Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 170: Centurion Black Gold Card

Chapter 170 Centurion Black Gold Card

Indeed, in the eyes of those in the Sacred Fire Sect, Chen Fei\'s previous actions, whether it was killing people in front of Jun Yuanyi and Elder Xue Hongxin, or maybe ranting like that, with a frivolous look, are all true. Too bold, actually dare not to put their Sacred Fire Sect in the eyes! Really looking for death!

"Arrogant junior! You know, I haven\'t seen anyone dare to kill my Sacred Fire Sect disciple for a long time, and it\'s still in front of my Xue Hongxin!" The brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin\'s voice was gloomy, staring at Chen. Fei, his eyes are like a cold poisonous scorpion.

   "Really? Then you saw it now?" Chen Fei smiled faintly when he heard the words. Interesting, just a first-class ancient martial artist, is he really regarded as a congenital powerhouse? Funny, pretend to be a fart!

   "Yes, I have seen it now. So, you have to die, look at the move!" The brown-spotted old man Xue Hong said with a cold heart, and the flames of the Sacred Flame Sect in his hands were brilliant! Suddenly, it was terrifying.

For a moment, there was a flaming flame attacking Chen Fei in front of everyone, especially the holy fire order with the blade light and cold in the raging flame, it was like a terrifying poisonous snake, carrying terrifying power and flames. Ragingly, one left and one right beheaded Fade Chen\'s ribs from the flanks. Its imposing manner is so powerful that it is several times stronger than those before!

   "On this level?"

However, when Chen Fei saw this, he just smiled faintly, and then his left and right hands trembled with five claws, and he shook it suddenly. A frightening tiger\'s momentum burst out like a raging tide in an instant, as if the Yellow River burst its banks. A punch slammed into the opponent\'s forehead.


   The brown-spotted old man, Xue Hongxin, seemed to sense some kind of threat, his wrinkled old face suddenly changed color, forcibly stopped the offensive block, and fought with Chen Fei with the torch held in his left and right hands, making a deafening crisp sound! Confused.

   "He, he is actually able to fight against Elder Xuehong Xinxue with his bare hands?" Everyone present was stunned, especially Jun Yuanyi\'s eyes were filled with a combination of inconceivable, resentment and jealousy.

   You must know that the brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin is a dignified, real first-class ancient martial artist! But now a young man in his twenties in Chen Fei\'s district is actually able to fight against him with his bare hands, and he fights back and forth! This is simply unacceptable to him! Full of jealousy and humiliation!

   You must know that he, Jun Yuanyi, is a genius who has been hard to appear in the Sacred Fire Sect for decades!

   But now Chen Fei is an unknown junior in the district, and he is in the same age group, but he is actually stronger than him, stronger than him, and more talented than him! Doesn\'t this mean that his military Yuanyi is inferior to people? Not as good as a nameless junior?

Do not!

   Absolutely not!

   Our army Yuanyi is the real genius!

In an instant, Yuan Yi, the young master of the Sacred Fire Sect, had a strong sinister look in his eyes, staring at the battlefield between Chen Fei and the brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin, looking for an opportunity, and then suddenly swelled up his whole body strength, Thunder can\'t hide his ears and makes a crazy shot!


  The seventh-level huge power of the Holy Fire Order Magical Art was fully released under the 100% contrast of the Holy Fire Order Qimen\'s weapons! After moving towards Chen Fei, he was attacked!

   "Another sneak attack? Looking for death!"

Fade Chen felt the threat of \'micro-moment\' coming from behind. Although he could completely ignore it, this move of the other party was another sneak attack, and it was still the kind of sneak attack that mercilessly wanted to kill with one hit. He couldn\'t help being angry, his eyes flashed with icy coldness!

   There was an explosion of \'锵\', and Fade Chen directly raised his hand and waved his fist to lift the brown-spotted old man Xue Hong\'s heart flying.

   Then he saw that he snatched the opponent\'s weapon of the Holy Fire Order Qimen directly, clenched his palm tightly, and swiped his backhand back, and then everyone present heard a sound like a cutting!


   The holy flame that broke into two pieces dropped the weapon to the ground and made a sound, causing the eyes of both the people present and the army Yuanyi to shrink suddenly, and the chill on the back and spine came out! The face froze!

  This, how is this possible?

   You must know that this was a sneak attack by Yuanyi, the young master of the Sacred Fire Sect, but the other party actually responded so quickly, and even robbed the weapon in Elder Xue’s hand! ?

  Mom, damn, this is not a dream! ? But this is too incredible, right?

"I\'m looking for a dead end!" Fade Chen saw that his blow just cut off the opponent\'s weapon without hurting anyone, and suddenly snorted with dissatisfaction, grabbed the weapon in his hand, and slashed forward, a mortal body The milky white light that was hard to see with the naked eye immediately shot out and slashed at the opponent.

"Stop, stop! We are members of the Sacred Fire Sect, and that is the grandson of our ancestor of the Sacred Fire Sect, a half-step innate powerhouse! Stop it, stop it! Otherwise, if you really committed something irreparable wrong, There is nowhere to escape, not even a place to be buried..." The brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin\'s complexion changed instantly, shouting loudly.

