Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 19: Squad Leader Wang Kai

Chapter 19 Squad Leader Wang Kai

   Zhao Le, who was dressed in a very fashionable suit, led the crowd into the Red River Restaurant.

  This is a well-known high-end consumption place in Beishan City. The decoration is very gorgeous, the dishes are delicious, and the grades are also high. Therefore, many rich people and dignitaries like to come here to eat. The consumption is naturally not cheap.

   From this, it can be seen that their monitor Wang Kai did well, because the two tables they booked were still private rooms and the price was higher.

"Wow, isn\'t this Zhao Le, our literary and art committee member? He\'s become beautiful again, really charming, and Hua Zhinan, Zheng Kaige, and Chen Fei are also here. Come and sit, come and sit." The classmates in the private room saw When Chen Fei and others arrived, they immediately greeted him, excited.

   Sure enough, the arrival of beautiful beauties is the most exciting thing for the men present, especially those guys from ordinary families. If they were in normal times, they would not have the opportunity to talk to Zhao Le.

   "Damn it, this private room is so big and luxurious. Squad Leader Wang has to spend a lot of money for this party, right?" Zheng Kaige was frightened by the luxurious scene in front of him as soon as he came in, and said loudly.

  Although he is running a taxi and earns a lot of hard money all year round, he is still reluctant to let him spend money in such a luxurious place.

"Of course, it doesn\'t matter who our monitor is, he is someone who is going to work in the central hospital. Of course he has the ability." There was a chubby, cute-looking **** with a smile. When he opened his mouth, there were almost no stars in his eyes.

   You must know that she liked Wang Kai, the squad leader, very much, but the other party didn\'t like her. She was still depressed for a long time.

   But even so, she has always been a loyal \'fan\' of Wang Kai. Once she has the opportunity to tout her Prince Charming, she will never miss this opportunity and will definitely jump out.

   "I said Tan Juan, the monitor hasn\'t arrived yet, so it\'s a little inappropriate for you to tout him like that."

  Zhao Le suddenly interjected with a smile and said, "However, the consumption of this Red River Restaurant is indeed quite expensive. The last time I came to this private room with a friend, the meal cost my friend more than 8,000."

   "What, more than eight thousand!?"

   "Zhao Le, you\'ve been here before, yes, you are so beautiful, someone will definitely invite you to spend in such a high-end hotel."

   The students present were surprised.

   Just one meal, they ate more than 8,000, which is still luxurious enough for them, too expensive.

   However, they also heard the overtones of what Zhao Le said. The implication is that she seems to be getting along well recently, she often goes to and from such high-end places, and it is also a treat for others, which is really enviable!

   "Hey, it\'s all for other people\'s treats. If I were myself, I would definitely not be willing to spend in such a place. It\'s too expensive."

Zhao Le smiled gracefully, but suddenly, her eyes swept to Hua Zhinan and Chen Fei who had just taken their seats, and said with a smile: "Hua Zhinan, Chen Fei, I think you two are driving over here. Yes, it should have been a good few months after graduation."

   The wealth of Hua Zhinan\'s family, other than Fade Chen and the three of them in the dormitory, the other classmates don\'t know about it, that\'s why she speaks like this, thinking that they are lucky and prosperous.

"Hey, it\'s nothing. It\'s just that my dad just recently handed me a few stores in Beishan City to take care of. After earning some spare money, he bought a car to travel. There\'s nothing wrong with it, haha." Hua Zhinan heard the words and said with a big smile, pretending to be in place.

   Even when his family was severely financially blocked back then, his ability to pretend was the best in their dormitory. This shows how powerful he is.

   "Ah, Hua Zhinan, you... I didn\'t expect that, so you are the hidden rich second generation of our class." Sure enough, the classmates were immediately surprised when they heard this.

  Because, I can buy a Mercedes-Benz in a few months after taking over the store, but I definitely feel that the business is not small.

"Hua Zhinan, if you don\'t mind, can I ask you what those stores do?" Zhao Le\'s eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he pretended to be elegant and twisted the hair on his forehead, pretending to be curious. road.

   "It\'s nothing, you\'ve heard of Jinnan jewelry, right? That\'s what my dad opened." Slid glanced at each other and said with a smile.

"Wow, what, Jinnan jewelry actually belongs to your family, Hua Zhinan, then you are really rich. Last time I went to the grand event Tongzhou City, I bought a jade bracelet there. If I had known earlier It was opened by your house, I must ask you to give me a discount and a discount."

   "My dear, I didn\'t expect our class\'s hidden Gao Fushuai to be here. How about it? Tan Juan and Hua Zhinan are the young owners of Jinnan Jewelry. They are much better than the class leader. Do you want to think about it?"


   A bunch of people were stunned for a moment, and then immediately started booing everywhere in envy.

   Most of them are from Beishan or Jiangnan Province, and of course they have heard the name of Jinnan Jewelry. Even if it can\'t compare to those large jewelry stores in the national chain, it can at least rank in the top ten in this Jiangnan Province. This is already very good.

   "Go, what nonsense are you talking about." Tan Juan, who had a chubby face, snarled immediately, blushing, but out of the corner of the eye was secretly drifting "Gao Fu Shuai" Hua Zhinan.

