Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 171: Open your mouth! Apologize!

Chapter 171 Open your mouth! Apologize!

   Now that the words have come to this point, the brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin and Jun Yuanyi are naturally speechless.

   After all, Chen Fei\'s tyrannical strength is so clearly placed here, except for the elder of the Sacred Fire Sect, the brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin, no one else is his enemy! So, what else can we do?

   "In this case, we are indeed too impulsive, and we have offended, please Haihan." The brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin said gloomily, and then raised his hand at Chen Fei to express his apology.

  If he is the only one here now, if there is not so much drag, with his identity and strength and the anger towards Chen Fei in his heart, it is impossible for him to be so humble and apologetic, and bow his head first. But the problem is that he really can\'t do it now! There are too many \'burdens\' around, especially Jun Yuanyi!

   You must know that he is the grandson of their half-step innate ancestor of the Sacred Fire Sect. If he is killed here by the other party\'s disagreement, his red heart will definitely be blamed! It\'s hard to take this responsibility!

   Seeing this scene, Jun Yuanyi\'s lungs exploded with anger, and uncontrollable anger appeared in his eyes, but he still bit his lip and didn\'t dare to say more! Obviously, he is also afraid that the other party will kill him directly because of a disagreement! He was really scared!

   As for whether the opponent has this strength, does he really dare to kill him! He Jun Yuanyi is unwilling to gamble! Don\'t dare to gamble!


   Chen Fei heard a mocking sneer on his face, and said slowly: "What do you mean, forget it?"

"Otherwise, what else do you want? Don\'t forget, we are members of the Sacred Fire Sect. Do you really want to forge a **** feud with our Sacred Fire Sect for the sake of a mere ordinary person? It\'s really not worth doing that!" The old man Xue Hongxin couldn\'t help but scolded angrily, his turbid eyes were full of anger.

  You know, if it weren\'t for him being too \'burdened\' now, how could he speak in such a low voice, but now, a young man in his twenties is still not satisfied, and he has to make further progress! Do you really think that his snow red heart is made of mud? Squeeze how you want?

   And not only that, you must know that they are people of the dignified Sacred Fire Sect, one of the second-rate ancient warrior sects in the ancient martial arts circle in the southern land of China, with a profound background and a great reputation!

   But now, the other party is still ignoring their identity and background! Not satisfied yet! Still have to measure up! Does this mean looking down on their Sacred Fire Sect?

"There is a deep hatred in the sea of ​​blood, but you really look down on yourselves." However, when Chen Fei heard this, he just sneered disdainfully, but his eyes swept to the resentful and angry Jun Yuanyi, playful: "I remember, you seemed to be just now. Tell me to get out?"

When Jun Yuanyi heard the words, his pupils shrank suddenly, his lips trembled, and he said angrily: "What do you mean? You have broken my arm now, are you still not satisfied, and you have to make further progress? You have to figure it out for me. , my grandfather is a half-step innate powerhouse! If it really falls out, no one will think about it better!"

"It\'s as if you\'ve already forgiven me in your heart! If I guessed correctly, what you must be thinking now is that after I\'m gone, immediately go back and bring rescue soldiers to trouble me and avenge me, right? " Chen Fei curled his lips when he heard the words.

   He is not a fool! Of course, it\'s easy to guess what the other person is thinking. After all, if you put yourself in his shoes, it is estimated that his reaction will be similar! Compromise first, and then immediately go to rescue soldiers to take revenge!

   Jun Yuanyi\'s face froze when he heard this, but he didn\'t expect that the thoughts in his heart were actually seen through by Fade Chen!

   That\'s right, he really thought so in his heart, he first made a compromise, and then immediately returned to the Sacred Fire Sect to ask his grandfather to come out!

   He didn\'t believe that no matter how talented and powerful the opponent was, could he still be better than his half-step innate grandfather? That\'s totally unrealistic! Totally impossible!

   He actually dared to cut off an arm of his Jun Yuanyi, which made him feel extremely resentful. At the same time, he had already thought of 10,000 ways to make the other side dare to cut off his arm, this bastard.

   Let him experience the most painful pain in the world!

   Let the family, friends, and even relatives behind him perish!

   But now, the other party actually saw through his Jun Yuanyi\'s thoughts at this time, the evil thoughts in his heart!

   This made him feel cold all over! His face changed greatly!

"You can rest assured, as long as you promise to stop now, our army Yuanyi promises to never trouble you in the future. If you violate this oath, the sky will be struck by thunder!" The next moment, he couldn\'t help shaking all over and raised the only one One hand, with a serious look, swears!

   Of course, swearing is just swearing! The resentment and hatred for Chen Fei in his heart has not diminished in the slightest! On the contrary, it became more intense.

   So he followed and made a real oath in his heart, he must make Chen Fei pay the price, he must let that **** die!

   "Applause yourself!"

   But at the next moment, Fade Chen uttered a voice expressionlessly.

   Open your mouth? Want to let Yuan Yi, the young master of the Sacred Fire Sect, applaud himself?