   You must know that Jun Yuanyi is the grandson of their Sacred Fire Sect ancestor, but now something happens to him under the care of his snow red heart! Even if it is his identity, the dignified Sacred Fire Sect elder will be in great trouble, and even if he dies...

   However, Fade Chen didn\'t even bother to pay attention to him, so he made a simple stroke, blood splashed, his arms flew horizontally, Jun Yuanyi\'s face suddenly paled, and there was a trembling color in his eyes.

  Because one of his arms was beheaded by Fade Chen!


   Everyone present couldn\'t help but take a deep breath! His face was full of shock!

  You know, that is their Young Master of the Sacred Fire Sect! The grandson of the dignified half-step innate powerhouse, but now, the other party has no scruples, unscrupulous, and cut off one of his arms! This, this, how can this be! ?

   "You, you, how dare you cut off one of my arms!?" Jun Yuanyi held the wound on his arm, his lips trembling, his face was pale, he couldn\'t believe it.

   His arm was chopped off by Fade Chen!

   One of his arms was chopped off by Fade Chen!

   And his strength will inevitably drop due to this!

   "If you talk nonsense in front of me again, I don\'t mind pointing at your neck or heart next time." Fade Chen glanced at him indifferently after hearing this, and said lightly. In fact, he was originally aimed at the opponent\'s vital points just now, but he was barely avoided by the opponent\'s close call, so he only broke one arm.

   But even so, he was not ready to continue to shoot, because the opponent attacked him once, and he also returned the color once, and **** for tat.

   Being able to dodge can be regarded as his luck, or his strength, and he should not die!

   "Who are you? Our Sacred Fire Sect didn\'t offend you, right?" Seeing this scene, the brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin couldn\'t help but said with a gloomy expression. At this time, he finally realized that Fade Chen was too strong, he could not kill him easily, so he didn\'t dare to shoot again. Just in case!

   "Who am I? Ask him." When Chen Fei heard this, he pointed at Jun Yuanyi\'s mouth and drew a sneer.

   "I, I\'ve never seen you before, how could it be because of me!?" Jun Yuanyi couldn\'t help roaring fiercely when he heard the words. He swore to God that he had never seen Chen Fei at all, how could it be because of him?

"Haven\'t seen me? Oh, yes, you really haven\'t seen me, but you should know the name Hua Zhinan, right? It\'s the person you let He Che secretly attack before. And he is my brother Chen Fei!" When Chen Fei heard this, he first smiled lightly, and then suddenly looked sharp and said coldly.

   "What! Is it him?"

   Jun Yuanyi\'s eyes shrank suddenly when he heard the words, and an absurd look appeared on his face.

  What, it\'s him, just because of that ordinary person, his army Yuanyi suffered such a catastrophe today, and his arm was cut off! ?

  No, how is this possible! ?

"I remember that I asked someone to send you a message before? Let the He family in Macau let my brother go, but how did you do it? Let He Che detain my brother for another night? Humph! What a great prestige! " Chen Fei snorted again.

"But Your Excellency, even if this is the case, this matter is at best a misunderstanding. After all, we didn\'t know that the young man was your friend, but now, you have killed three of our Sacred Fire Sect disciples! His arm was chopped off! It\'s just such a trivial matter, just a misunderstanding, as for how ruthless it is?" However, the brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin couldn\'t help but ask when she heard the words.

   He also knows about Hua Zhinan. If the other party is really the friend of the young man in front of him, then they have gone a little too far!

   But the problem is that even so, this kind of trivial matter, to put it bluntly, is actually just a misunderstanding. As for doing so absolutely? As soon as they came up, they killed three disciples of their Sacred Fire Sect, and even cut off an arm of Yuan Yi, the young master of their Sacred Fire Sect! Isn\'t this a bit too much! ?

   "So ruthless?"

Fade Chen glanced at him strangely when he heard the words, and said slowly: "Seriously, I came here today, and I don\'t seem to have any intention of killing people. But how did you do it? As soon as you came up, you couldn\'t help but want to kill me. . Anyway, do you blame me?"

   Wen Yan Jun Yuanyi and others looked dull and stupid. As if, as if that were the case.

   "He, he, him, and him!"

Chen Fei stretched out his hand and pointed to the three people who were on the ground, whose life and death were unknown. Finally, his finger with a dull expression fell in the direction of Jun Yuanyi, and smiled lightly: "The three of them, and you, one of them attacked me. Once, and it also made me feel the killing intent. So I retaliated once and didn\'t leave my hand, is there any problem?"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone present, including the brown-spotted old man Xue Hongxin and the young master of the Sacred Fire Sect, Yuan Yi, had a gloomy and stiff face!

   Yes, if they hadn\'t come up, they couldn\'t help but besiege and attack Chen Fei with all kinds of deadly hands, and they wouldn\'t have gotten to this point! Three dead and one seriously injured! His dignified Sacred Fire Sect Young Master Yuan Yi\'s arm was also chopped off by the opponent, not only his vitality was greatly injured! It is also very likely that the strength will plummet because of this! Completely blood loss!

   But their behavior justifies an old saying: self-inflicted!

   You deserve it!

   (end of this chapter)