme Academy was like that!

   The so-called feng shui turns,

   It’s just that now it’s become that ghost crossing the sea.

   As for the extradition they speak of,

   is one of the Heavenly Venerate powerhouses who crossed the sea!

   Its original title is:

   King of Extradition!

   In addition, the Worm God, this is another Heavenly Venerate Dao Lineage of their Eternal Immortal Realm - the Heavenly Venerate Powerhouse of the Wormhole Cave. Of course, this is also the only Heavenly Venerate expert in the Wormhole Cave that day!

   At the same time, he is also known as the God of the Snail, the ancestor of the snail, the ancestor of the insect and so on!

   Relatively speaking, he is indeed more talkative than the king of extradition of Mingduhai, not to mention, that Mingduhai has always acted domineering! Not only is this the king of extradition, but the other, more powerful powerhouse... even more so!

   In this day and age, among the great celestial lineages of their eternal immortal world, this Mingduhai is definitely the one with the worst behavior and the worst reputation! Hardly one.

   so that over time,

   Everyone hides from them,

   It is not a last resort, and no one wants to contact them at all!

   They are all three feet away from them, fearful like snakes and scorpions.

   "If there is a choice, of course I would rather choose the God of Snails, but now we don\'t have a choice, if we ask him to help... I\'m afraid we will still lose!" Emperor Ninth shook his head and said.

   "What are you kidding?"

  Eternal Day Tianzun\'s face sank, and he said coldly. "If the three of us join forces, we will still lose? Then you might as well just say that the two of them can kill us! Hmph! It\'s ridiculous!"

   The Ninth Emperor glanced at the Eternal Sun Heavenly Venerate,

   suddenly grinned and said.

   "Then if I tell you, what do I really think?"

  Eternal Day Tianzun\'s eyes trembled,

   Then he stared at the Ninth Emperor, his eyes gloomy, and there was a kind of intimidating momentum in the air.

"Ha ha…"

   But the Ninth Emperor just sneered,

   satirized immediately. sneered.

   "Okay, what do you mean by scaring me here? Could it be that you thought I would be afraid of you?"

   "Yongri, use your stupid brain and think about it!"

   "A dignified Nine Gods Forbidden! Do you think he will stay where he is, or will he continue to become stronger?"

   "Furthermore, if he calculates according to his ability to leapfrog the level of the Nine Gods Forbidden level, his current cultivation realm will at most only be at the peak of the ancient gods of chaos."

"If it is said that he will break through to the peak of the ancient **** of chaos in the future, or even the ancient **** of breaking the void in half a step, do you think that at that time, he, and his Tianfeng clone who entered the peak of the ancient **** of chaos, are together. Can you deal with him? Or can you and I together, beat him? Not to mention the gods..."

   "Hehe, if you wait for him to recover to his peak strength, then I! And Shentai, it\'s your rut!"

   "Hehe... To be honest, I didn\'t expect you to underestimate them. Should I say that you are very confident? Or should I say that you are sitting on the well and watching the sky and overthinking your abilities?"

   "Isn\'t it possible, it\'s really good, the scars have forgotten the pain! Nanli Fengzu is so powerful, have you forgotten all about it?!"


   At this time, I saw that Eternal Sun Tianzun shouted loudly and shouted angrily!

   Then he saw it raised his head,

   stared at the ninth emperor,

   There is an extremely fierce look in his eyes!

  \'s complexion also became very ugly,

   After all, he is a dignified Heavenly Venerate powerhouse, and being scolded by the Ninth Emperor with his nose like this will of course make him very uncomfortable! Even a little angry, but! But now he has to admit,

   The words of the 9th Emperor are right!

  If it turns into that kind of ending,

  He, the Ninth Emperor, the God of Snails, these three ordinary Heavenly Venerate powerhouses might not be enough! After all, the final outcome of their Sun and Moon Divine Court... was actually a very clear lesson from the past!

   Of course, he doesn\'t believe that any one of the nine gods can become the legendary Nanli Fengzu, but if you add the long-established Shentiandu...

   This may be really hard to say!

   "So, are you actually going to go to the Hades?"

  Eternal Sun Tianzun asked with narrowed eyes.

   Huangquan Hades, another Heavenly Venerate powerhouse besides the King of Extradition,

   And more importantly, this Huangquan Hades is not an ordinary Heavenly Venerate powerhouse, but a top Heavenly Venerate who is better than ordinary Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses!

   (end of this chapter)