Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

v3 Chapter 4691: Help!

Chapter 4691 Ask for help!

   This is actually the same as those top Tianyuan Dao Zun, or those top Dao ancestors,

   As long as their natal weapons or other types of external forces of their own can reach this level, then they are the top Tianyuan Dao Zun, or the top Taoist ancestors!

   And this top holy Taoist, too,

   As long as the natal weapon of any holy Taoist strong man, or the power of some other type of external force in his hand, can also reach the level of the holy Taoist,

   Then, this is the sign and standard of a top-level sacred Taoist strong man!

   What about Fade Chen? His own body has the strength of the sacred Taoist level, and his Tianfeng clone also has the strength of the sacred Taoist level, which is enough to judge his true strength!

   This is definitely a real top holy Taoist! At the same time, that guy can indeed be put together with their ordinary Heavenly Venerate powerhouses, on a par with them!

   But for them,

   is great bad news! What\'s more, this is not a head, behind this inexplicable appearance of Chen Fei and Chen Kongkong, there is actually a Shentiandu who suddenly came back to life!

   Of course he realized,

  Compared to Chen Fei and Chen Void, that Shentiandu... is undoubtedly a bigger and more difficult problem! After all, in the hands of the guy surnamed Chen, there is no head of the Heavenly Venerate powerhouse.

   But the gods are in the hands of heaven, but they really have it!

   And after thinking about this,

   He also finally knew,

Why? The Ninth Emperor has the patience to come to him...because, this is indeed a big thing! Moreover, if this is not handled properly, it may even directly change the ending!

"what are you thinking?"

"Also, what kind of strength is this Shentiandu? Why did you join forces with that Shentai, so it would be like this? Could it be that his strength is even better than that of the top Tianzun? This should be... impossible, right? ?"

   After a while, Eternal Sun Tianzun glanced at the Ninth Emperor, his eyes twinkling.

   "Impossible? Why not?"

   But the Ninth Emperor sneered and said. "Otherwise, how do you think we lost in the first place? Even if you don\'t believe in my strength, do you also believe in the strength of Shentai Tianzun?"

   "You must know who he was at the time, but he is really only one step away from the level of the top Heavenly Venerate!"

   Hearing this, Eternal Sun Tianzun fell silent,

  Because he couldn\'t refute it, he knew that the original God Tai Tianzun was indeed so strong! It is only one step away from the level of the top Tianzun powerhouse!

   And at this time,

   The Ninth Emperor spoke again, said.

"To talk about this divine capital, his Myriad Immortal Tree is terrifying! You must know that back then, even if it was just his Myriad Immortal Tree, he almost had the strength comparable to the top Heavenly Venerate powerhouse! If you add him After myself... I can tell you very clearly that even when he was at his peak, he was only strong or weak against the top Heavenly Venerate experts!"

  Eternal Sun Tianzun paused, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

   Then he said goodbye again and asked!

   "What about him now?"

"right now…"

  The Ninth Emperor was silent for a while,

  \'s eyes also began to be cloudy and uncertain,

   It wasn\'t long before he saw him shaking his head, his eyes twinkling.

"I\'m not sure, but I\'m pretty sure! Shentai\'s death definitely hit his Myriad Immortal Tree, and it almost shattered and disintegrated... Even if he has managed to recover a little now, it\'s definitely impossible. It will be the state of the strongest period!"

   "And he was indeed killed by me back then. Although he is resurrected now, he must have paid a great price!"

  Da da da, da da…

  Eternal Sun Tianzun stretched out his hand and tapped lightly on the edge of the lake,

   At the same time, I saw him shaking his head, his eyes twinkling.

   "Even if he only has the original strength of the divine Taoist, the Ten Thousand Immortals Tree has only recovered to the level of the divine Taoist! So now he also has the strength of the top divine Taoist?"

   The Ninth Emperor glanced at Eternal Sun Heavenly Venerate,

   Then he nodded expressionlessly and said.

   "I\'m afraid so!"

"And this is only the best result... If it\'s the worst case, don\'t forget the guy named Chen, it\'s also a very difficult problem, after all, it\'s the Nine Gods Forbidden! Even if he can\'t become The legendary figure like Nanli Fengzu back then, but as long as he starts to gain momentum, I\'m afraid it will be enough for us to drink a pot!"

   "And most importantly, I think you should also be very clear that we must not lose this fairyland war! Unless you are mentally prepared to fight me for life and death!"

   As soon as these words came out, I saw that Eternal Day Tianzun was stunned for a while, but then he saw his eyes flickering and raised his head, his eyes were staring at the Ninth Emperor, and he was so quiet,

   And seeing this scene,

   I saw the eyes of the Ninth Emperor, but he did not move away, but just kept his face expressionless with the eyes of the Eternal Sun Heavenly Venerate, confronting and confronting each other for a long time.

   "Hehe...Humph!" After a while, I saw that Eternal Sun Tianzun suddenly sneered, then shook his head and said lightly. "Then what are you going to do?"

   "I want to ask for extradition... for help!"

   Ninth Emperor said slowly,

   As soon as these words come out,

   I saw the eyes of the Eternal Sun Tianzun, and immediately narrowed, said.

   "You mean, the extradition of Mingduhai?"


"Are you crazy?"

  Eternal Day Tianzun\'s face sank, and he said coldly.

"To ask him for help, do you know how much we have to pay if we open this mouth to him to satisfy his appetite? Who is he, don\'t you know? That\'s a group of cannibals A devil who doesn\'t spit out bones!"

   "I know! But compared to the result after the defeat of the Immortal World War, this is nothing at all, is it?"

   The Ninth Emperor looked at Eternal Sun Tianzun with a calm expression, and his eyes flickered. "To ask him to help us is nothing more than the reward for plundering resources in this Immortal World War. We don\'t want it, even if it\'s not enough! At most, it\'s just based on this, and give him some more. It is Tianzun, is it possible that you will still be reluctant to give up these external things?"

   hear this,

   The expression on the face of Eternal Sun Tianzun at this time is very ugly!

   The result after the defeat of the fairy world war?

   Of course he knew.

   In fact, the immortal world war itself is for monks of different levels,

   also has different meanings!

   For the bottom layer, this immortal war is the destruction of the world, a meat grinder, and a **** death stage! full of despair.

   For middle and high-level people, this fairy world war is an opportunity, an opportunity, and a stage for their rise! There is hope.

   But for true high-rise ceilings like them,

   The existence of this fairy world war,

   is actually a gaming table through and through!

   has great benefits!

   Every time the birth of the fairy world war, do you think it is an invasion?

   Yes, but no!

   In fact, in every immortal world war, whether it is the Eternal Immortal Realm or the Qingtian Immortal Realm, they will put enough chips on the gambling table and let them plunder each other!

   This is the true essence of the fairy world war,

   Gambling, and looting!

   And behind this true core essence,

   actually refers to the competition for the source power of the fairy world!

   (end of this chapter)