  Although he does like the monitor Wang Kai, a large part of it is because the other party is excellent and rich.

   And now, suddenly there is a super hidden rich second generation, the young owner of Jin Nan Jewelry, which is naturally worthy of her careful consideration. After all, even if the squad leader can enter the central hospital, he may not be able to earn millions in the future, which is too much.

   Chen Fei smiled speechlessly when he saw this scene, but he still knew that his brother was usually good at it.

   If it wasn\'t for his father\'s strict prohibition before, I\'m afraid he would have flown into the sky long ago, and he would have waited until now.

   "Hello, classmates!" At this moment, a cool-haired man in a black suit, striped tie, and Cheng Liang\'s leather shoes walked into the private room with great gestures.

   Everyone saw that it was their previous monitor, Wang Kai.

"Everyone, it\'s been a long time." This guy is worthy of being the master who loves face. As soon as he came in, he was full of official voices, and he spoke like a leader in various scenes, which made the brows of many students present frown. Only those with Tan The **** led by Juan\'s eyes lit up and immediately became excited.

   "Sir, you are finally here. We have been waiting for you here for a long time." Tan Juan said in a pretentious manner, looking straight at Wang Kai.

The latter frowned, then quickly dispersed, looked at everyone present and said with a smile: "You classmates are able to come here for the party today, it can be regarded as giving me a face to Wang Kai, thank you very much, thank you. I think everyone is almost here. , or else, let\'s start serving."

   "I\'ll serve the food now, there should be a few people who haven\'t arrived." Chen Fei was startled when he heard this. There should be a few people right now. If you just serve it like this, isn\'t it a little bad?

"Huh?" Hearing Chen Fei\'s words, Wang Kai\'s face immediately became displeased and lightly: "It turned out to be Chen Fei, it\'s been a long time. It\'s okay, since most of the classmates have arrived, it doesn\'t matter if the food is served first, I believe those Late classmates will understand, right?"

   "Since it\'s the squad leader\'s treat today, then what he said is what it is. What do you think, Fade Chen?" Zhao Le stood up to smooth things out.

"Yo, isn\'t this Zhao Le, our literary and art committee member? I haven\'t seen you for a few months, and I almost don\'t recognize you anymore. You\'ve become beautiful again." Seeing Zhao Le, who was dressed in fashion, Wang Kai suddenly looked in front of him. Liang, it is necessary to get together to \'exchange\' feelings.

Seeing this, Zhao Le\'s bright eyes immediately showed a strange color, pretending not to see Wang Kai approaching, elegantly walking towards Chen Fei on high heels, raising his glass, and smiling: "Chen Fei, the two of us I haven\'t seen you for a long time, I still remember that it was the front and back tables, come and have a drink."

   Chen Fei didn\'t expect the other party to use him as a shield, but they were indeed the front and back tables at the beginning. Although the relationship was not good, it has been so long, and it\'s okay to help a little.

   Thinking of this, Chen Fei immediately raised the wine glass in his hand, and said with a smile: "Since it is the literary and art committee toasting me, then I am naturally more respectful than obeying my order, Zhao Le, I will do it first."

Seeing this scene, Wang Kai immediately became unhappy, with a gloomy face, looking at Chen Fei and mocking: "Student Chen Fei, we haven\'t seen each other for a long time since graduation? How have you been recently? You should have found something good. Let\'s work?"

   "You bastard..." Slicker got angry when he saw Wang Kai\'s attitude, what dare to talk to his brother like that?

   But Fade Chen stopped him in private, shook his head, looked at the other party lightly and said, "It\'s nothing, it\'s just a little doctor."

"Oh, doctor, good doctor, with Fade Chen, you can really be a doctor based on your achievements in our original time. However, I have to go to work in the central hospital recently. We will be the same industry in the future, and we need to communicate more. "When Wang Kai heard that Chen Fei was actually a little doctor, his tone became even more mocking.

   In his opinion, the other party is at most just working in a small clinic or a small hospital, which is too low-level.

  You must know that he now has the opportunity to enter Beishan Central Hospital to work. As the city\'s largest tertiary hospital with the best medical conditions and a stable number one ranking, even the top students who graduated from the Department of Medicine of Chongben University would find it difficult to enter that kind of place to work. That\'s why he is so proud and proud The head considers himself superior, because he feels that now he himself has this qualification.

After saying these words, Wang Kai\'s mentality became more arrogant, and he even felt that his former classmate Chen Fei was no longer on the same level as him. Let’s have a meal together for a few days. We are classmates, so we should get close to each other.”

"Have a meal?"

   Zhao Le looked a little disgusted.

   It is undeniable that Wang Kai\'s energy and circumstances make him envious of being able to go to work in the central hospital, but she really doesn\'t like such hypocritical people.

   "I\'m sorry, I\'ve been busy during this time. I\'ll talk about the meal later." This is a complete rejection, even a fool can hear it.

   "Zhao Le, you are wrong..."

   That Wang Kai\'s eyes suddenly became cloudy, his face full of displeasure, but at this moment, his phone suddenly rang.

   (end of this chapter)