Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Chapter 329

The monsoon smoke carelessly glanced over the pale faces of all the people, suddenly opened his mouth, hooked his fingers to the Butler standing behind Ji chieftain.

The housekeeper was scared to death. He had been cleaned up by monsoon smoke since he came back. Since then, he had a grudge against monsoon smoke. On weekdays, Ji chieftain often said that it was not monsoon smoke. Ji chieftain was so hostile to monsoon smoke that he had more or less his "contribution".

However, after seeing the ferocity of monsoon smoke with his own eyes, the Butler thoroughly counseled.

Almost shaking his legs, the housekeeper walked to the front of the monsoon smoke, his face white as if he was going to faint in the next second.

"Nine Miss nine, what can I do for you... " The steward's sharp tongue has been scared for a long time. He looks at the monsoon smoke with a dejected face and respectfully. He is afraid that the monsoon smoke will not be happy, so he will be cut off.

"I'm thirsty." The monsoon smoke smiled at the housekeeper.

The Butler's back was soaked with cold sweat, so he almost knelt down for monsoon smoke on the spot.

"I'll make tea for you!"

"Well." The monsoon smoke is incomparably gentle and nods.

The housekeeper dare not have a moment's hesitation. He flies to make tea. In a short time, he brings the tea to the front of the monsoon smoke.

The monsoon smoke drank two mouthfuls of tea, which was leisurely, like coming home to visit. But the marble floor under her feet had been dyed red by blood, and the warm blood had been dispelled on the cold stone floor. Only the smell of blood filled people's nostrils.

Everyone in Ji's family is frightened at the moment.

Ji chieftain's face changed from white to green, and his anger and fear of chest compression made him dare not to be angry.

Now, every minute, every second, is a great torture for them.

The monsoon smoke drinks tea, the leg that cocks up is bumped, look up to Ji chieftain not to worry, smile a way: "it seems, is no one want to chat with me?"


Ji's family's throat was filled with blood.

Who dares to talk to you?

This is to talk about human life!

"Since everyone has nothing to say, it's easy." "I'll move back to Jijia from today, but you know, I'm born with a bad temper. If I'm going to have a temper in the future and do something, please forgive me."

Born with a bad temper?

When you were little, you had a good temper!

In the hearts of all the people, there was a storm, but they dared not show it.

Even the season clothes which are the most wrong with the monsoon smoke have become extremely honest at the moment.

They can't hear the looming threat in the mouth of the monsoon smoke, but in the face of absolute strength, they can only swallow their breath.

"If there's any trouble, I'll make an appointment with you first." The smoke God of the monsoon wrote.

"First, I like quiet, so if you are OK, I hope you don't disturb me."

Ji's family is silent.

At this moment, even if the monsoon smoke wants them to disturb, they will not go!

It's a hidden killer!

"Second, I'm a short guard, so if the people I bring are bullied, I don't know what I will do. I hope you don't embarrass them."

Ji's family looked at Yang Jian, who was standing in a pool of blood, with white faces. Their hearts were already full of tears.

With this strength, do they have the ability to be difficult?