Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Chapter 330

Ji chieftain's face is already gloomy and drips out of the water. The faces of other people are as ugly as eating shit.

Only Ji Linglong, tossed down by the monsoon smoke, couldn't help but want to laugh. Looking at her father's and many brothers and sisters' faces, her mood soared for no reason.

I have to say

It's the first time in my life that I've been able to let Ji family eat shriveled food.

"Is this last point improvised by monsoon smoke?

She was in a bad mood one day, so she made a third point directly. Then, who would hit and who would die!

This time, they really want to cry without tears.

Jijia, who thinks he's smart, has become a joke with all the excuses and rules under the strong suppression of monsoon smoke.

Monsoon smoke doesn't eat their way at all!

You tell her the rules?

Let's talk with the three pointed and two edged Dao in Yang Jian's hand first.

"Is there anything else you don't understand?" The monsoon smoke looked at the people with a smile and a "I'm good to talk" look.

Ji's family can only hold up smiling faces, which are worse than crying.

"Since there's nothing wrong, let's go back to have a rest." The monsoon smoke rises at will, takes the Liuhuo and Yang Jian and so on, swaggers the backyard to walk.

In the middle of it, she suddenly stopped.

"Oh, I have some other things outside. Please go to fetch them for me with uncle Er and Ji Qingshang."

Said, the monsoon smoke will not return to leave.

Ji Qingchang stared, unable to believe that he was called by monsoon smoke as a servant.


Looking at the blood in front of me

Ji Qingshang counsels.

Ji Linglong silently watched Ji chieftain and others were angry and pale, and left the hall slowly with snow leopard.

"Father..." Ji mubai's lips trembled a little and looked at Ji chieftain with a pale face.

Ji chieftain's hand, which is holding the handle of the chair, tightens a little bit. His eyes are full of hatred, but there is something called fear.

At this time, he realized that Lei's family was tortured by the "unreasonable" of monsoon smoke.

It's really

There is nothing to do.

"Uncle I Can I go back to my father's for a while? " Ji Qingshang is very sad. She is really afraid now. Monsoon smoke makes her men cut down nearly 100 guards. Ji chieftain has not been taken seriously for a long time. Now she has brought a group of guards to Ji's house. In the future Is not Jijia the world of monsoon smoke?

At the thought of all kinds of tit for tat with monsoon smoke before, Ji Qingshang would like to flee Ji's home immediately.

"You think you'll be fine if you leave?" Ji chieftain looks at Ji Qingshang coldly.

Ji Qingshang was shocked a little. He immediately remembered that in addition to the powerful force, monsoon smoke was also carrying the identity of the world exterminator. This identity alone was enough to make her breathless. If monsoon smoke really wanted to trouble her, even her Laozi could not protect her.

Everyone in Ji's family is in a dead silence. If Ji chieftain beats Ji Qingshang, he is telling everyone in Ji's family?

Why not warn himself?

Ji's day has changed.