Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Chapter 320

The strength of pride is obvious.

But the monsoon smoke can also feel that the real Qi in her inner alchemy is continuously consumed, which is faster and faster, which also proves that Yang Jian's strength is constantly rising with the battle.

This surprised the monsoon smoke.

takes the blood of the immortal as the medium to create a puppet, though it can be the spirit of the wooden body, and absorb the essence of the world into puppet power, but that transformation has certain limitations.

In a sense, the puppet's action is like a dye machine, and the real Qi is only a small part of it.

And it is this small part of consumption, but in the battle unlimited expansion, can be imagined, Yang Jian at the moment into the spirit is also crazy soaring!

At this point, the thing that monsoon smoke is creating Yang Jian has never been thought of.

It's almost impossible.

But it was such an impossible thing, but it happened in front of her eyes.

Seeing Yang Jian gradually become more proud of the speed, and from a disadvantage into a draw, the eyes of monsoon smoke couldn't help brightening up.

The consumption of that genuine Qi is a drop in the bucket for her, but How can Yang Jian evolve in battle?

It's amazing!

The monsoon smoke is hot, but the Leiao in the battle with Yang Jian is already frightened!

After putting on the world destroying armor, Lei Ao beat Yang Jian all the way from the beginning. According to the calculation, he could take Yang Jian down in a few moves.


To kill him, he didn't expect that Yang Jian's strength would continue to increase in the battle, and this increase, the speed, just let Lei Ao spit blood.

If Lei Ao calms down, he will find that his own strength is gradually weakened unconsciously, and every time he weakens, it is Yang Jian's promotion, a touch of unconscious breath, is constantly being printed into Yang Jian's body from Lei Ao's body little by little with the intensification of the battle

This is Yang Jian, the root of evolution!

If you are strong, you will be strong!

During the fierce battle, Lei Ao was shocked and lost his square inch. He was kicked by Yang Jian and kicked out!

Leiao, wrapped under the armor, fell to the ground heavily, and the annihilation armor on his body made a clear sound under the impact of the ground.

What's more terrible is that a crackling sound resounds in Leiao's ear.

Leiao's Breastplate was kicked apart!

The fine lines of the cobweb spread from his chest to all sides.

In an instant, Leiao's eyes widened incredibly, and leiqin took a breath of cold air!

The world destroying armor has been broken!!

How can it be!!

The fragmentation of the annihilation armor makes Lei's family completely fall into a huge panic.

After thousands of years of inheritance and countless wars, the world destroying armor can still be immortal, but today

It actually

Being kicked to pieces

"Eh? Isn't your world destroying armor fake? " The sound of the monsoon smoke was suddenly heard by Lei's family.

Lei's family can't help but get excited, and their faces are ugly beyond words.

Although the annihilation armor is owned by every family, it is the first armor given by the earliest master of Shenglong empire