Not only did Jun Yuanyi suddenly change his face when he heard the words, but even the brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin, who had been holding on to his anger, finally couldn\'t bear it any longer. With a cold face, he burst out with an extremely fiery aura: " Boy, I warn you one last time! Don\'t go too far!"

"Hehe, if you don\'t like me, you can continue to do it! But then I can guarantee it! Tonight, you guys don\'t even want to step out of this villa! Leave them all for me!" Fade Chen sneered. sound. The complexion of the brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin suddenly changed, extremely ugly, and his breathing was tight.

   He thought that Fade Chen was threatening himself. If he dared to continue, Fade Chen would keep everyone except him, all the disciples of the Sacred Fire Sect, and their young master of the Sacred Fire Sect, Yuan Yi, here! Kill them all! Not one left!

   However, he didn\'t know that Chen Fei\'s words included his Sacred Fire Sect elder, Xue Hongxin!

   After all, in Chen Fei\'s eyes, the brown-spotted old man is at most only one line ahead of Liu Chun, the captain of the Flying Leopard! Although it is a bit troublesome, but if you want to kill, you can definitely kill it!

   "As for you."

Fade Chen\'s indifferent eyes swept to Jun Yuanyi\'s trembling face again, and said lightly: "I am a person, I really hate someone to be dirty in front of me! So I slapped my mouth once, and the matter between us will be forgotten. , otherwise, you can do it yourself."

   Jun Yuanyi\'s lungs almost exploded when he heard the words, his eyes were red, his lips were trembling and a little blue, and his eyes were full of grievances. Angry to the extreme!

  You must know that he is Jun Yuanyi! The dignified Young Master of the Holy Fire Sect! He is also a super genius who has been difficult to appear in the Sacred Fire Sect for decades. At the same time, his grandfather is also the ancestor of the Sacred Fire Sect.

   So how could anyone dare to be disrespectful to him?

   It\'s too late to kneel on the ground and flatter him!

   But now, but now Chen Fei actually let him slap himself! In full view!

   This is simply humiliation, and his entire face is distorted: "Chen, don\'t go too far! If you really get into trouble, it won\'t be good for anyone!"


   However, when Chen Fei heard this, he just stretched out three fingers lightly and said.

   "You really want to tear your face with our Sacred Fire Sect?" Jun Yuanyi scolded violently with blue veins on his forehead when he saw this, his tone and face extremely ferocious.


   Chen Fei\'s light voice made his heart tremble.

   "You, you, you..." He couldn\'t help pointing at Fade Chen with trembling fingers, but this time, he couldn\'t say those "crazy words" before. Because Fade Chen\'s eyes that looked at him were gradually getting colder, and a chilling chill gradually enveloped him. Let his body go cold!


   And the brown-spotted old man, Xue Hong, saw this scene, his turbid eyes suddenly twitched, he waved his hands, and the holy flame in his hand made a strange noise, as if he couldn\'t hold it anymore. But at the next moment, the action in his hand suddenly stagnated, and his face was dumbfounded!

  Because he only heard a \'pop\', Jun Yuanyi raised the remaining hand and gnashed his teeth and gave him a slap. And this scene naturally shocked the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect!

   Young Master, he actually gave him a slap in the face! ?

  This, this, this is not their dream, right?

   "Can you do it now?" After slapping himself, Jun Yuanyi gnashed his teeth and looked at Fade Chen.

  Although he looks tough now, in fact, everyone present can see that he is afraid, otherwise, with his status and past personality, it is impossible to come here and slap himself! As the Young Master of the Sacred Fire Sect, I lost all my face!

   "I can do it on my side, but not on my brother\'s side."

Fade Chen said, actually took out a small video camera from his clothes bag, grinned at Jun Yuanyi and said harmlessly: "Come, record a video, record an apology video for my brother, this one Even if it\'s over, it\'s very simple, right?"

   Very, very simple, right?

   Jun Yuanyi almost didn\'t swallow a mouthful of old blood when he heard the words, he only felt the hot eyes around him, and his face was hot too!

   I didn\'t expect Chen Fei to let him slap himself, and he was still not satisfied, and asked ****** to record an apology video! ? I am grass mud horse, you were playing with me just now, right? At this moment in his heart, he just wanted to tear Fade Chen into eight pieces and madly kill him! Unfortunately, he doesn\'t have that strength, so he can only bow his head!

   Anyway, I slapped myself, and I completely lost my face. It’s not bad for this one. Jun Yuanyi so comforted himself in his heart, and he honestly recorded an apology video, and it lasted for three minutes!

   Ten minutes later, Chen Fei came out of the seaside villa, his eyes narrowed with a smirk on his face.

   Apart from the guys who were courting death before, he was very satisfied with today\'s trip! Give that guy who dared to bully his brother a hard lesson and make a deep impression!

   As for whether the other party will stop after this, or will not be willing to come to him for revenge! He doesn\'t care. If you have the ability, come try it.

   Anyway, he is really busy recently, he needs to find something to do!

   (end of this chapter)